Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - July 22, 2020 💌

The first being one must have compassion for is oneself. You can't be a witness to your thoughts with a chip on your shoulder or an axe to grind.
Ramana Maharshi said, "If people would stop wailing alas I am a sinner and use all that energy to get on with it they would all be enlightened."

He also said, "When you're cleaning up the outer temple before going to the inner temple, don't stop to read everything you're going to throw away..."

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: What Anger Indicates

When anger arises, it is pointing to something. Our anger is a clue to our underlying beliefs about ourselves.

—Jules Shuzen Harris, “Uprooting the Seeds of Anger”


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: Drop Your Negative Stories

The more we learn to let go of thoughts, the more we gain the ability to drop our negative stories. As we continue to practice, we may begin to catch ourselves earlier in the chain—perhaps even noticing dislike at the feeling level and choosing a mindful response rather than automatic reaction. 

—Sean Murphy, “Get Out Of Your Head”


Monday, July 20, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: Fostering Peace

Real peace is not simply the absence of violent conflict but a state of harmony: harmony between people; harmony between humanity and nature; and harmony within ourselves. 

—Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Fostering Peace, Inside and Out”


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dennis McEoin: Iran targets its largest minority, the Bahai

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - July 19, 2020 💌

The final step in integrating meditation into your awareness is to use the stuff of daily life as part of your meditation. There are ways of perceiving the world and the way you live in it such that each experience brings you more deeply into the meditative space.

At the same time, however, this kind of meditation requires firm grounding: you must continue to function effectively in the world as you meditate on it. This is meditation in action. It finally becomes the core of a consciously lived life, a meditative space within you. This space stands between each thing you notice and each response you make, allowing a peaceful, quiet, and spacious view of the universe.

- Ram Dass _

Via Daily Dharma: Finding Steadiness of Mind

Equanimity is steadiness of mind, unshakeableness, imperturbability.

—Peter Doobinin, “Sutta Study: The Failings of the World”


Via Daily Dharma: Let Yourself Rest

Through prolonged practice, we meditators may begin to recognize that we are simply worn out from the striving—and thus open a door to deeper understanding of the dharma.
—Sarah Conover, “‘Minefulness’: A Case Study”

Via FB

Friday, July 17, 2020

What if...


Via Daily Dharma: Set Your Thoughts Free

Ordinary discursive thoughts will just rear up again
Like poison that’s lain dormant,
Until you’ve really understood the subtle crucial point—
How thoughts are set free just as they arise.

—Patrul Rinpoche, “Liberating Your Thoughts”


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Via White Crane Institute // ANTINOUS

This Day in Gay History

July 16

0110 -

ANTINOUS born (d: 130 C.E.); If there was an All Time Beautiful Men contest, this man would have been a contender if he didn’t just walk away with the cup. And like most beauties, be married well. Antinous was a famous beauty of the ancient world who became the beloved of the emperor Hadrian.

He may have been a male prostitute when Hadrian met him, but his origins are obscure though later on he was believed to have been the product of a virgin birth. All that is known for certain is that Hadrian was immediately and utterly smitten with the beautiful 15-year-old.

From that time on, Antinous was with the emperor constantly until a journey to Egypt where he was drowned in the Nile. Some say that Antinous, knowing that a prophecy had declared the death of Hadrian unless a living sacrifice were to be offered in his place, died so that his lover might live. Others believe that Antinous, growing into young manhood, was ashamed of playing mistress to the emperor.

The most poignant story is that the boy killed himself because he couldn’t bear the idea of growing old. What we know for certain is that Hadrian’s grief at the death of Antinous was uncontained and nothing short of monumental. He deified him and founded the city of Antinopoölis in Egypt in his honor (and many other Antinopoölises elsewhere in the world) and renamed the boy’s birthplace Antinopoölis as well.

A cult was inaugurated in his honor that focused on the youth who was born of a virgin and went on to sacrifice his own life for the good of mankind. Coins were minted with his likeness and numerous busts and shatteringly beautiful statues were erected to commemorate the beauty of this youth and the love the emperor felt for him (there are so many beautiful images that are purported to be Antinous it is hard to choose which one to include here).

After deification, Antinous was associated with and depicted as the Egyptian god Osiris, associated with the rebirth of the Nile. Virgin birth. Risen from death. Sacrificed for the benefit of all people. 

Sound familiar?

Antinous was depicted as the Roman Bacchus, a god related to fertility, cutting vine leaves. Sociologist Royston Lambert wrote an utterly fascinating study of the relationship of Hadrian and Antinous as well as an equally intriguing discussion of the parallels between this story of a young man, sacrificed and associated with rebirth, and another contemporaneous story about a young man from Nazareth.

Highly recommended: Check this out on Amazon .

Via Daily Dharma: Celebrate the Light

Threaded through the dark tangle of our misery are strings of light. We are no more responsible for the light than for the dark, but surely it is wise to celebrate the beauty of the light that has manifested in and through us.

—Matthew Gindin, “Putting to Rest the Myth of the Heroic Self”


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: Befriend Who You Already Are

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.

—Pema Chödrön,“Nothing to (Im)prove”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - July 15, 2020 💌

If we accept that the ends of our actions often prove unknowable, we’re also freer to be focused on the process of our work as it’s happening. We can be attentive to situations as they occur. What lies before us is it. Helping is right here. Not having to know so badly, not wandering off looking, we’re more able to be present, freer simply to be.
We needn’t be troubled or worn down, then, by paradox and ambiguity. The mystery of helping can be our ally, our teacher, an environment for wonder and discovery. If we enter into it openly, our actions fall into perspective, a larger pattern we can trust. At rest in the Witness, meanwhile, we greet the outcome of our action with equanimity.

Here is a final shift in perspective which can help release us from burnout: We do what we can.

- Ram Dass -