Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rainbow Panthers

Wolf Mc Intosh sent a message to the members of I Support The Dallas Principles.

Subject: Please Take A Moment To Join Our New Facebook Group


I would like to thank you for taking the time to support the Dallas Principles.

There is exciting news tonight of the creation of a new facebook group called the "Rainbow Panthers." This group will advocate the support of our LGBTQI youth who are painfully harassed, abused, and murdered all for being SELF.

This past week, as you may have heard in the news, 2 gay teenagers were brutally murdered.

A third gay teenager in Texas was assaulted after his pleas for help to his school principal, and school bus driver, were ignored.

The goal of the Rainbow Panthers is to offer assistance and support to LGBTQI youth who are often marginalized and targets for violence.

I would like to invite you to join our group, and as it is still in the beginning stages of creation, we welcome any and all input from you.


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Saturday, November 21, 2009

LGBT Lessons for Right Wing Christians: How Hate Crime Laws Silenced the Church

Gay EducationThe hardcore religious (they are anything but) right has become so paranoid that their twisted logic has led them to believe that they are the victims. Their solution? The Manhattan Declaration, a statement of Christian convictions on the matters of life, family, and religious liberty. Let’s go through parts of it.

The preamble to the declaration reads, “While the whole scope of Christian moral concern, including a special concern for the poor and vulnerable, claims our attention, we are especially troubled that in our nation today the lives of the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly are severely threatened; that the institution of marriage, already buffeted by promiscuity, infidelity and divorce, is in jeopardy of being redefined to accommodate fashionable ideologies; that freedom of religion and the rights of conscience are gravely jeopardized by those who would use the instruments of coercion to compel persons of faith to compromise their deepest convictions.

jump to read the rest here

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin's Fans Turn On Her At Book Signing

Gay Marriage Gets Boost From 9th Circuit

The Recorder

November 23, 2009

Not one to be left out of a constitutional thicket, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski granted health benefits Thursday to the same-sex partners of court employees.

Kozinski's order comes a day after his colleague, Judge Stephen Reinhardt, issued his own published directive that a federal public defender be awarded back pay because his same-sex partner's benefits had been denied.

Jump to the full article here

Weekly Reader: Hugs, Honduras, & Grandma's Dress

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Weekly Reader: Hugs, Honduras, & Grandma's Dress

While this week brought news that ENDA has been delayed for a few weeks, we didn't let that stop us from bringing you a ton of popular posts about almost every aspect of our community. Here are the best from this week.

The sexual politics of a hug
Filed by: Cassandra Keenan;

The DC Catholic Church's red herring
Filed by: Nancy Polikoff;

LGBT Resistance to the Coup in Honduras
Filed by: Jessica Hoffmann;

Toward a better understanding of age in the gay community
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Don't Ask, Don't Tell: "Jess, Bend, Oregon, 2009"
Filed by: Jeff Sheng;

Needed: A Better Definition of Bigotry
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

Jorge and Will: Tragedy and Hope
Filed by: Kate Kendell;

Simon LeVay and the Biology of Sexual Orientation
Filed by: Betty Greene Salwak;

In My Grandmother's Dress
Filed by: Father Tony;

What will President Obama do about that pesky federal Prop 8 suit?
Filed by: Phil Reese;

Irene Vilar's Impossible Motherhood: Testimony of an Abortion Addict
Filed by: Paige Schilt;

Historic Declaration of Christian Conscience?
Filed by: Donna Pandori;


Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss;

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight.;

Follow Bilerico Project on Twitter for links to new posts, breaking news and contest opportunities.;

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado


Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado

Dennis and I, and the entire board and staff of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, stand with all who are grieving the loss of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado in one of the most shockingly brutal hate crimes in Puerto Rico’s history.

While we are grateful to the local law enforcement officials for their swift work to apprehend the suspect in this terrible crime, we remain deeply saddened that yet another family should have to suffer the pain of such a tragedy, and that such breathtaking violence continues to be directed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people who are simply trying to live their lives honestly and openly.

For another young person to lose their life and be taken from their family and community due to fear, prejudice and hatred is simply unacceptable. Each of us who believe in freedom and equality must remain vocal, active, and unrelenting in calling for justice.

Our thoughts are with Mr. Lopez, all who knew and loved him, the members of his community and the millions worldwide who have been touched by his senseless death. Our family and the Foundation will continue to work to prevent similar tragedies in any way we can.

Grey Line

MSF Logo

Bilerico News

Good news or bad ideas? KY, MI, OH, TX re-examine marriage amendments

Filed by: Bil Browning

November 19, 2009 7:30 PM

The marriage equality drumbeat has rumbled on with news that several states will be attempting to re-examine their state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and/or civil unions. Surprisingly, this hasn't received as much attention as I assumed it would in the LGBT blogosphere.

read the rest here

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Decorating hints... via JMG

Gay-Friendly GOP San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders To Testify For Olson/Boies

Thank you JMG for sharing this...

Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, who in 2007 changed his mind on same-sex marriage in a tear-filled press conference with his lesbian daughter, will testify in the federal suit to repeal Prop 8 being brought by superstar lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies.
San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will be a witness in the upcoming federal court trial over the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, according to San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Herrera announced Sanders’ participation today at a San Diego fundraiser for Herrera’s reelection. Herrera said he traveled to San Diego last week to meet with Sanders and that Sanders readily agreed to testify in the case, which seeks to overturn the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage narrowly approved by California voters last year.
The City of San Francisco has been allowed to join the lawsuit, hence Herrera's involvement. In August a judge ruled in favor of Olson and Boies' request to block the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights from joining the suit after the groups' earlier denouncement of the attempt.

FLASHBACK: Here is Sanders' beautiful 2007 speech. If you haven't seen it, get out a hankie first.

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Courtesy of JMG

That's Gotta Hurt...

Equal Benefits for Equal Work:

Support the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act

Dear Friend of NCLR,

Yesterday the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a committee vote on the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (DPBO), legislation that would provide equal benefits to the domestic partners of federal employees. The committee passed DPBO at 23-12, an important step in securing federal protections for the LGBT community. We must secure this victory and work to pass other crucial pieces of legislation pending in Congress.

DPBO moves to the House floor for consideration, and it’s up to us to make sure that it passes and protects the thousands of devoted, hard-working LGBT government employees.

Equal work demands equal compensation. We must speak up and remind Congress about this basic principle of fairness, to ensure that the domestic partners of government employees are able to receive their partners’ benefits, including health insurance and access to pensions.

Please take a minute and call your representative at (202) 224-3121. We must make sure that a House vote on DPBO will happen soon and that our representatives support DPBO. We need to stand together as a community and urge our representatives to fight for the rights of the domestic partners of federal employees.

President Obama is ready to sign DPBO into law but we need to make sure that it passes in Congress. Call your representative today and ask them to vote for equality and fairness. Ask them to pass the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act.

In Solidarity,

kate signature
Kate Kendell, Esq.
Executive Director

Quote of the Day

“I would say respectfully to my fellow Christians that people who deny others the blessings they claim for themselves should not assume they speak for the Almighty."

-- Rev. John Bryson Chane, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, quoted in today's Washington Post announcing his support for legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California Petition Drive Launched For 2010 Proposition 8 Repeal

Love Honor Cherish has launched an internet drive to gather one million petition signatures in California to place the repeal of Proposition 8 on the 2010 ballot.
The signature-gathering drive will use social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter, organizers said in a statement. “We’re taking names,” said John Henning, who is heading the effort launched to collect the signatures. "People throughout California can now help us win marriage back by the simple act of signing and collecting signatures.” Prop. 8 was approved by California voters a year ago, reversing a California Supreme Court decision, which held that same-sex couples were guaranteed equal marriage rights under the state Constitution.
The group has until April 12th to gather the names. Visit their site here.

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another gem courtesy oif Joe

Say Cheese! Flash Mob On Bondi Beach

Another great find from JMG

A Moment Of Light At DC's Hate Rally

Now THIS will give you a smile. When the guy hired to provide the sound system for yesterday's Power Rangers For Jeebus hate rally in DC found out what his customers stood for, he donated his fee back to the gay activists counter-protesting the event and even let them use the haters' own microphone! The Washington Post cannot restrain its glee:
Instead of getting arrested, the ministers got something else: A couple of dozen gay activists, surrounding them with rainbow flags and signs announcing "Gaga for Gay Rights" and "I Am a Love Warrior." By the end, the gay rights activists had taken over the lectern and the sound system and were holding their own news conference denouncing the ministers. "We're here to say, my love is legit!" announced David Valk, an organizer of the National Equality March for gay rights. Another speaker, Ian Thomas, went to the microphone and announced: "I was created a bisexual male. Just like many figures in the Christian Bible, I like boys and girls!" [Organizer Gary] Cass turned angrily to the AV guy. "We're not on the clock, are we?" He turned with equal anger to Valk. "You guys gonna help us pay for the microphones?" The gay activist smiled. "God," he said, "works in mysterious ways."

In this case, God took the form of Chuck Fazio, from DC Podiums. Fazio was hired by the religious conservatives to provide the sound system for the event, but upon learning of their cause, he decided to donate his proceeds to the gay rights activists and to give them a chance at the microphone before shutting down the amplifiers. "I don't want bad karma," he explained, noting with some pride that the lectern they were using was the same one used by Borat on a recent Washington visit. The conservative activists could not have anticipated this unusual turn of events when they arrived, some wearing "Fear God" T-shirts and one carrying a sign spelling AIDS from the biblical phrase "the wages of sin is death."
Our hero for the day, Chuck Fazio! Event planners, activists, party promoters: please consider giving your future business to DC Podiums. And Chuck Fazio might be the guy to hire for your Washington DC wedding. FTW!

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courtesy of JMG

Monday, November 16, 2009

Marriage Equality For Buenos Aires

After a gay couple won their lawsuit charging that a city law banning same-sex marriage was illegal, the mayor of Buenos Aires says he won't challenge the court's ruling, bringing marriage equality to the capital of Argentina.
The court ruled that two articles in the city's civil code that say only people of different sexes can get married are illegal. The court decision applies only to Buenos Aires. Same-sex unions in most of the rest of Argentina remain illegal. The legal challenge was initiated by a gay couple, Alejandro Freyre and Jose Maria Di Bello. Judge Gabriela Seijas ordered the city's civil registry department to honor their union. "The law should treat each person with equal respect in relation to each person's singularities without the need to understand or regulate them," the judge said in her ruling. The city code prevents people from "enjoying the rights that couples who enter into matrimony are entitled to," she said. Those rights include inheritances, pensions and the ability to make decisions for the other person when he or she is incapacitated. Macri called the ruling a "very important step," adding that "we have to live together and accept reality. ... The world is headed in that direction."
And soon, our own nation's capital! Congratulations Alejandro and Jose!

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great news courtesy of JMG

Mr. And Mr. Name Hyphen Name

This from JMG

We've discussed this here a couple of times, but today the New York Times tackles the issue of the difficulties and expense in trying to change your name after a same-sex marriage.
Couples who live in states that don’t allow or recognize same-sex marriage or its equivalents (civil unions, for instance) generally can’t just rely on a marriage certificate as proof of a name change and instead have to go through the in-court name change process. This means they will have to pay a $100 to $400 fee to file a petition at court, publish a notice in a local newspaper and get a court order officially changing their name and that they can use to change everything else (just one more area where being gay can cost you more). Even more, couples who live in states that do allow or recognize same-sex marriage and civil unions often in practice don’t have it that much easier. While changing a name on a driver’s license can be done without a problem in such states, changing federal documentation can be trickier.

Since the federal government doesn’t recognize the right to same-sex marriage, even if you get married in a state that allows it, whether you can get the name change processed by Social Security or the passport office merely with the marriage certificate and required forms currently tends “to be hit and miss,” said Emily Doskow, an attorney in California who specializes in same-sex and transgender family issues and writes about marriage and divorce issues for the legal information publisher Nolo. “It depends on what local office you are going to, what the opinion is at the moment and whether you get a staff person who cares or doesn’t care,” she said.
The above article doesn't address the issue of why gay people might wish to assume a new married name, which I think is far more interesting.

thanks again to JMG