Sunday, November 27, 2011

JMG Bible Verse Of The Day

The Friendly Atheist tells the story of the Christian bookstore who denied a patron's request to place the above Bible verse on a t-shirt.
They had a t-shirt printer that was used to put verses. I asked if a printing of a Timothy 2:12 shirt was reasonable. Being Christians, they had never looked that far into the Bible, so they looked it up with their handy dandy on site Bible. When they recited the verse (A woman happened to be the reader of the Bible) they informed me of how disrespectful of their religion I was being. I was unsure of how I was being disrespectful by asking for a verse from their Holy Book.
I've been known to quote Proverbs 23:2. That one doesn't go over well either.

reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 27, 2011


Awareness of Death

As with many deep truths, people tend to look at the death awareness meditations and say, Yes, I know all of that. I know I'm going to die someday. I know I can't take it with me. I know my body will be dust. And as with other things—as with the law of impermanence itself-I would say we know it and we don't know it. We know it in our heads but haven't taken it into our hearts. We haven't let it penetrate the marrow of our bones. If we had, I can't help thinking we would live differently. Our whole lives would be different. The planet would be different as well.

– Larry Rosenberg, "Only the Practice of Dharma Can Help Us at the Time of Death"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jennifer Saunders On Her Ab Fab Award - The Graham Norton Show - Series 10 Episode 5 - BBC One

Via JMG: First Gay Wedding For The Comics

For the mainstream comics, that is. Bleeding Cool has the backstory.

reposted from Joe

Via Blue Buddha

Master your words.
Master your thoughts.
Never allow your body to do harm.
Follow these three roads with purity
And you will find yourself upon the one way,
The way of wisdom.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 26, 2011

Absolute Stillness

If you wish to cultivate absolute stillness and clarity of mind, right here and now, sit down and imagine yourself on a peaceful shore or by a tranquil lake. If the mind is a snow globe whirling with thoughts, images, memories, and inchoate feelings, then the winds of internal energy and self-seeking—analyzing, evaluating, pushing and pulling, based on likes and dislikes—are what keep it stirred up and the snowstorm in motion, obscuring the inner landscape. Let the snow globe of your heart and mind settle by relaxing, breathing deeply a few times, and releasing all the tension, preoccupations, and concerns you’ve been carrying—at least for the moment. Let the gentle tide of breath carry it all away like the ocean’s waves, like a waterfall washing your heart, mind, and spirit clean, pure, and bright.

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's time.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 25, 2011

Keeping a Good Heart

There is a saying that “the dharma has no owner; it belongs to whomever is most diligent.” Sometimes people say, “I don’t have time to devote myself to practice, I’m doing a lot of different things and I am obliged to do them.” But honestly, it’s not that one has to go to some other place and close the door and be quiet in order to practice. That’s not the only way. It’s definitely the case that we can practice at any given moment. We can always try a little more to be kind, to be compassionate and be careful about what we do and say and so forth.
– Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, "Keeping a Good Heart"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tomorrow: Buy Nothing Day

From the same folks that brought you OWS.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Crazy Eyes: NBC Owes Me An Apology

Michele Bachmann isn't satisfied with an apology from Jimmy Fallon, she wants his network to apologize too.
"I think the point is," she told Fox News's America's Newsroom, "if that had been Michelle Obama who had come out on the stage, and if that song had been played for Michelle Obama, I have no doubt that NBC would have apologized to her and likely they could have fired the drummer, at least suspended him, none of that happened from NBC and this is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite but it’s also I think it’s sexism as well."
Michele Bachmann wants your family destroyed, your partner ripped from your arms, and your gayness "fixed." In this case, I find it very fucking hard to care what anybody thinks is sexist.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: CBS Deletes Letterman's "Ex-Gay" Cracks About Ladybird Bachmann From Web

Last night David Letterman made some cracks about Michele Bachmann which included jabs at Ladybird: "And if you're a homosexual, her husband will take care of ya. He's got a thing, a camp or a clinic or something. And if you're a homosexual and you feel you're in the need of some special treatment or counseling, he'll take care of you." Towleroad reports that Letterman's bit about Mr. Bachmann have been deleted from the web archive of the show. YouTube's still got it, for now.

(Via Enzo at Aksarbent)

Reposted from Joe


JMG Tomorrow: Buy Nothing Day:

From the same folks that brought you OWS.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Guest Post - Carl Siciliano

The holiday season frightens me. It is the time of year our homeless kids are most likely to attempt suicide. Kids who have been cast out of their homes suffer badly during a season that celebrates and idealizes family togetherness.

Yesterday I met with a group of kids at our drop-in center in Chelsea. They were all out in the cold at night, waiting for beds to open up in our shelters. One boy, who is 16 years old, told me how everything went bad for him when he was eleven. His father demanded to know if he was gay and when the boy was honest, his father refused to speak to him for three years. His mother tells him that he is a mistake and that she wishes she never had him. He has been running away repeatedly since then. There is nothing to celebrate at his home. I had a hard time sleeping last night, wondering what he had suffered.

What a sick, toxic force homophobia is in our society, destroying homes, making parents turn on their own children. Tens of thousands of teens in our country have been forced out of their homes. An LGBT teen is eight times more likely to suffer homelessness than a straight teen. The religious and political leaders who promote homophobia are causing terrible human suffering. They lie when they say they are promoting family values.

The waiting list for our shelter beds skyrocketed in the last year. More than half the kids coming to us for help are from out of state. Most are from the red states. Even though we recently opened a new 20-bed shelter, we now have a waiting list of over 200 kids. In New York City there are only 250 youth shelter beds for a population of 3,800 kids, 40% of whom are LGBT.

I am haunted by the perception that these kids are paying the price for our victories. I believe that when there is a lot of conflict about gay rights, parents who give credence to homophobic religious and political leaders take it out on their LGBT kids. It is no coincidence that our waiting list grew more than ever before in a year that saw the overturning of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and the achievement of Marriage Equality in New York.

The fight for LGBT equality for adults is often a matter of changing laws. But for these kids, who have been made destitute by homophobia, it is a fight for resources. A gay teen may not be able to depend on their parent's love, but they should be able to depend on our community to protect them. We cannot allow them to be left out in the streets.We need to marshall our resources to provide for them, and demand that our tax dollars help to create a safety net for them.

At the Ali Forney Center we are doing our best to protect the kids. We now house 77 every night in eight different shelter and longer-term housing sites. We serve hundreds more daily in our two drop-in centers. We work especially hard during the holiday season to create a warm and joyful environment for the kids. We have Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts at all of our housing sites and drop-in centers. We bring together many people to help us with all the food and withassembling abundant presents for all the hundreds of kids. Honestly, making the kids feel as happy and loved as possible during this season can be a matter of life and death.

I am deeply grateful to the community of people surrounding JMG for your generosity to the Ali Forney Center. Over the past few years the appeals Joe has invited me to write have generated over $65K. On this Thanksgiving day, I give my thanks to all of you who have been so kind and caring.

I hope that you will consider continuing to support our work. Donations can be made online or can be mailed to:

Ali Forney Center
224 West 35th Street, Suite 1102
New York, NY 10001

Thank you!

Carl Siciliano
Executive Director
Ali Forney Center

NOTE FROM JOE: The Ali Forney Center rates highly per the Best Practices guidelines of Charity Navigator, which judges non-profits on how efficiently they handle their funding. Donations are tax-deductible.

reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

 November 24, 2011

Each bite of food

When we are able to fully appreciate the basic activities of eating and drinking, we discover an ancient secret, the secret of how to become content and at ease. The Zen teachings talk about the exquisite taste of plain water. Have you ever been very, very thirsty? Maybe you were on a long hike, or sick, or working without a break in the summer heat. When you were finally able to drink, even plain water, you remember how wonderful it was. Actually, each sip of liquid and each bite of food can be that fresh and delicious, once we learn again just to be present.
– Jan Chozen Bays, "Mindful Eating"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via AmericaBlogGay: Peruvian mayor warns tap water can turn you gay

Gawker's write up is fabulous

Rumors of gay-making tap water have surfaced in Peru before: In 2000, a TV news report claimed that water from the town of Tabalosos — the source of Huarmey's water — had caused all 14,000 of its male residents to be gay. But wait! Before you book an Atlantis cruise to Huarmey, you should know the report was a complete myth. (Tabalosos only has four gay guys, and they've all slept with each other and are sick of running into one another on Peruvian Grindr.) 

Huarmey Mayor Jose Benitez wasn't aware of that, apparently, and used that report as the basis for his warning:
"Unfortunately strontium reduces male hormones and suddenly we'll be as Tabalosos, as other towns, where the percentages are increasing of homosexuality. Young people have low self-esteem by this stigma."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Via JMG: Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About Gay Marriage Ruining Europe

"While the social science research clearly and unequivocally shows that marriage is central to the welfare of individuals and the entire social order, unwarranted changes in family structure are profoundly reshaping our post-modern society and even our global economies. [snip] Ireland has the brightest fertility outlook, with total fertility measured at 2.1 (children per woman) and Greece, following at 1.5. Italy, Portugal, and Spain all have fertility rates of 1.4 children per woman, which is a growing concern in terms of exasperating the old-age dependency ratio. Throughout the years, what we have learned, to our sorrow, is that the consequences of the decline in marriage and breakdown of the family have not only negatively affected generations of individuals on a personal level, the decline of marriage has undermined social institutions and shaken the stability and economic viability of nations." - Janet Crouse, writing on the Concerned Women blog.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: PEW REPORTS: Anti-Gay Religious Groups Spending Big Despite Economy

Virulently anti-gay Christian groups figure prominently in the Pew Forum's ranking of spending for religious advocacy. Roll Call notes that NOM more than doubled its spending the year after the passage of Prop 8.

Keep in mind that all of the above groups maintain separate arms for "political advocacy" and other spending. For example, the total 2010 expenditure for Focus On The Family alone was $138,000,000. That's about two times the combined annual budgets of the ten largest LGBT rights groups.

reposted from Joe

Via AmericaBlogGay: UC Davis pepper-spray cop accused of previously slurring gay cop

But an alleged anti-gay slur by Pike also figured in a racial and sexual discrimination lawsuit a former police officer filed against the department, which ended in a $240,000 settlement in 2008. Officer Calvin Chang's 2003 discrimination complaint against the university's police chief and the UC Board of Regents alleged he was systematically marginalized as the result of anti-gay and racist attitudes on the force, and he specifically claimed Pike described him using a profane anti-gay epithet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Via Gay Politics Report:

Validity of Prop 8's ruling will be decided by federal appeals court

The issues of whether a federal judge was correct in overturning California's Proposition 8 marriage ban and whether he was fit to decide the case despite being gay will be decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Combining the decisions could streamline the case for a potential hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court. In June, a federal court rejected an attempt by marriage rights opponents to vacate Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to throw out Proposition 8. Metro Weekly (Washington, D.C.)/Poliglot