The Liberty Counsel has boldly issued their own "Declaration of American Values," a document they'd presumably like to see become law. Here's a small sampling of the chilling items they demand of the government:
To secure our national interest in the institution of marriage and family by embracing the union of one man and one woman as the sole form of legitimate marriage and the proper basis of family.It should be plain to even the most casual observer that the Christianist right demands nothing less than that the complete imposition of Sharia law. You don't get to decide what you read, what you watch, whom you fuck, and certainly not whom you marry. Jesus knows best and those who complain the loudest will be the first up against the wall. This country is heading for its own Kristallnacht, should these 21st century fascists ever get any real power.
To secure the free exercise of religion for all people, including the freedom to acknowledge God through our public institutions and other modes of public expression and the freedom of religious conscience without coercion by penalty or force of law.
To secure the moral dignity of each person, acknowledging that obscenity, pornography, and indecency debase our communities, harm our families, and undermine morality and respect. Therefore, we promote enactment and enforcement of laws to protect decency and traditional morality.