Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Via OutSports:

Gay, straight teenagers more alike than not

While this is not exactly sports-specific, a recap of new research contradicts some long-held beliefs about being a gay teenager. Basically, according to this excellent article by Jane Brody in the New York Times, gay teens aren’t much different than their straight counterparts.
The good news is that recent research finds more similarities than differences among gay and straight adolescents. For example, studies in Salt Lake City by Lisa Diamond, an associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah, found that young gays had as many friends and were just as popular and socially connected as other teenagers.
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Via Belirico: Were LGBT people really fine with Obama back in October?

I've stayed out of the "Obama totally sucks for not giving me my rights" camp, obama_hope.pngbut this is ridiculous:
In an October survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, 64 percent of self-described LGBT community members said they approved or strongly approved of the way Obama was handling his job. While only 30 percent of all likely voters said the country was headed in the right direction (62 percent said the opposite), 46 percent of LGBT respondents answered "right direction" (49 percent said "wrong direction").
The normal questions pop into my mind when it comes to LGBT polling (like, uh, where did they find their queers?), but there won't be any answers:

Continue reading "Were LGBT people really fine with Obama back in October?" »

ViaBelirico: Cindy Sheehan on DADT Repeal

In an op-ed written for Al-Jazeera, peace activist Cindy Sheehan lets loose with her opinion on the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. While she is supportive of LGBT rights, she echoes some of the opinions of Bilerico contributors who've worried that fighting for the right to kill brown people halfway around the world isn't exactly a way to advance human rights.
200px-Cindy_Sheehan_edited.jpgWhile I am a staunch advocate for equality of marriage and same-sex partnership, I cannot - as a peace activist - rejoice in the fact that now homosexuals can openly serve next to heterosexuals in one of the least socially responsible organisations that currently exists on earth: The US military.
Championing equal rights is an issue of morality, war is immoral, and the US military is heading further and further down the path of immorality... The only difference being one can now admit their orientation without fear of official recrimination - a major boon for the equal rights movement! The capacity for increased carnage should not be celebrated as a victory!
Don't equal human rights extend to those that the Empire has mislabeled as the "enemy"? Or do we now have to ignore the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered by the thousands?
Don't equal human rights extend to those that the Empire has mislabeled as the "enemy"? Or do we now have to ignore the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered by the thousands?
I want to bang my head against a wall when another young gay person commits suicide as a result despicable bullying, yet people within the same community have fought hard for the right to openly join the biggest bully ever! Don't go, don't kill!

Jamie Kilstein Updated Gay Rights Material

Kate's Theme

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mike Bloomberg: It Gets Better

Via Courage Campaign:

Courage Campaign

Dear Daniel --

If you didn't see, today the 9th Circuit made a ruling on the Prop 8 case. The court declined to rule on the constitutionality, instead submitting a question to the California Supreme Court with regard to the question of standing and whether state law allows ballot initiative proponents to defend initiatives in court. At issue is the question of standing in state and federal law.

Okay, now what the heck does all that mean?

We'll tell you. Today at 2:30 p.m. PST we're hosting a live chat with The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) Legal Director and Prop 8 expert Shannon Minter at You can join us by going to at that time.

Shannon was the lead attorney on the In re Marriage Cases ruling at the California Supreme Court. That was the ruling that set this whole ball rolling; a case we won in which the Court ruled that same-sex couples cannot be constitutionally denied the freedom to marry. Shannon's also the Legal Director at the NCLR, one of the country's foremost and successful legal organizations. You may recall he and his deputy Chris Stoll joined the P8TT community a few months ago to answer your questions at the time. They had so much fun, they agreed to come back!

Got questions on what the 9th Circuit "question" is, exactly? How the California Supreme Court may rule? When the 9th Circuit will decide on the merits, if at all? What will happen if the case is dismissed for lack of standing at the California Supreme Court or 9th Circuit? We're here to help.

So if you've got Prop 8 questions, we've got answers. Join us at at 2:30 PM PST and fire away.

Thanks for all you do,

Rick Jacobs
Founder and Chair, Courage Campaign

Via JMG: Another Reason To Boycott Chick-Fil-A

Not that we really needed another one.

(Via - Good As You)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Gareth Thomas On Ellen DeGeneres

After Elton points us to this clip of today's Ellen appearance by out rugby star Gareth Thomas. Mickey Rourke has said he'll have his front two teeth removed to play Thomas in an upcoming biopic.

Via JMG: Billboard Of The Day

Real or photoshopped? The source doesn't give a location.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Jonathan Capehart

"I guess we're supposed to presume that Palin supports the repeal of the ban on gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military. And I suppose by extension we should presume that she is down with gay equality. But it's easy to support something that has already happened and costs you little to speak out about -- even if it is in the form a retweet. DADT was repealed with 65 votes in the Senate on Dec. 22.

"Palin had a chance to take a stand last November when her daughter Willow apparently unleashed the f-bomb (the one that rhymes with drag) on someone criticizing the premier of Sarah Palin's Alaska on Facebook. Bristol Palin seemed to step up with an apology of sorts. But the former governor, reality television star and self-proclaimed Mama Grizzly remained mute. This raises lots of questions about what constitutes accepted banter in the Palins' Wasilla manse. Leadership is about staking out positions when it's difficult, not just when it's easy. Once again, it seems, Palin has taken the easy route." - Jonathan Capehart, writing for the Washington Post.

reposted fromJoe

Via JMG: BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court Punts Prop 8 To State Supreme Court On "Standing"

Here's the ruling. Analysis and reactions shortly.

reposted from Joe


January 4, 2011
Equality California |
Dear Daniel,

The Ninth Circuit Court has just released its opinion on the Proposition 8 case. The Court has asked the California Supreme Court to consider whether Protect Marriage -- the campaign that put Prop. 8 on the ballot -- has standing to appeal. The Court also ruled that Imperial County, which had tried to intervene in the case, does not have standing to appeal.

Equality California’s amicus briefs helped shape the Court’s opinion. We were the only party to file an amicus brief on Imperial County’s attempt to intervene, contending exactly what the Court found -- that the County does not have standing. The Ninth Circuit Court is also sending the California Supreme Court our second amicus brief that contends that Protect Marriage also does not have standing to appeal. Our amicus brief is the only amicus brief from our side they are sending the California Supreme Court, out of the 25 total amicus briefs filed in the case. Thanks to our counsel, David C. Codell, for writing these influential amicus briefs.
We owe our thanks to the American Foundation for Equal Rights and the brilliant legal team, including Ted Olson, David Boies and San Francisco Deputy City Attorney Terese Stewart, for once again making the case. We are incredibly lucky to have them on our side.

Now we wait, again. The California Supreme Court will schedule its hearing shortly. As always, Equality California will continue to track the case’s progress and put our legal experts and our team to work to shape the outcome.

In solidarity,

Geoff Kors
Executive Director
Equality California


Monday, January 3, 2011

Via JMG: Quote Of The Day II - Father Cutie

"There are so many homosexuals, both active and celibate, at all levels of clergy and Church hierarchy that the church would never be able to function if they were really to exclude all of them from ministry." - Father Alberto Cutie (his real name), in his new book which slams the Catholic Church as misogynistic and hypocritical.

Cutie left the priesthood in 2009 after a Miami tabloid photographed him making out with the woman who eventually became his wife. Prior to being outed as a heterosexual, Cutie had been something a pop star in Latin media, earning him the nickname, "Father Oprah."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Debate Watch: 100% Of RNC Chair Candidates Denounce Same-Sex Marriage

RNC Chairman Michael Steele is fighting for his job at today's debate, where every single candidate responded to NOM's question on marriage equality by invoking Jeebus, traditional values, and the sanctity of one man-one woman.

reposted from Joe

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Via JMG: CALIFORNIA: Pastor Who Backed Prop 8 Held On Multiple Child Molestation Charges

Pastor Tom Daniels of Rio Linda, California is being held on $6M bail after being charged with multiple felony counts of sexual assault on a child. Lavender Newswire reports that Daniels twice made donations to Protect Marriage, the backers of Proposition 8.

reposted from Joe 

Friday, December 31, 2010

Via JustaBahai: new blog posting on same sex marriage   ...and the hot discussion in some Bahai circles is the conviction that gays and lesbians cannot do the same, cannot “verily” state their committment as equals...