Friday, February 19, 2010

From JMG: HRC Issues Plan For DADT Repeal

Probably in response to Tuesday's blog swarm, the Human Rights Campaign today issued a five point plan regarding the repeal of DADT.

Guiding our work over the next months will be a number of key principles:

* Continued Presidential Leadership
We have - and will continue to — call on the White House to include DADT repeal language in the 2011 Department of Defense authorization bill. HRC Legislative Director Allison Herwitt made that clear in this story by the DC Agenda on Jan. 11.

* Congressional Action in 2010
We believe that legislative action must run on a parallel track with the work of the DOD implementation review. We have — and will continue to — press the Senate to include repeal language in the final mark up of this year’s DOD authorization bill.

* Gates/Mullen review
While the testimony of Gates and Mullen marked a historic and extraordinary move towards final repeal of DADT, HRC is advocating that the announced review is comprehensive and expeditious, and includes input from lesbian and gay service members and veterans. We will work to ensure the Working Group established by Secretary Gates will have all the data and information necessary to address any and all implementation issues.

* Strategic Partnerships
HRC will continue to partner with key groups and Congressional allies working toward repeal including the Center for American Progress, Servicemembers United and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. By continuing to pool our resources, contacts and intelligence, we can meet the opposition head on and build even greater momentum for repeal.

* Voices of Veterans
HRC’s “Voices of Honor” campaign is organizing veterans across the country to generate media, grassroots and grass tops pressure in key states that will be critical to the final votes in the House and Senate. The campaign builds on the work of the national “Voices of Honor Tour” last summer which led to 30 new Congressional co-sponsors and garnered national media attention to this discriminatory law.

Labels: Congress, DADT, HRC, military

Reposted from JMG

Thursday, February 18, 2010

From JMG: Utah State Sen. Chris Buttars: Still Crazy!

Buttars wants to save Utah's crippled budget by doing away with the 12th grade. Students immediately formed their own Buttars PAC.

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Congrats to the NEw New Hampshire!

NH Rejects Gay Marriage Ballot Push

Moments ago, the New Hampshire House resoundingly rejected an attempt to place a vote to repeal same-sex marriage on the November ballot.
CACR 28 defined marriage in this state by saying it can only be between a man and a woman. It was rejected by a wide margin, 201-135, short of a simple majority and far below the three-fifths majority -- 238 votes -- it needed to advance to the Senate. Sponsors tried to delay a vote on the bill until March 17, so local voters could weigh in on petitions at town meeting that ask for a popular vote on the amendment. "All we're trying to do here is put this on the ballot," Rep. David Bates, R-Windham, arguing voters should have their say.
Cheers to New Hampshire! We are wriggling with pleasure.

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Reposted from JMG

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sign this petition to repeal Prop 8 NOW. Show your support in allowing people to choose to marry the person they love. Right now, our brothers, our sisters, our co-workers, and our friends are being discriminated against just because they love someone of the same gender. Love isn’t something that should be regulated by the government. It’s more powerful than that and it’s something that everyone should be able to experience. Love makes us stronger as a community, and it’s worth fighting for.

You can help reverse marriage discrimination by signing this petition. There are organizations out there that say they support marriage equality, but they're hesitant to take a stand and fight for it now. We're going to collect all the signed petitions and deliver them to these organizations, and ask that they step up to support marriage equality now.

When Olson and Boise decided to take marriage equality to the federal courts, some big LGBT organizations argued against it, saying that it was “too soon” to fight for marriage equality on the Federal level. These same organizations are also saying that it’s “too soon” to fight for marriage equality at the State level in California.

It's not right for these organizations to tell Obama that there are no excuses in delaying the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and that there are no excuses in delaying the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, while at the same time they argue that LGBT residents in California should wait more than 2 years to be equal. Demanding equality in the army while putting off equality in marriage is a compromise. Full equality is not something to be earned over time or given through concessions.

Let's stand together and tell these organizations that there is no such thing as partial equality! The time is now and we are the ones we've been waiting for. No one should be told to wait in line for their turn to be equal.

Tell these organizations to stop delaying LGBT equality, and unite in the fight to restore marriage equality now. Tell them to support Restore Equality 2010's efforts in repealing Proposition 8!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An clear exampel as to why JMG is such a delight: Manly Cupcakes For Manly Men

Manhattan's decade of fascination with the "upscale" cupcake emporium has been well-documented. And years after Sex And The City went off the air, the lines at the pointedly downscale Magnolia Cupcakes mysteriously remain. Therefore, it seems, we were long overdue for a gay take on the phenomenon. Enter the Butch Bakery.
Butch Bakery was born when David Arrick felt it was time to combine a masculine aesthetic to a traditionally cute product -the cupcake. When a magazine article mentioned that cupcakes were a combination of everything "pink, sweet, cute, and magical", he felt it was time to take action, and butch it up. He decided to create a company where "Butch meets Buttercream". David is delighted to bring this exciting culinary product to market.
A one-dozen booze-infused "Butch Box" of cupcakes will set you back $48. I love that they've trademarked "Butch it up." I'm totally going to copyright "You go, girl!"

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refrosted from JMG

Remembering a Gay Son

The Olympics are all about stories that tug at our heart strings and renew our faith in both a little redemption and a little humanity. And there might be nothing more heart-warming than to see Brian Burke, the General Manager of the U.S. Hockey Team, in attendance at the games. Burke lost his son, openly gay Miami University of Ohio student Brendan Burke, in a car accident last week. When Brendan told his father he was gay, his father not only stood by him, but marched next to him in Pride parades. A few months ago, Burke used his son as an example of courage when talking about homophobia in sports. It was clear that this father loved his son more than anything, sexual orientation be damned. That's the way it should be. Of being at the Olympics, Burke simply said, "My son would have wanted me to be here." Sure, it'll be hard for Team USA's hockey team to surpass the miracle win of 1980. But it sure would be great to see them win this year for Brendan.


The Five Most Gay-Friendly Things About the 2010 Winter Olympics

Face it, there's no escaping the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Whether it's non-stop coverage of Johnny Weir's outfits, or the constant replay of those two South Koreans crashing on the speed-skating track, February is all about covering the glitz and glamour of winter sports.

And if you haven't noticed, there's also something a little LGBT-friendly about this year's games. Are they the Gay Games? No, not in the least. For really LGBT-inclusive sports, stay tuned for the 2010 Gay Games in Cologne, Germany later this year. But in its own way, the Vancouver Olympics are making little LGBT imprints. Here are five ways the Olympics are getting their gay on this time around.

jump here to read the article

Monday, February 15, 2010

From JMG: EU Warns Applicants: Support For LGBT Rights Is Mandatory For Membership

The European Parliament has reaffirmed its policy that EU member states must support LGBT rights. Turkey, Macedonia, and Croatia are moving closer to admission, but all three continue to violate the EU's requirements.
The three candidate countries were reminded that the protection of all minorities is a non-negotiable condition to access the European Union. “I am happy that our amendments in favour of LGBT rights in the progress reports for Macedonia and Croatia were adopted by the European Parliament,” Ulrike Lunacek MEP, co-president of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights, said this evening. “We have reaffirmed that anti-discrimination standards must apply in candidate countries, and Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement, has assured us of his support on this issue. We count on the Commission’s work in this area to make sure fundamental rights are respected in the European region.” The other co-president, Michael Cashman, said that accession critera are “crystal clear”. ”Minorities must be protected from discrimination as laid out in Article 19 of the Treaty—and that includes sexual orientation,” he said. “This is not an à la carte menu: it is at the core of the European Union, and we will be rigorous in its application.”
(Via - Lez Get Real)

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reposted from JMG

From Care2: Gay and Lesbian or Homosexual? What's in a Word?

Together with the New York Times, CBS has released the results of their latest poll in which they attempt to gauge support for repealing the military gay ban 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' Interestingly, they found that more people support letting gays and lesbians serve in the military than support homosexuals. What? It seems that, at least in the minds of some respondents, words, and the emotions evoked by those words, really can make a difference. Here's a brief summary of the CBS poll (click here for the full article):

Yes, why?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Mouse

From JMG: Dick Cheney Endorses DADT Repeal

This morning on ABC News This Week, Dick Cheney said that the time to repeal DADT has come.
I think the society has moved on. I think it’s partly a generational question. I say I’m reluctant to second-guess the military in this regard because they’re the ones who have got to make the judgment about how these policies affect the military capability of our, of our units. And that first requirement that you have to look at all the time is whether they’re still capable of achieving their mission and does the policy change i.e. putting gays in the force, affect their ability to perform their mission. When the chiefs come forward and say we think we can do it, then it strikes me that it’s time to reconsider the policy. And I think Admiral Mullen’s said that.

(Via - Think Progress)

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reposted from JMG

From JMG: Out Lesbian KD Lang Steals Show At Vancouver Olympics Opening Ceremonies

Despite the preceding three hours of high-tech spectacle, it was openly lesbian and native Canadian kd lang's simple, yet soaring take on Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah that stole the show during the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics. Watch video here. Overnight the top three searches on Google were for various punctuations of lang's name, as accolades poured out on the world's blogs and news sites. Twitter reactions here. Last night was the second time in two weeks that Cohen's classic was sung to a global audience by an openly gay performer, as Matt Morris had dueted on the track with Justin Timberlake during the Haiti telethon. It was lang's second Winter Olympics performance, 22 years ago (during her cowgirl schtick period) she performed Turn Me Around at the 1988 Calgary games.

RELATED: Openly gay Canadian fiddle player Ashley MacIsaac also took center stage during the opening ceremonies. Watch his 1995 hit single Sleepy Maggie.

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Lifted from JMG

From Bilerico

Bil Browning February 13 at 8:32am Reply
Jeff Sheng's post about Dan Choi rejoining his National Guard unit for training - with exclusive photos - had made CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC by the next morning (and that doesn't mention all the websites that picked up the story too!) After so many contributors attended NGLTF's Creating Change conference, you could feel a new excitement in the amount and quality of posts submitted this week. Check out this sampling of great posts:

Exclusive Pics: Lt. Dan Choi back in service?
Filed by: Jeff Sheng

Rep. Frank, Stop Blaming The Community
Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss

All eyes on disordered taxes
Filed by: Austen Crowder

Sarah Palin wants YOU to point fingers and shut up
Filed by: Kip Williams

Green penis veins, oral sex pregnancy, and other sex questions
Filed by: Gloria Brame Ph.D.

Sore Toes and "Angry Trannies"
Filed by: Antonia D'orsay

A Call for Inclusive Immigration Reform
Filed by: Steve Ralls

More Problems at Notre Dame: Ex-Gay Speaker Invited to Talk About "Authenticity"
Filed by: Waymon Hudson

Is "Gender Incongruence" the Cure for What Ails?
Filed by: Keri Renault

John Mayer and sexual racism
Filed by: Alex Blaze

Would the World be Better Off Without Any Trans People?
Filed by: Guest Blogger Alice Kalafarski

What's the holdup in getting ENDA through the House?
Filed by: Bil Browning

"Valentine's Day" - A Day in the Life of (Hetero) Love
Filed by: Jason Tseng

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight Eastern time.

We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Freedom is never given; it is won."
- A. Philip Randolph

That's Gay: Ac**kalypse Now

From JMG: New Poll: Civil Unions Draw Stronger Support Than Same-Sex Marriage

While a new poll shows the public support for marriage equality remains unchanged, support for civil unions is growing.
In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 47 percent say gay marriages should be legal, with 31 percent saying they feel that way "strongly." Intensity is stronger among opponents, however: overall, half say such marriages should be illegal, including 42 percent who say so strongly. Civil unions draw broader support. Two-thirds now say they favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions that would give them many of the same legal rights as married couples. That's an increase of 12 percentage points since a December 2007 poll that asked about civil unions for "homosexual couples." In the new poll, support for civil unions is at 50 percent or better across party and ideological lines. Support for such arrangements is now 15 points higher than it was a few years ago among conservatives; it's up 13 points among Republicans.

Views on gay marriage are little changed since Post-ABC polling last touched on the topic, in April 2009. Then, 49 percent said they thought it should be legal, 46 percent illegal. In that poll, a wording experiment found little difference between support for legal marriages of "gay and lesbian couples and for those among "homosexual couples." (A CBS News/New York Times survey released yesterday conducted a similar experiment and found the wording did make a difference in their results.)

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reposted from JMG

Thursday, February 11, 2010

From JMG: Buffalo: Strangers Marry After Denial Of Same-Sex Marriage License

Denied a license to marry her partner Cheryl, Buffalo, New York lesbian Kitty Lambert turned to ask if any random man would marry her. Here's how it went down.
In an act of civil-sorta-disobedience, local LGBT activist Kitty Lambert received a marriage license to a stranger named Ed at Buffalo’s City Hall today, after being denied a license to marry her same-sex partner. A small group gathered in the lobby before proceeding to the 13th floor. Entering the City Clerk’s office, Kitty and long-time partner Cheryl attempted to apply for a marriage license. Armed with the appropriate documents City employees informed them due to New York State law, they would be unable to grant them a license. As the clerk’s office employees gathered to watch, a tearful Lambert explained the benefits only available to straight couples with a marriage license. With news cameras rolling, Kitty then turned to the crowd and asked for any male who would be willing to get married to her. A gay man named Ed stepped forward and volunteered. They briefly exchanged information and presented the appropriate documents along with $40. City staff verified the information, and proceeded to give them a marriage license.

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