Sunday, March 14, 2021

Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer #1 (2012) - Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Wachows...

Via White Crane Institute // PI DAY


1592 -

PI DAY is a holiday held to celebrate the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14th (3/14), due to π being roughly equal to 3.14. The Pi Minute is also sometimes celebrated on March 14 at 1:59 p.m. If π is truncated to seven decimal places, it becomes 3.1415926, making March 14 at 1:59:26 p.m., Pi Second (or sometimes March 14, 1592 at 6:53:58 a.m.).

The first Pi Day celebration was held at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988, with staff and public marching around one of its circular spaces, and then consuming fruit pies; the museum has since added pizza pies to its Pi Day menu.

The founder of Pi Day was Larry Shaw, a now retired physicist at the Exploratorium who still helps out with the celebrations. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology often mails out its acceptance letters to be delivered to prospective students on Pi Day.

Some also celebrate Pi Approximation Day in addition to Pi Day, which can fall on any of several dates:

  • April 26: The Earth has traveled two radians of its orbit by this day (April 25th in leap years); thus the entire orbit divided by the distance traveled equals pi
  • July 22: 22/7 in the more common day/month date format, an ancient approximation of pi
  • November 10: The 314th day of the year (November 9 in leap years)
  • December 21, 1:13 p.m.: The 355th day of the year (December 20 in leap years), celebrated at 1:13 for the Chinese approximation 355/113

On Pi Day, 2004, Daniel Tammet calculated and recited 22,514 decimal digits of pi.

Somewhat appropriately, it would seem, Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day, 1879.

Via Daily Dharma: Healing Anger

 From the perspective of Buddhism, staying calm comes from healing our own anger.

—Mindy Newman, “How to Stay Calm in a Raging World”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - March 14, 2021 💌

We're all just walking each other home. 

- Ram Dass -

Saturday, March 13, 2021

B. Santa Ana, 1986

Three Principal Aspects of the Path & Praise to the 17 Nalanda Masters -...

Buddhism and Science

Via Tricycle // Question Perception


Question Perception
By Ruth King
Our perceptions can easily lead us astray. Through the practice of questioning perception, we can begin to dislodge our most deeply-rooted racial biases and judgments. 
Read more »

Via Daily Dharma: Let Your Thoughts Disperse

Thoughts are like clouds and can vanish just as clouds naturally disperse into space... We cannot push the clouds away, but we can allow the clouds of thought to gradually dissolve until finally all the clouds have vanished.

—Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche, “As the Clouds Vanish”


Friday, March 12, 2021

Via White Crane Institue // JACK KEROUAC


Jack Kerouac
1922 -

JACK KEROUAC, American writer (d. 1969); an American novelist, writer, poet and artist. Along with William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, he is among the best known of the writers (and friends) known as the Beat Generation. Kerouac's work was popular, but received little critical acclaim during his lifetime. Today, he is considered an important and influential writer who inspired others, including Tom Robbins, Lester Bangs, Richard Brautigan and Ken Kesey, and writers of the New Journalism. Kerouac also influenced musicians such as The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Morrissey, Tom Waits, Simon & Garfunkel, Lebris Ulf Lundell and Jim Morrison. Kerouac's best-known books are On The Road, The Dharma Bums, Big Sur and Visions of Cody. Kerouac spent many of the years between 1947 and 1951 on the road, although he often spent extended periods at his mother's home and in the Florida home he purchased for her.

Via Daily Dharma: Make Peace

 We are not called upon as Buddhists to deny the world, and certainly not to escape from it. We are called to live with it, and to make our peace with all that is.

—Clark Strand, “Worry Beads”


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Deciding What Is Right

 Buddhism is a demanding moral practice; it turns over to each person the power to decide what is right to do in any given moment.

—Sallie Tisdale, “A Life in Her Hands”


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

THE DEEPEST OM || 108 Times || Peaceful OM Mantra Meditation

OM Meditation and Connection with God - Hear The Most Powerful Mantra

CHOIR sings OM SO HUM Mantra (Must Listen)

Tablet of Medicine


Tablet of Medicine

by Bahá'u'lláh

originally revealed as "Lawh-i-Tibb".
first written or published 1870(?)


He is God!

   O God the supreme Knower! The ancient Tongue Speaks that which will content the wise in the absence of the Doctors. Say: O people, do not eat except when you are hungry. Do not drink after you have retired to sleep. Exercise is good when the stomach is empty; it strengthens the muscles. When the stomach is full, exercise is very bad. Do not neglect (medical) treatment when it is necessary but leave it off when the body is in good condition. Do not take nourishment except when digestion is completed. Do not swallow until you have thoroughly masticated (your food).

   Treat disease first of all through the diet and refrain from medicines. If you find what you need (for healing) in a single herb, do not use compound medicines. Leave off medicine when the health is good and use it in case of necessity. If two opposites[3] are put on the table do not mix them, be content with one of them. Begin first with liquid food before partaking of solid food. The taking of food before what you have (already eaten) is digested, is dangerous--avoid this.

   When you begin to eat, begin with My Name El Abhá,[4] and finish with the Name of [*]God[5] the Possessor of the Throne and the earth. When you have eaten walk a little that the food may settle. What is difficult to masticate is forbidden by the Wise. --Thus the Supreme Pen Commands you.

   A little food in the morning is like a light to the body. Leave all harmful habits, they cause unhappiness in the world. Search for the cause of disease. This saying is the end of this speech.

   Be content in all conditions, by this the person is preserved from a bad condition and from lassitude. Shun grief and sorrow, they cause the greatest misery. Say: Jealousy eats the body and anger burns the liver. Refrain from these two as you would avoid a lion.

   To cleanse the body is essential, but only in temperate seasons (should it be done frequently). He who over-eats, his illness becomes more severe. We have arranged for each thing a cause and We have [End Page 1] Bestowed upon it an effect. All this is from the Effulgence of My Name, which Influences everything. Your [*]God is the Commander of all things. Say: From what We have explained, the humors of the body should not be excessive and their quantity depends upon the condition of the body. One sixth of each sixth part in its normal condition (is the right proportion).

   In [*]God must be our trust. There is no [*]God but Him, the Healer, the Knower and the Helper. The Supreme Pen has not Written such Words but for the Love of thee, that thou mayest know that grief has not seized upon the Blessed Beauty. He is not sorrowful because of what has befallen Him from the nations, but the sadness is for him whose (reason) does not grant[6] something (of the Word of [*]God). Nothing in the earth or Heaven is outside the Grasp of [*]God.

   O Doctor! Heal the sick first by the mentioning of the Name of God, the Possessor of the Day of Judgment[7] and after that (use) what [*]God hath destined for the health of the constitution of His creatures.

   By My Life! The Doctor who has drunk from the Wine of My Love, his visit[8] is healing and his breath is mercy and hope. Say: Cling to him[9] for the welfare of the constitution. He is Confirmed by [*]God in his treatments. Say: This knowledge is the most knowable of all the sciences for it is the greatest means from [*]God (the Life-Giver to the dust) to preserve the bodies of the peoples and He has put it in the forefront of all the sciences and wisdoms. For Today is the Day when you must arise for My victory detached from all the world.

   Say:[10] O my [*]God, Thy Name is my healing. Thy Remembrance is my remedy. Thy Nearness is my hope. Thy Love is my joyous companion, and Thy Mercy is my healer and my helper in this world and in the next. Thou art the Giver, the Knower, the Wise!

   Give Greetings and Love to all the friends on the Part of [*]God. Say: Today two things are loved and sought for. One is Wisdom and Interpretation, and the second is Preservation of the Cause of God, the [End Page 2] Merciful. Each soul that has attained these two Commandments (graces) he is accounted Before [*]God an inhabitant of the City of Eternity, because by those two things the Cause of [*]God has been and will be made firm. For if Wisdom and Interpretation do not exist all will be afflicted. In this case, there would be no breath left to convert the people to the Law of [*]God and if Preservation is lacking there would not be any breath to mention ([*]God) or to affect the people.

   Say: O friends! Fear and anguish are womanly qualities but if the friends of [*]God meditate on the world and the apparent disharmony in it the power of the oppressors will not frighten them and they will fly with the wings of longing to the Light of Heaven. What ever this One has Wished for Himself, He has Desired it for all the friends of the True One and that Preservation was and will be Commanded.

   The Purpose is that those who speak (of the Cause) will remain on the earth so that they may be occupied with the remembrance (mentioning) of the [*]God of the Universe. That is why the preservation of yourselves and your brothers is necessary and obligatory for the Cause of [*]God.

   If all the friends were acting in accordance with what they are commanded, the condition of the greater part of those on the earth would be adorned by the Garment of Faith. Blessed is the soul that brings another to the Law of [*]God and has guided him to Eternal Life. This is one of the greatest actions in the Sight of [*]God, the Dear One, the Supreme, the Highest. The Spirit of Bahá be upon you.

      Make the jump here to read the original and the discussion

    The Fire Tablet (music by Arlen Yanch)

    In the Name of God - Prayer for Protection

    Via FB