A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Via JMG: Apple Ends Christianist Affiliation
Apple has pulled their iTunes store from a Christianist site that funds anti-gay hate groups like the Family Research Council. This move comes after pressure from petition site Change.org convinced other major companies such as the BBC to end their affiliations as well.
Apple has removed their iTunes store from the “Christan Values Network” (CVN.org) after more than 22,000 people signed a petition on Change.org started by Ben Crowther, a student and Apple customer concerned about CVN’s funding of anti-gay, anti-women organizations like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. The Apple campaign, which picked up significant momentum after 13,000 AllOut.org members signed another petition on Thursday, follows Microsoft’s decision to leave CVN two weeks ago, prompted by another customer-driven campaign on Change.org. Several other companies have removed their online stores since then, including REI, Macy's, Delta Airlines, BBC America, and Wells Fargo.
Coluna de Frei Beto: Os gays e a bíblia
É no mínimo surpreendente constatar as pressões sobre o Senado para evitar a lei que criminaliza a homofobia. Sofrem de amnésia os que insistem em segregar, discriminar, satanizar e condenar os casais homoafetivos. No tempo de Jesus, os segregados eram os pagãos, os doentes, os que exerciam determinadas atividades profissionais, como açougueiros e fiscais de renda. Com todos esses Jesus teve uma atitude inclusiva. Mais tarde, vitimizaram indígenas, negros, hereges e judeus. Hoje, homossexuais, muçulmanos e migrantes pobres (incluídas as “pessoas diferenciadas”...). Relações entre pessoas do mesmo sexo ainda são ilegais em mais de 80 nações. Em alguns países islâmicos elas são punidas com castigos físicos ou pena de morte (Arábia Saudita, Irã, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Iêmen, Nigéria etc). No 60º aniversário da Decclaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, em 2008, 27 países membros da União Europeia assinaram resolução à ONU pela “despenalização universal da homossexualidade”. A Igreja Católica deu um pequeno passo adiante ao incluir no seu Catecismo a exigência de se evitar qualquer discriminação a homossexuais. No entanto, silenciam as autoridades eclesiásticas quando se trata de se pronunciar contra a homofobia. E, no entanto, se escutou sua discordância à decisão do STF ao aprovar o direito de união civil dos homoafetivos. Ninguém escolhe ser homo ou heterossexual. A pessoa nasce assim. E, à luz do Evangelho, a Igreja não tem o direito de encarar ninguém como homo ou hétero, e sim como filho de Deus, chamado à comunhão com Ele e com o próximo, destinatário da graça divina. São alarmantes os índices de agressões e assassinatos de homossexuais no Brasil. A urgência de uma lei contra a homofobia não se justifica apenas pela violência física sofrida por travestis, transexuais, lésbicas etc. Mais grave é a violência simbólica, que instaura procedimento social e fomenta a cultura da satanização. A Igreja Católica já não condena homossexuais, mas impede que eles manifestem o seu amor por pessoas do mesmo sexo. Ora, todo amor não decorre de Deus? Não diz a Carta de João (I,7) que “quem ama conhece a Deus” (observe que João não diz que quem conhece a Deus ama...). Por que fingir ignorar que o amor exige união e querer que essa união permaneça à margem da lei? No matrimônio são os noivos os verdadeiros ministros. E não o padre, como muitos imaginam. Pode a teologia negar a essencial sacramentalidade da união de duas pessoas que se amam, ainda que do mesmo sexo? Ora, direis ouvir a Bíblia! Sim, no contexto patriarcal em que foi escrita seria estranho aprovar o homossexualismo. Mas muitas passagens o subtendem, como o amor entre Davi por Jônatas (I Samuel 18), o centurião romano interessado na cura de seu servo (Lucas 7) e os “eunucos de nascença” (Mateus 19). E a tomar a Bíblia literalmente, teríamos que passar ao fio da espada todos que professam crenças diferentes da nossa e odiar pai e mãe para verdadeiramente seguir a Jesus. Há que passar da hermenêutica singularizadora para a hermenêutica pluralizadora. Ontem, a Igreja Católica acusava os judeus de assassinos de Jesus; condenava ao limbo crianças mortas sem batismo; considerava legítima a escravidão e censurava o empréstimo a juros. Por que excluir casais homoafetivos de direitos civis e religiosos? Pecado é aceitar os mecanismos de exclusão e selecionar seres humanos por fatores biológicos, raciais, étnicos ou sexuais. Todos são filhos amados por Deus. Todos têm como vocação essencial amar e ser amados. A lei é feita para a pessoa, insiste Jesus, e não a pessoa para a lei. *Frei Betto é escritor e assessor de movimentos sociais, autor de “Um homem chamado Jesus” (Rocco), entre outros livros.
Via JMG: NORWAY: Lesbian Couple Saved Dozens Of Campers During Terrorist Attack
JMG reader Homer sends us this story I missed earlier in the week:
Hege Dalen and her partner Toril Hansen were eating supper in the camping area opposite Utoya [sic.] island when they started hearing gunshots and screaming. Dalen and Hansen drove their boat to the island, and fished out of the water people who were in shock and young people who were injured and transported them ashore. Every now and then bullets almost hit the boat. Since they couldn’t fit everyone into the boat all at once, they returned to the island four times. They might have saved as much as forty people from the clutches of the killer.
Via JMG: Bachmann-Affiliated Preacher/Radio Host Sues Rachel Maddow & MSNBC
Right wing radio host and preacher Bradlee Dean has filed suit against Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for a report claiming that Dean had called for the execution of homosexuals. According to the suit, Dean did not and does not endorse executing gay people. Dean and his band have performed at fundraisers for Rep. Michele Bachmann and she has praised his ministry. From a press release issued by the conservative group, Freedom Watch:
Tomorrow, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, Inc., a foundation dedicated to restoring morality and values in the nation's youth, will sue MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and others who defamed its founder, Bradlee Dean. A press conference will be held to announce the suit at the above location at 11 am on July 27. Bradlee Dean and his attorney will speak at the press conference. Bradlee Dean, a renowned hard metal rocker who came to Christ after suffering a hard life as a young boy, has dedicated his life to this mission, a mission that has been under attack by liberal media since its inception. In the course of his ministry, Dean once made a statement on radio criticizing his fellow Christians for not taking a stronger stand about the gay rights lobby promoting homosexuality in the schools. He made a strong reference to Muslims taking the issue more seriously in the context of Shariah law, but did not condone their practices. It was Bradlee's intent to focus attention on the issue, not to advocate harm to anyone.Here's the Bradlee Dean quote in question:
"Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America. This just shows you they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of the Judeo-Christian God, but they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do, because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination."Below are audio clips of the full quotes in context. In the second clip, Dean calls for the imprisonment of gay people and praises a then-pending Rwanda law that would imprison gay people for life.
Via AmericablogGay: The Daily Show on NY’s Wedding Day: "Runaway Pride"
The Daily Show was on the scene at New York's City Hall for the first marriages. Last night, the Daily Show ran its coverage of the big day.
The Daily Show - Runaway Pride
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
Another great video was produced by the BBC. I can't embed it, but it's worth a watch here.
Via AmericablogGay: NY’s Attorney General supports Edie Windsor‘s challenge to DOMA
Now that same-sex marriages are legal in New York, New Yorkers who get married are facing discrimination from the federal government via DOMA. Today, the Attorney General of New York made it clear that DOMA has to go. Eric Schneiderman's office filed an amicus brief in support of Edie Windsor's motion for summary judgment in her DOMA case.
In papers filed in the case of Windsor v. United States, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today challenged the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”), which redefined marriage for federal purposes to exclude same-sex unions that are valid under state law. The papers—filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York— ask the federal court to accept the Attorney General’s friend-of-the-court brief, which argues that DOMA violates same-sex couples’ right to equal protection under the law as required by the U.S. Constitution. This legal action, which follows Attorney General Schneiderman's pledge last summer to join the court battle over DOMA, follows the historic enactment of the Marriage Equality Act of 2011.
“The federal Defense of Marriage Act clearly violates the principle of equal justice under law as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and improperly intrudes on the traditional role of states in defining marriage,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “The State of New York has long recognized out-of-state, same-sex marriages and the enactment of the Marriage Equality Act further cements our state’s position on this critical civil rights issue. My office will fight every day to defend the fundamental guarantee of equal protection under law for all New Yorkers.”
Schneiderman filed the papers in federal court in support of the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment in the case of Windsor v. United States. The plaintiff, Edie Windsor, was married in Canada in 2007 to her partner, Thea Spyer, who died two years later.
Thank you, Eric Schneiderman. The brief is here.
And, this is how the "Summary of Argument" in the brief begins:
By refusing to recognize for federal purposes marriages that are valid under state law, DOMA intrudes on matters historically within the control of the States, and undermines and denigrates New York’s law designed to ensure equality of same-sex and different-sex married couples. Thus DOMA threatens basic principles of federalism. Moreover, it classifies and determines access to rights, benefits, and protections based on sexual orientation, and also based on sex.
For each of these reasons, considered separately or together, DOMA should be subjected to heightened scrutiny under the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment, and it cannot withstand such scrutiny.
Take that John Boehner and Paul Clement. They must be really wracking up some big-time (taxpayer funded) legal fees defending DOMA.
Good to have the NY AG on the same team as Edie, Roberta Kaplan and the ACLU.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Via 365 Gay: Study: High levels of discrimination for LGBT workers
A new study concludes that LGBT workers continue to frequently report discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
The Williams Institute of UCLA Law School, analyzing studies over the past 40 years, concluded that LGBT employees continue to report discrimination, especially those who are out in their workplaces.
According to the study, the 2008 General Social Survey reported that 42 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual employees had experienced employer discrimination at some point in their careers; 27 percent had experienced it within the five years before the survey.
Rates of discrimination against transgender workers are even higher.
“The devastating results of this discrimination are confirmed by the high rates of poverty and unemployment documented by surveys of the transgender community,” said Williams Institute Executive Director Brad Sears.
In related news, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today released a survey of employee benefits in the United States. Only 33 percent of state and local government workers and 29 percent of private sector workers have access to health care benefits for same-sex couples.
The Williams Institute of UCLA Law School, analyzing studies over the past 40 years, concluded that LGBT employees continue to report discrimination, especially those who are out in their workplaces.
According to the study, the 2008 General Social Survey reported that 42 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual employees had experienced employer discrimination at some point in their careers; 27 percent had experienced it within the five years before the survey.
Rates of discrimination against transgender workers are even higher.
“The devastating results of this discrimination are confirmed by the high rates of poverty and unemployment documented by surveys of the transgender community,” said Williams Institute Executive Director Brad Sears.
In related news, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today released a survey of employee benefits in the United States. Only 33 percent of state and local government workers and 29 percent of private sector workers have access to health care benefits for same-sex couples.
Via JMG: ILLINOIS: Mega-Church Dumps "Ex-Gays" At Exodus International
The Illinois-based mega-church Willow Creek says it is cutting its ties with Exodus International, the infamous group of "ex-gay" liars who promote reparative therapy.
Susan DeLay, director of media relations at the mega-church, says Willow Creek ending its relationship with Exodus does not mean it is any less welcoming to people with same-sex attraction, as "Willow Creek has a whole host of ministries for people dealing with these issues. All we've changed," she continues, "is how we've gone about inviting them into the church, which is the primary issue here." Jeff Buchanan, executive vice president of Exodus International, says his group is disappointed with Willow Creek's decision. "To date, we're still not very clear on the reason why. Our church association is meant to be a referral network of churches that are willing to receive those who are dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions and they're looking for ministry and for help, and that's the sole purpose of their association with us," Buchanan explains. "So, we are still left with questions and a little bit perplexed as to why they have chosen to pull out."
Via JMG: Crazy Eyes: Being Gay Means Being Enslaved To Homosexuality
Via JMG: The Definition Of "Christian"
"As this is a cultural war, our definition of being a Christian does not necessarily constitute that you are required to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus. Being a Christian can mean many things; That you believe in and want to protect Europe's Christian cultural heritage. The European cultural heritage, our norms (moral codes and social structures included), our traditions and our modern political systems are based on Christianity – Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and the legacy of the European enlightenment (reason is the primary source and legitimacy for authority). It is not required that you have a personal relationship with God or Jesus in order to fight for our Christian cultural heritage and the European way." - Norwegian terrorist Andrew Breivik, in an excerpt from his manifesto now being cited by the American right as "proof" that Breivik is not a "real Christian."
Via JMG: CALIFORNIA: Haters To Begin Petition Drive To Overturn Gay History Bill
Anti-gay forces in California have been granted permission to begin gathering the petition signatures to place a repeal of the LGBT history bill on the June 2012 ballot. Via Karen Ocamb:
SB 48 is a natural extension of Harvey Milk Day, requiring public schools to stop discriminating against LGBT people by rendering the LGBT minority invisible in public education. The bill requires schools to start teaching about LGBT history and contributions starting Jan. 1, 2012. Inclusion in California textbooks has been deferred until 2015 because of the economy. If CRI’s “coalition” gathers 504,000 valid signatures by mid-October and does qualify – the initiative would be placed on the June 2012 ballot. That’s the date for the Primary in California and CRI’s Republican base accounts for 30% of registered voters in California. Theoretically, that means the initiative would have to pass with heavy support from Independents and Democrats.
Via Lester and Charlie:
Congratulations to all the newlyweds in New York, like Phyllis Siegel and her wife Connie Kopelov, pictured below. Americans shouldn't have to wait for basic rights, but out of respect for those who did and do, we urge our friends to keep fighting.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss
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