A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Mensagem para Naw-Ruz desde Brasil
O Ano Novo já veio
“Sabeis em que ciclo fostes criados e em que era da história humana existis? Esta é a era da Abençoada Perfeição e este o tempo do Máximo Nome! Este é o século da Manifestação, a era do Sol dos Horizontes e da bela primavera de Sua Santidade, o Eterno!
A Terra está em movimento e crescimento; as montanhas, as colinas e as planícies estão verdes e esplendorosas; as benesses estão florindo; a misericórdia é universal; a chuva caí das nuvens da generosidade; o Sol brilha resplandecente; a lua cheia ornamenta o horizonte do éter; a grande onda oceânica está em plenitude com as águas de todo corrégo pequeno; as dádivas se sucedem; os favores são intermináveis; e a brisa refrescante está soprando, trazendo o frescor perfumado das florações. Tesouro inexaurível encontra-se nas mãos do Rei dos Reis! Levantai as bordas de vossas vestes para receber suas riquezas.
Se não sois felizes e alegres nesta estação do ano, por qual outra esperareis?
Este é o tempo de crescimento; a época de reunião alegre e festiva! Tomai em vossas mãos a taça do Testamento; pulai e dançai com êxtase na procissão triunfal do Convênio! Depositai vossa confiança na generosidade eterna, voltai-vos para a presença de Deus, que é generoso; pedi ajuda do Reino de Abhá; buscai confirmação do Mundo Supremo; volvei vossa visão para o horizonte da riqueza eterna; e implorai pela ajuda da Fonte da Misericórdia!
Logo vereis os amigos atingindo seu destino longamente esperado e armando suas tendas, enquanto estamos apenas no primeiro dia da jornada.
Este período de tempo é a Era Prometida, a reunião da raça humana para o “Dia da Ressureição”, e agora é o grande “Dia do Julgamento”. Logo o mundo inteiro, como na primavera, mudará toda a sua aparecência. A mudança e a queda das folhas de outono já ocorreram; a frieza do inverno terminou. O novo ano já veio e a primavera espiritual está presente. A terra obscura está se tornando um jardim verdejante; os desertos e as montanhas estão enfeitados com flores vermelhas; da aridez dos desertos surgem espessos gramados como guardiões diante de formosos ciprestes e das árvores plenas de jasmins; enquanto os pássaros cantam em meio a roseirais perfumados como anjos do céus, anunciando as boas novas do aparecimento daquela tão esperada primavera espiritual, e a doce música de suas vozes fazem com que se movam e balance a essência de todas as coisas.”
From JMG: HomoQuotable - Michael Kirby
"Openness about sexuality helps to destroy the foundation for prejudice and discrimination. One day there will be a big parliamentary apology to gay people for the oppression that was forced on them and the inequalities that were maintained in the law well beyond their use-by date. Just like the delayed 2008 apology to the Aboriginal people of our country.
"I also do not doubt that, in a comparatively short time, Australia will move towards same-sex civil unions and gay marriage. No one has satisfactorily explained how my 40-year loving relationship with my partner Johan in any way affects (still less undermines) heterosexual marriage. If Australians are now more homophobic than racist, as some recent public opinion polls suggest, this is because Australians have lacked good leadership on this issue." - Former Australian High Court Justice Michael Kirby, from a book of essays about justice issues just distributed to high schools and universities. Kirby came out as gay in 1999 during his 13-year tenure on the High Court, which is Australia's version of the U.S. Supreme Court.
(Tipped by JMG reader Arthur)
Labels: Australia, HomoQuotable, LGBT rights, Michael Kirby
reposted from JMGFrom Belirico: A New Queer Order?
The day began with an ENDA-focused blog swarm and a HRC sponsored rally calling for repeal of DADT and continued with Dan Choi, Robin McGehee, and Jim Pietrangelo being arrested outside of the White House while protesting DADT and ten activists being arrested demanding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi move ENDA to the House floor for a vote.
Friday, March 19, 2010
From JMG: The Dutch Are PISSED At Gen. Sheehan
Led by Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, the Dutch government today blasted retired U.S. Gen. John Sheehan over his claim that gay Dutch soldiers caused the Bosnian genocide.
"The remarks were outrageous, wrong and beneath contempt," Balkenende told a news conference. The Dutch Defense Ministry called Sheehan's claims "absolute nonsense" and added that gay Dutch soldiers routinely cooperate with the U.S. military in the NATO mission in Afghanistan. Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen called the claim "the bizarre private opinion of someone without an official function". Renee Jones-Bos, the Dutch ambassador to the United States, said in a statement, "I couldn't disagree more" with Sheehan, adding there was no evidence of his claims in the extensive record of research on Srebrenica. Military unions were equally angry. Dutch news agency ANP quoted the head of the military union AFMP as saying Sheehan's comments were "out of the realm of fiction", while the head of the gay soldiers' group SHK called his comments "the ridiculous convulsion of a loner".The Dutch commander that supposedly informed Sheehan about those weak gay soldiers has not come forward, if he exists at all.
Labels: DADT, Holland, John Sheehan, military, Netherlands
From JMG: Today On Ellen DeGeneres: Constance McMillen Gets $30K Scholarship
Mississippi teen Constance McMillen will appear on today's episode of Ellen where she'll be awarded a $30K scholarship in recognition of her activism on behalf of gay youth. McMillen's school board canceled her prom several weeks ago rather than allow her to attend with her girlfriend. Since then she's appeared on countless media outlets talking about discrimination against LGBT youth. The scholarship fund was raised by the readers and owner of Tonic.com. Here's a clip from today's show.
Labels: Constance McMillen, education, Ellen Degeneres, gay youth
Dear Daniel, Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" requires strong, decisive actions from our President and Congress, which means that our community and allies must put the pressure on and keep it on. This week, the message from our community was clear: the time for repeal is here, and we hold our leaders accountable for delivering it.
Sincerely, Joe Solmonese
Joe Conason | Right Wing Gone Wild
Read the Article
From Huffington
Rob Smith: Did Dan Choi Jump the Shark, or Has the Gay Community Forgotten What Real Activism Is?
People keep wondering who's going to be the Martin Luther King of the gay rights movement, and that I still don't know, but I think yesterday's actions may have put us one step closer to finding our Malcolm X.