"We’re no longer referring to him as President Barack Obama, our national organization has made the decision and made the announcement we now refer to him as Dictator Barack Obama. That’s what he is. And basically at this point, if you’re looking for a peaceful, political recourse there really isn’t one that we can think of, and I’m really not sure what to tell people out there than I guess they need to make decisions soon to just accept whatever comes next or some type of extra-political activities that I can’t really talk about because they’re all illegal and violent." - William Gheen, head of Americans For Legal Immigration.
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Via JMG: Anti-Immigrant Hate Group Threatens Violent Overthrow Of Government
"We’re no longer referring to him as President Barack Obama, our national organization has made the decision and made the announcement we now refer to him as Dictator Barack Obama. That’s what he is. And basically at this point, if you’re looking for a peaceful, political recourse there really isn’t one that we can think of, and I’m really not sure what to tell people out there than I guess they need to make decisions soon to just accept whatever comes next or some type of extra-political activities that I can’t really talk about because they’re all illegal and violent." - William Gheen, head of Americans For Legal Immigration.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Via Folha.uol.com.br: OAB discute casamento e adoção para casais gays
Casamento e divórcio, proteção contra a violência doméstica, acesso à adoção e à herança, além de punição a atos discriminatórios.
Esses são alguns dos direitos que a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil pretende estender a homossexuais, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, transgêneros e intersexuais.
Um anteprojeto de lei e uma PEC (Proposta de Emenda à Constituição) foram elaborados pela comissão de diversidade sexual do Conselho Federal da ordem e serão apresentados na terça-feira (23).
O anteprojeto cria o Estatuto da Diversidade Sexual, que prevê, por exemplo, o oferecimento de iguais oportunidades de trabalho e a criminalização da homofobia.
Os direitos do estatuto não poderão ser ignorados pelos legisladores, diz Maria Berenice Dias, presidente da comissão. "Um dia vão ter que aprovar", disse em evento.
O estatuto aborda um tema controverso: quando operar intersexuais --pessoas cujo sexo não é identificado como padrão masculino ou feminino, tratadas no passado por "hermafroditas". O anteprojeto proíbe cirurgias irreversíveis em crianças intersexuais se não há risco de morte.
Para Anibal Guimarães, colaborador do texto, a decisão sobre a operação deve ser tomada quando a pessoa tiver maturidade para entender o diagnóstico.
No Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, a cirurgia é feita quando o distúrbio do desenvolvimento sexual é identificado."É mais saudável que deixar a criança ser criada ambiguamente", diz Elaine Costa, do serviço de atendimento a esses pacientes.
As propostas atingem também heterossexuais, já que a "licença-natalidade" pode ser usufruída independentemente de sexo e orientação sexual. Nos primeiros 15 dias após o nascimento ou a adoção, a licença vale para ambos. Nos outros seis meses, os pais podem se alternar.
O estatuto precisa ser aprovado pelo pleno do Conselho Federal da OAB, antes de ser levado ao Congresso.
Para que as medidas não esbarrem na inconstitucionalidade, a comissão elaborou uma PEC que institui o casamento civil independente de orientação sexual, a licença-natalidade e bane a discriminação em função de orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero.
Esses são alguns dos direitos que a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil pretende estender a homossexuais, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, transgêneros e intersexuais.
Um anteprojeto de lei e uma PEC (Proposta de Emenda à Constituição) foram elaborados pela comissão de diversidade sexual do Conselho Federal da ordem e serão apresentados na terça-feira (23).
O anteprojeto cria o Estatuto da Diversidade Sexual, que prevê, por exemplo, o oferecimento de iguais oportunidades de trabalho e a criminalização da homofobia.
Os direitos do estatuto não poderão ser ignorados pelos legisladores, diz Maria Berenice Dias, presidente da comissão. "Um dia vão ter que aprovar", disse em evento.
O estatuto aborda um tema controverso: quando operar intersexuais --pessoas cujo sexo não é identificado como padrão masculino ou feminino, tratadas no passado por "hermafroditas". O anteprojeto proíbe cirurgias irreversíveis em crianças intersexuais se não há risco de morte.
Para Anibal Guimarães, colaborador do texto, a decisão sobre a operação deve ser tomada quando a pessoa tiver maturidade para entender o diagnóstico.
No Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, a cirurgia é feita quando o distúrbio do desenvolvimento sexual é identificado."É mais saudável que deixar a criança ser criada ambiguamente", diz Elaine Costa, do serviço de atendimento a esses pacientes.
As propostas atingem também heterossexuais, já que a "licença-natalidade" pode ser usufruída independentemente de sexo e orientação sexual. Nos primeiros 15 dias após o nascimento ou a adoção, a licença vale para ambos. Nos outros seis meses, os pais podem se alternar.
O estatuto precisa ser aprovado pelo pleno do Conselho Federal da OAB, antes de ser levado ao Congresso.
Para que as medidas não esbarrem na inconstitucionalidade, a comissão elaborou uma PEC que institui o casamento civil independente de orientação sexual, a licença-natalidade e bane a discriminação em função de orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero.
Editoria de Arte/Editoria de Arte/Folhapress |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
More sad homophobia from the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States
August 19, 2011
((( name address removed )))
Dear Bahá'í Friend,
Please accept our apology for the delay in following up with you regarding your email of January 10, in which you asked about possible ways that the Bahá'í community might be more supportive of the gay community. Regrettably, the press of work at the National Center has prevented us from responding sooner. After giving your questions careful consideration, the National Spiritual Assembly wishes to convey to you the following.
Your first question was when would homophobia be officially addressed within the Bahá'í community as something to be eliminated, comparable to prejudices based on gender and race. Actually, the letter you cited (written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated October 27, 2010 and quoted in our January 3, 2011 letter to the American Bahá'í community) includes a clear statement on this topic: "Bahá'ís are enjoined to eliminate from their lives all forms of prejudice and to manifest respect towards all. Therefore, to regard those with a homosexual orientation with prejudice or disdain would be against the spirit of the Faith." The House of Justice also writes that "it is important to understand that the Bahá'í community does not to seek to impose its values on others, nor does it pass judgment on others on the basis of its own moral standards." In addition, the Faith teaches that all people, whether Bahá'ís or not, should be treated
with compassion.
Some aspects of the issue of homosexuality as publicly debated, however, differ from other forms of prejudice, in that they would fall into the second category described below (which is excerpted from the same House of Justice letter noted above):
In working for social justice, Bahá'ís must inevitably distinguish between those dimensions of public issues that are in keeping with the Bahá'í Teachings, which they can actively support, and those that are not, which they would neither promote nor necessarily oppose.
This is because, as you know, the Writings state that the practice of homosexuality is not permitted, that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations are restricted to a couple who are married to each other. Thus, while it would be inaccurate to characterize the Bahá'í community as homophobic, characterizing it as fully supportive of the homosexual lifestyle would be inaccurate as well.
You also ask, in light of the tragically high incidence of suicide among gay teens, whether the Faith could play a larger role in addressing prejudice against gays and lesbians. While the National Assembly does not currently have plans to contribute to the national dialogue on such issues, it is permissible for knowledgeable believers to do so as individuals.
Similarly, although the National Assembly also does not have plans to appoint a task force to help address the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Bahá'ís and educate the community concerning related issues, a few individuals already have developed programs which are being presented in local communities and in various other settings. The National Assembly is learning from their experiences and will see how these efforts develop over time.
Concerning Bahá'í GLBT Gatherings, which would be similar to the Black Men's Gatherings, the National Assembly believes that the Bahá'í Network on AIDS, Sexuality, Addictions and Abuse (BNASAA) serves the purposes you desire, and feels that there is no need to create a new association devoted specifically to homosexuality. BNASAA does cover a broad spectrum of interests, as you have noted, but many of its resources and activities, such as workshops at its conferences, are more narrowly focused. We also wish to clarify that the purpose of the Black Men's Gatherings is not to address racial prejudice, but to promote service on the part of a specific racial group to the Cause of God.
Your thoughtful questions, and your earnest striving to help others and to apply the principles of the Faith in your life, are deeply appreciated. Be assured of the National Spiritual Assembly's prayers on your behalf, that the Blessed Beauty may guide your steps and surround you with His love and confirmations.
With warm Bahá'í regards,
Kenneth E. Bowers
National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá'ís of the United States
((( name address removed )))
Dear Bahá'í Friend,
Please accept our apology for the delay in following up with you regarding your email of January 10, in which you asked about possible ways that the Bahá'í community might be more supportive of the gay community. Regrettably, the press of work at the National Center has prevented us from responding sooner. After giving your questions careful consideration, the National Spiritual Assembly wishes to convey to you the following.
Your first question was when would homophobia be officially addressed within the Bahá'í community as something to be eliminated, comparable to prejudices based on gender and race. Actually, the letter you cited (written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated October 27, 2010 and quoted in our January 3, 2011 letter to the American Bahá'í community) includes a clear statement on this topic: "Bahá'ís are enjoined to eliminate from their lives all forms of prejudice and to manifest respect towards all. Therefore, to regard those with a homosexual orientation with prejudice or disdain would be against the spirit of the Faith." The House of Justice also writes that "it is important to understand that the Bahá'í community does not to seek to impose its values on others, nor does it pass judgment on others on the basis of its own moral standards." In addition, the Faith teaches that all people, whether Bahá'ís or not, should be treated
with compassion.
Some aspects of the issue of homosexuality as publicly debated, however, differ from other forms of prejudice, in that they would fall into the second category described below (which is excerpted from the same House of Justice letter noted above):
In working for social justice, Bahá'ís must inevitably distinguish between those dimensions of public issues that are in keeping with the Bahá'í Teachings, which they can actively support, and those that are not, which they would neither promote nor necessarily oppose.
This is because, as you know, the Writings state that the practice of homosexuality is not permitted, that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations are restricted to a couple who are married to each other. Thus, while it would be inaccurate to characterize the Bahá'í community as homophobic, characterizing it as fully supportive of the homosexual lifestyle would be inaccurate as well.
You also ask, in light of the tragically high incidence of suicide among gay teens, whether the Faith could play a larger role in addressing prejudice against gays and lesbians. While the National Assembly does not currently have plans to contribute to the national dialogue on such issues, it is permissible for knowledgeable believers to do so as individuals.
Similarly, although the National Assembly also does not have plans to appoint a task force to help address the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Bahá'ís and educate the community concerning related issues, a few individuals already have developed programs which are being presented in local communities and in various other settings. The National Assembly is learning from their experiences and will see how these efforts develop over time.
Concerning Bahá'í GLBT Gatherings, which would be similar to the Black Men's Gatherings, the National Assembly believes that the Bahá'í Network on AIDS, Sexuality, Addictions and Abuse (BNASAA) serves the purposes you desire, and feels that there is no need to create a new association devoted specifically to homosexuality. BNASAA does cover a broad spectrum of interests, as you have noted, but many of its resources and activities, such as workshops at its conferences, are more narrowly focused. We also wish to clarify that the purpose of the Black Men's Gatherings is not to address racial prejudice, but to promote service on the part of a specific racial group to the Cause of God.
Your thoughtful questions, and your earnest striving to help others and to apply the principles of the Faith in your life, are deeply appreciated. Be assured of the National Spiritual Assembly's prayers on your behalf, that the Blessed Beauty may guide your steps and surround you with His love and confirmations.
With warm Bahá'í regards,
Kenneth E. Bowers
National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá'ís of the United States
Via the CoffeeParty:
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
~ Thomas Paine
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Via JMG: Quote Of The Day - Slaggie Gilamonster
"We need someone who does not just talk the talk, but walks the walk on marriage. That is why we asked all the GOP candidates to sign NOM's 5 point marriage pledge. Bachmann, Santorum and Romney have. Why hasn't Herman Cain? President Obama claimed he supported traditional marriage but then failed to follow through. If Herman Cain wants to distinguish his position from President Obama, he should commit to concrete actions, not just rhetoric in support of marriage." - Slaggie Gilamonster.
RELATED: NOM's anti-gay hate pledge includes a promise to establish a presidential commission to investigate the "harassment" of anti-gay Christians. Hey, stop hassling all those Christians beating you with bats! You're infringing on their religious liberties!
Labels: assholery, bigotry, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, hate groups, Maggie Gallagher, NOM, religion, the Gorn
Via JMG: MADRID: Police Bust Man Claiming Plot To "Kill Queers" At Anti-Papal Protest
"I have hydrochloric acid and 50 bottles of benzyl bromide, with that we can make a good asphyxiating mixture. We have less than eight days to get organised, to kill queers and in the name of God. Come on mates, we need some fertilizer, I repeat we do not need money, just bring fertilizer, naptha, gunpowder or matches or a lighter will do. The only aim is to kill these dirty queers. On their anti-pope march is a good time to get them together and impale them and then burn them as queers." - Jose Alvano Perez Bautista, a Mexican national studying in Madrid.
Here's the news story about Bautista's arrest.
A Mexican chemistry student accused by police of plotting a gas attack on anti-papal protesters said he only meant it as a "joke" and has been released from jail, a court said Thursday. Spain's National Court said in a written ruling that 24-year-old Jose Alvano Perez Bautista's comments on an Internet page could result in charges of making aggravated or even terrorist threats. The student, who was among 30,000 volunteers for World Youth Day celebrations led by Pope Benedict XVI, is accused of making threats on a page of online newspaper La Voz Libre (The Free Voice). Spanish police had originally accused him of actually plotting a gas attack on the protesters. "Obviously, this is a reduction in the level of crime because they did not find elements that could constitute hazardous tools for action," Mexican embassy spokesman Bernardo Graue told AFP.Bautista claims that his threats were only meant to incite fear and reduce attendance at the anti-Pope protests. He is a volunteer organizer for the Pope's visit.
reposted from Joe
Via AmericaBlogGay: Hate group attacks Obama administration for supporting suicide prevention effort
Just when you think Tony Perkins and his fellow band of homophobes at the Family Research Council, a designated hate group, can't sink any lower, they do. Via Right Wing Watch:
Today in the mail I received a letter from the Family Research Council seeking to use the "It Gets Better" project to outrage right-wing activists into opening their wallets and donating money to FRC.
In it, FRC said it was "disgusting" that the Obama administration would support this effort, calling homosexuality both "immoral" and a "perversion" and accusing activists of using the project in order to "recruit [kids] into that 'lifestyle'."
Yep. "It Gets Better" is just horrible.
Jeremy Hooper lets them have it:
Considering president Tony Perkins went on NPR and said that gay kids commit suicide because they know they are "abnormal," the following document probably shouldn't come as any surprise. But when you consider that this condemnation of the "It Gets Better" project and LGBT youth in general was used to RAISE.FUNDS. for the Family Research Council and its work supporting the GOP, the attack takes on a whole new weight.
There are many, many, many reasons that FRC is a hate group. This is a shining example of why.
Via AmericaBlogGay: Big News from Denver: Sujey’s deportation halted by Immigration Judge
Following up on the post about Sujey and Violeta from earlier today, looks like the couple got some good news. Sujey's deportation has been halted by an immigration judge. Lavi Soloway just tweeted:
Victory! Denver Judge Halts Deportation 4 Sujey & Violeta, Sets 2012 Date to Consider Marriage-Based Application http://t.co/lmzihrX
UPDATE @ 7:02 PM: Lavi sent this statement:
"Today Immigration Judge Mimi Tsankov halted the deportation of Sujey Pando and scheduled a new hearing to consider an application based on her marriage to her U.S. citizen wife, Violeta Pando. Because today's hearing was intended to be a final decision day on Sujey's deportation, the judge's action was unusual; she spent 45 minutes methodically considering the procedural posture of the case. In the end, the Judge set aside the intended purpose of the hearing, citing developments including the Attorney General's intervention in a similar case in May (Matter of Dorman) and noted that the issues involved in this case existed in a context that was "fluid" and "in a state of flux." The Judge referred to events that occurred as recent as yesterday as having an impact on how to proceed. Yesterday, the DHS Secretary Napolitano ordered a review of all pending deportation cases for possible closure, including those involving LGBT families."
Congrats to Sujey & Victoria. And, great work by their legal team, led by Lavi.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Via JMG: Perkins: 'It Gets Better' Is Disgusting
Right Wing Watch reports that the Family Research Council's latest plea for donations uses the It Gets Better Project as its topic. Because anti-bullying efforts are "disgusting" and all good Christian children should have the right to beat those "perverts" whenever they deserve it.
Labels: bullying, Christian Love, douchenozzles, Family Reseach Council, fascists, hate groups, Tony Perkins
Tim Hardaway turns it all around, and is now publicly supporting gay rights
Via Yahoo Sports
Usually when a famous person goes on an offensive rant that flies in the face of tact or compassion or both at the same time, the real hope that stems from the expected fallout is that the voice behind the rant will come around to a more enlightened way of thinking. And not, as is usually the case, just issue the standard "to anyone I may have offended" apology before moving on.
Former NBA All-Star Tim Hardaway, who infamously and proudly stated his homophobia in a radio interview four years ago, has done a bit more than move on. Not only has he taken on a kinder view of the LGBT community, but he's also standing up for those who are trying to stand up for its rights. The Chicago native and Miami denizen was back in El Paso, Texas, this week (where he went college) to lend his support to a trio of politicians who are in danger of being recalled due to their stance on gay rights.
The El Paso Times can take it from here:
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Via JMG: "Mommy, They Are Just Like Me"
Via JMG: NEW JERSEY: Bridal Shop Rejects Lesbian Patron For Her "Illegal" Wedding
An opinion columnist from the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the manager of a bridal shop in New Jersey has refused the business of a lesbian because her coming wedding constituted "illegal activity."
Apparently, Donna was stunned to learn, after reviewing your customer-information sheet, that you're a lesbian. On the paperwork, you'd crossed out the word "groom" and written "partner" instead, and then inserted your fiancée's name. "She said she wouldn't work with me because I'm gay," you recalled. "She also said that I came from a nice Jewish family, and that it was a shame I was gay. She said, 'There's right, and there's wrong. And this is wrong.'" She also said - and you have the voicemail to prove it - that what you were planning was "illegal" and that "we do not participate in any illegal actions." "I was devastated," you told me. "I was crying. I called her a bigot; I told her, 'I am a happy person and you are a miserable person.' Then she hung up on me." You admit to using some choice words when you called her back. But trust me, whatever you said was probably poetry compared with what I believe most decent people would've spewed at her on your behalf.(Tipped by JMG reader Frank)
Via JMG: Olbermann: GOProud Moneyman Peter Thiel Is The Worst Person In The World
GOProud's fundraiser with Ann Coulter was held in billionaire Thiel's Manhattan loft. The Paypal founder and Facebook part-owner wants to build floating cities that are exempt from taxes and banking laws. Because being a fucking billionaire is never enough when the man is demanding his due.
reposted from Joe
Via Aatombomb:
I love my mom. If you told me 13 years ago that my mom would be an almost annoyingly supportive mom to her 2 gay sons, I woulda spit in your face and called you a liar. She’s a case study in how family dynamics can evolve from absolute denial and/or disappointment to full acceptance and love.You don’t see very many awesome Facebook posts, but Will’s mom seems intent on fixing that problem.
PS: I love how she so politely tells Bachmann to “get a brain.”
Via AmericaBlogGay: Pope Benedict will be greeted by another Spanish same-sex kiss-in
Pope Benedict the 16th Century is visiting Spain again, a trip that's garnering enormous controversy. And, Spain's LGBT community is doing its part by holding another kiss-in for the pontiff:
Spanish gays and lesbians say they will hold a separate protest homosexual "kiss-in" after the pope's arrival Thursday.
The kiss-in, being organised on Facebook, is to protest against the Church's "moral condemnations of sexuality," said Jaime del Val, a spokesman for one of the gay groups involved, Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol.
When the pope last visited Spain in November last year, he was confronted by a homosexual kiss-in in Barcelona.
About 200 gay men and women couples locked lips to demand the Church recognise their right to be gay as he paraded through Barcelona's streets November 7 in his transparent "popemobile".
The Facebook page is here.
As we know, leaders of the Catholic Church are obsessed with the gays. And, I suspect many in the Pope's traveling party will be quite excited to see the kiss-in.
Via AmericablogGay: We’re supposed to respect Phillip Hinkle and his family after he spent years attacking ours?
I can't seem to get the story about the anti-gay Indiana legislator, Phillip Hinkle, and his hypocritical gay scandal out of my head. It isn't because this is the first time this sort of thing has happened, of course. There is no need to count the number of times an anti-gay conservative legislator has been caught weakly disguising his compartmentalized sexual orientation by getting busted having a wide stance. The examples of hypocritical projection and homophobia of gay / anti-gay conservatives have become legion. In fact, it is because I'm weary of hearing from concern trolls, or the defenders of these hypocrites, that we need to "respect the privacy of the family." Hinkle's attorney, Peter Nugent, implored everyone to leave Hinkle and his family alone.
Wednesday, Nugent faxed this "official statement":
"Representative Hinkle is aware of the inquiries by The Indianapolis Star and we are investigating the matter at this time. We request that everyone respect the privacy of the family at this time."
First of all the adage, "Those who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones," applies. Secondly, if the family was aware of Mr. Hinkle's predilections they should have begged him to not become a Republican public figure who crafts hateful, conservative, anti-gay policies for others. Had he been a progressive then I would have no problem whatsoever with him or his family and would be happy to respect their supposed privacy.
If his family is not culpable in knowing his tendency to have sexual relations with young men while presenting himself as a bastion of conservative anti-gay "family values," I do feel sorry they are having to find out in this horrible way, but imagine how his gay constituents and their families feel? I'm sure they haven't deserved the victimization of having a representative who applies second class citizenship to them in order to camouflage his secretive gay liaisons. Like so many of his brethren, Hinkle has projected the mirage of a red blooded conservative heterosexual image in his twisted attempt to define himself as the conservative's dogmatic ideal, and very rare, nuclear stereotypical all American family.
Until our gay families receive the same rights as Phillip Hinkle's by having our marriages recognized by our government then I will not be following any exhortation to "respect his or his family's privacy."
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