A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - April 28, 2021 💌
How does one become loving awareness?
If I change my identification from the ego to the soul, then as I look
at people, they all appear like souls to me. I change from my head, the
thought of who I am, to my spiritual heart, which is a different sort of
awareness – feeling directly, intuiting, loving awareness.
It’s changing from a worldly outer identification to a spiritual inner identification.
Concentrate on your spiritual heart, right in the middle of your chest.
Keep repeating the phrase, “I am loving awareness. I am loving
awareness. I am loving awareness.”
The object of our love is love itself. It is the inner light in everyone and everything. Love is a state of being.
You begin to love people because they just are. You see the mystery of
the Divine in form. When you live in love, you see love everywhere you
look. You are literally in love with everyone you look at.
When you and I rest together in loving awareness, we swim together in
the ocean of love. Remember, it’s always right here. Enter into the flow
of love with a quiet mind and see all things with love as part of
- Ram Dass -
The LGBTQ National Help Center
The LGBTQ National Help Center is connecting members of the LGBTQ community with local, national, and international resources. You can also connect to hotlines, chatrooms, and peer support groups through them.
Via Daily Dharma: Dwell in the Present
in a time other than the present starts to churn the ego: anxieties
arise, desires become distractions, and to do things well is nearly
impossible. But when there is no idea of time, there are no
expectations, and desires do not become a problem.
—Les Kaye, “The Time Is Now”
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Via Daily Dharma: Knowing Happiness
When we’re able to move beyond the fear of death, we’re greatly served in our efforts to know happiness in life.
—Peter Doobinin, “Sutta Study: Fearless”
Monday, April 26, 2021
Via Lion's Roar // How to Read Buddhist Teachings
How to Read Buddhist Teachings | ||
No matter where you begin, says Judy Lief, or whether you are an independent practitioner or affiliated with a particular tradition, all you have to do is to dive in. | ||
people love to practice and hate to study, and other people love to
study and hate to practice. Which type of person are you? If studying
comes easy for you, it is possible to confuse intellectual understanding
with real understanding. If studying is more difficult for you and
practice is easier, it is possible to hide out in a vague understanding
of meditative experience and fail to challenge yourself intellectually
or to develop a sophisticated understanding of the dharma.
So before you launch into further study, study yourself. |
Via Daily Dharma: Act with Enlightenment
me the enlightened state is the realization of the oneness of life. And
the proof is in the pudding: Are you functioning that way? Are you
helping others?
—Interview with Bernie Glassman by James Shaheen, “Working in the Cracks”
Sunday, April 25, 2021
'Sua generosidade chamará a bondade alheia em seu socorro.
Sua simplicidade solucionará problemas para muita gente.
Sua complexidade provocará muita dissimulação no próximo.
Sua indiferença fará manifesta frieza nos outros.
Seu desejo sincero de paz garantirá tranquilidade no caminho.
Seu propósito de guerrear dará frutos de inquietação.
Sua distinção edificará maneiras corretas naqueles que o seguem.
Sua espiritualidade superior incentivará sublimes construções espirituais.
Diariamente, semeamos e colhemos. A vida é também um solo que recebe e produz eternamente.''
André Luiz.
Via lgbtq Nation // Biden administration reverses Trump’s ban on rainbow flags at embassies
Secretary of State Antony Blinken told American embassies and diplomatic missions that they can fly the Pride flag again as well as “other symbols connoting support for LGBTQ rights based on what is ‘appropriate in light of local conditions.'”
It’s a reversal of the Trump administration’s ban on embassies flying the rainbow flag that even resulted in former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to force the U.S. embassy in Seoul, South Korea to take down its Pride flag.