Saturday, May 11, 2024

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Effort: Maintaining Arisen Healthy States

Maintaining Arisen Healthy States
Whatever a person frequently thinks about and ponders, that will  become the inclination of their mind. If one frequently thinks about and ponders healthy states, one has abandoned unhealthy states to cultivate healthy states, and then one’s mind inclines to healthy states. (MN 19)

Here a person rouses the will, makes an effort, stirs up energy, exerts the mind, and strives to maintain arisen healthy mental states. One maintains the arisen equanimity awakening factor. (MN 141)
When you consistently cultivate healthy mental and emotional states your mind and heart become increasingly healthy. You do this partly by abandoning the states that are not healthy as they come up and partly by protecting and maintaining the healthy states that arise. When you feel generous, be more generous. When you are kind, become even kinder. When you care for someone, protect that caring intention.

Daily Practice
Equanimity is the culminating factor of the seven factors of awakening, the state to which the development of all the others leads. Whenever you notice you are highly attentive to something but are not caught in attaching to it if it's pleasurable or resisting it if it's painful, you have discovered a moment of equanimity. Feel what that is like and try to maintain that state in the ensuing mind moments. 

Tomorrow: Establishing Mindfulness of Mental Objects and the Fourth Jhāna
One week from today: Restraining Unarisen Unhealthy States

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Via Daily Dharma: Taking Life in Stride


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Taking Life in Stride

A student once asked the spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti what his secret to peace and contentment was. He leaned over and whispered to the student: ‘I don’t mind what happens.’

Toni Bernhard, “Self-Care in an Uncertain World”


Dismantling Delusions of White Supremacy
Kamilah Majied, PhD in conversation with James Shaheen
Dr. Kamilah Majied believes that the fight for justice can be and has been joyful. In her view, justice is inextricable from joy, and it involves accessing the inner joy that is available to us when we treat ourselves and others as enlightened beings.
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Tricycle’s Meditation Group
A Guided Meditation Series
This brand-new offering for Tricycle subscribers will provide weekly meditations and small group discussions led by renowned Buddhist teachers. 
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Friday, May 10, 2024

Via LGBTQ Nation \\ Marcia Gay Harden takes a stand for queer kids, including her own


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Via LGBTQ Nation // Judy Shepard will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom


A History of the Castro Neighborhood in San Francisco | KQED

Via Daily Dharma: The Experiment of Being Human


It's a hard time to be a human in this world. Every quote is like a lamp of hope and a guidepost.

—Daily Dharma reader

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Embodying Teachings

Outside of books and talks, the greatest sermon is lived, not written.

Gary Gach, “Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh”


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The Lost Robe
By Michael O'Keefe
Actor and zen practitioner Michael O'Keefe reflects on his journey from losing a robe to reevaluating priesthood and how to best embody spiritual status. 
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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Living: Abstaining from Intoxication



Undertaking the Commitment to Abstain from Intoxication
Intoxication is unhealthy. Refraining from intoxication is healthy. (MN 9) What are the imperfections that defile the mind? Negligence is an imperfection that defiles the mind. Knowing that negligence is an imperfection that defiles the mind, a person abandons it. (MN 7) One practices thus: “Others may become negligent by intoxication, but I will abstain from the negligence of intoxication.” (MN 8)

One of the dangers attached to addiction to intoxicants is weakening of the intellect. (DN 31)
Right living means understanding the things that cause us harm and directing our lives away from these things toward those that bring out our best and contribute to our well-being. Just as certain foods strengthen the body and others weaken it, so too certain things strengthen the mind and others weaken it. Negligence, for example, weakens the mind, while its opposite, diligence, strengthens it. Understanding this is important.

Daily Practice
See if you can identify the toxins in your life that weaken the mind, and then work toward reducing their influence. Many things can be toxic and intoxicating, including substances, activities, relationships, views, and emotional habits. Take an honest inventory of what you intuitively know to be harmful and helpful, and take steps to abandon the things that are toxic and cultivate those that are wholesome.

Tomorrow: Maintaining Arisen Healthy States
One week from today: Abstaining from Harming Living Beings

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