A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Obama's Gay Outreach: All Talk, No Action
Saturday night President Obama charmingly delivered a rather bleak message to the gay community on the eve of its latest march on Washington. In a speech to the world's largest gay political group, the Human Rights Campaign, Obama essentially said two things: I'm with you. But I can't do much for you.
the the rest of the article here
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Today's Double Post
Dear Daniel,
Just hours ago, President Obama took the podium at HRC's National Dinner to talk directly to the LGBT community and our many friends and allies. Find out what Obama said – and be sure to share the news with your friends >>
Today, thousands of people are marching on Washington to demand LGBT equality.
And last night, President Obama told LGBT Americans that his commitment to ending discrimination in the military, in the workplace and for loving couples and their families is "unwavering". He made it crystal clear that he is our strongest ally in this fight, that he understands and, in fact, encourages our activism and our voice even when we're impatient with the pace of change.
And we heard unequivocally about the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell: "I am working with the Pentagon, its leadership and members of the House and Senate to end this policy. I will end Don't Ask, Don't Tell. That is my commitment to you."
Finally, we heard something quite remarkable from the President: "You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men and two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman.
It was an historic night when we felt the full embrace and commitment of the President of the United States. It's simply unprecedented.
In the days and weeks ahead we'll move quickly to capitalize on this momentum. But right now, please watch what President Obama had to say, share this email with your friends, and know that your commitment means that we're much closer to attaining real equality and protecting millions of Americans:
Thank you for being part of this historic fight with us.
Joe Solmonese
"I will end Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. That is my commitment to you," President Obama Tells Gay Rights Dinner
Statement by Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese
President Obama Addresses LGBT Community at Human Rights Campaign 13th Annual National Dinner on Saturday, October 10
WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, released the following statement tonight after President Barack Obama spoke at the 13th Annual National Dinner.
"Tonight, President Obama told LGBT Americans that his commitment to ending discrimination in the military, in the workplace and for loving couples and their families is 'unwavering.' He made it crystal clear that he is our strongest ally in this fight, that he understands and, in fact, encourages our activism and our voice even when we’re impatient with the pace of change. But these remarks weren’t just for us, they were directed to all Americans who share his dream and ours of a country where “no one is denied their basic rights, in which all of us are free to live and love as we see fit.”
Saturday, October 10, 2009
New Rule: Everyone Deserves Equal Rights
LISTEN: Limbaugh "Agrees with the Taliban" and Bashes Obama's Nobel
Conservative commentators are engaging in an orgy of America-bashing over the selection of President Barack Obama as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Right-wing pill-popper Rush Limbaugh, the de facto head of the Republican Party, took the airwaves and "agrees" with the extremists in the Taliban that Obama doesn't "deserve" the award.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Email Message From HRC
Dear Daniel,
Sometimes life moves so quickly that you can forget how much is changing around you. But this weekend we will have a powerful reminder: President Obama's appearance at HRC's national dinner. His joining us that night says that although last year, we were outsiders to our own government, this year, we are a part of its vision.
It shouldn't be difficult to see why the president of the United States speaking to the nation's largest LGBT rights group is a good development for LGBT people. But at this point in time, it is hard for many among us to see. The substance of the feeling is this: he promised us the world, and we gave everything we had to elect him. But what has he done?
I've written that we have actually covered a good deal of ground so far. But I'm not going to trot out those advances right now because I have something more relevant to say: It's not January 19, 2017.
That matters for two reasons: first, the accomplishments that we've seen thus far are not the Obama Administration's record. They are the Administration's record so far. If you ask "is that all" my question to you is "is that all you think we're going to push for?" It isn't.
More importantly: today, and for the next seven years and three months, Barack Obama is the most powerful person in the world, with the largest bully pulpit, and the most power to effect change. To do the work, we have to work with our supporters in Congress and with the Administration. Whatever you think of the Administration's first nine months, you don't pass laws by sitting out. You pass laws by sitting at the table.
And you don't get to the table at the expense of your principles. You don't get the President's ear at the expense of your expectations. In June I wrote a letter to President Obama describing HRC's disagreement with his decision to defend DOMA in federal court, and with the offensive and inaccurate arguments the government put forth. It's hard to read such a letter—a public one—from an ally.
But when the President signed a memorandum providing family protections and an inclusive non-discrimination policy for federal employees—policies for which HRC and our sister organizations had advocated—I was proud to be present. Our disagreement about DOMA did not require me to ignore a step forward for transgender federal workers and for same-sex partners. In turn, the President invited me because he recognized HRC's accomplishments in promoting those fair policies, and because he would not exclude a civil rights advocate for speaking up about our community's rights.
Those protections were a good first step. Passing the hate crimes law is a monumental one. I continue to believe that with this president, we will do much more. As we prepare to dedicate HRC's Edward Kennedy award, I know that this president shares his mentor's commitment to promoting justice for LGBT people.
I predict great things coming out of our work with this President, but that does not mean that I am satisfied today. Our community cannot be satisfied so long as DOMA is on the books and an inclusive ENDA is not. This is something we share with all those who advocate for civil rights. No civil rights advocate can be satisfied as long as there are children who eat their only meals in their failing schools each day. No civil rights advocate should be satisfied until all of us have health care and no one has to declare bankruptcy because of a hospital bill. We are not satisfied until this country keeps its promise to everyone.
Advocates for health care, education, LGBT rights and other civil rights issues are getting used to this new landscape, where passing our legislation is possible, but still hard. We've learned that end of life counseling can be twisted into "death panels" and hate crimes into "pedophile protection." We've come to understand that we didn't win it all in November but that we can win now.
I am sure of this: on January 19, 2017, I will look back on the President's address to my community as an affirmation of his pledge to be our ally. I will remember it as the day when we all stood together and committed to finish what Senator Kennedy called our unfinished business. And I am sure of this: on January 19, 2017, I will also look back on many other victories that President Barack Obama made possible.
Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign
Warning! $467,562 Charge for Same-Sex Partnerships
When we talk about the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the fact that, because it prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions, lesbian and gay partners are denied over 1,100 benefits, we're not just talking about marriage, are we? We're really talking about health insurance, Social Security, estate tax and much more.
click here to read the full article
Fred Karger Challenges NOM To Sign Oath Promising Not To Lie
Courtesy of JMG
Fred Karger of Californians Against Hate, who is being harassed by NOM's attorneys for demanding their financial records, has issued a challenge for Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown to be completely truthful about their funding.
What’s wrong with these people? Why are they working so hard to harm so many? What is their true motivation? Why do they continue to lie and cover-up at every turn? Well, I for one am fed up with their whining about being the victim here, when in fact, the very opposite is true. They raise millions and millions of dollars to take away the rights from a minority. They beat down people and cast an entire minority as 2nd class citizens – not equal to them. They hide their federal tax returns for two years until just before Thursday’s hearing in Maine. NOM's IRS 990 filings for 2007 and 2008 magically appeared on its web site during the wee hours of Thursday morning. I got tipped off right before the hearing, and I was able to point out the truth to the Ethics Commission. Commission members questioned Brian Brown about that. He said that he wasn’t sure when they were posted. And still no sign of the NOM 501(c)3 Educational Fund's (Tax ID Number 26-0240498) 2008 return.Here is Karger's oath challenge. Anybody think they'll sign?
Governator Poised To Veto Milk Day Bill
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is prepared to again veto the bill creating a Harvey Milk holiday, saying he will issue a mass veto of hundreds of bills at once unless lawmakers come to an agreement on reorganizing the state's water system.
Seven hundred bills on issues including education, hospital funding, ammunition restrictions, and a day dedicated to Harvey Milk currently sit on the governor’s desk. The deadline for Schwarzenegger to sign or veto the myriad measures is Sunday at midnight. Members of the California legislature are concerned that the governor will issue a mass veto on the bills unless the lawmakers reach an agreement on reorganizing the state’s water system, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico, a Democrat from Fremont, called on Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown on Tuesday to investigate the governor, saying his veto threat amounted to extortion. "These threats are akin to extortion or vote trading, which is illegal," said Torrico, reportsthe Los Angeles Times. "The governor should be very, very careful."Schwarzenegger first vetoed the Milk holiday bill last year, saying Harvey Milk was not well known enough outside of San Francisco. The Oscar-winning film about Milk's life has surely changed that, but it remains unknown how the governor will vote, should the bill get a stand-alone opportunity.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Message fromEli Pariser, MoveOn.org
In a chilling echo of California's Proposition 8, marriage equality is under attack again right now.
In my home state of Maine, the people behind Prop 8 are trying to overturn our new same-sex marriage law with a ballot initiative. They're running the same deceptive TV ads they used to scare voters in California. We can't afford another Prop 8.
If Maine turns back this attack, it will be a historic victory with national repercussions—the first time voters approved a gay marriage law at the polls. A defeat will set back the cause of civil rights for all Americans, including many of my friends and neighbors.
I'm donating to Maine's "No on 1" campaign to defend marriage equality in our country. Can you join me by contributing $20 today? Click here to donate via ActBlue:
The polls in Maine are too close to call. Voting by mail just started, and early voting begins next week.
To keep up with the other side's onslaught of misleading ads, the No on 1 campaign needs to raise $164,000 more by next week. Maine is a small state, so your donation will go a long way—but if they don't make their fundraising goals, they may not have the resources to counter the lies.
I believe we can win this campaign with some help from the rest of the country. Click here to contribute to the most important marriage equality fight of the year:
Thank you for all you do.
–Eli, Noah, Ilya, Kat, and the rest of the team
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
"One Year Ago – A Day of Smiles - A Day of Tears – A Day of Action" on Wednesday, November 4 at 5:00pm.
Ken says, "We need to send a message that the same-sex marriage issue is not dead. Next week the message will be placed on the doorsteps of the President. On November 4th, make your voice heard here in Sacramento. Please spread the word and invite your friends. ".
Event: One Year Ago – A Day of Smiles - A Day of Tears – A Day of Action
What: Rally
Start Time: Wednesday, November 4 at 5:00pm
End Time: Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00pm
Where: California State Capitol Building
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
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