Sunday, February 5, 2012

Via Christians Tired of Being Misrepresented // The Christian Left: The War on Christianity

We often hear the phrase "The War on Christianity" loudly bandied about by politicians, pundits and religious groups. Generally speaking, it's a Conservative call declaiming the dissolution of Christian values in mainstream discourse and governance.
An article submitted by member, Rev. G. Jude Geiger. "This is the true War on Christianity in our country. It's not about prayer in schools, or soccer trumping Sunday school. It's about groups of pundits, politicians and "American"-centric groups redefining the teachings of Jesus to suit their economic, social or political agenda. You know it's working when those spouting the anti-Christian rhetoric rile people into anger and hatred. You know it's working when Christians are confused into believing that the the health of their neighbor is not their concern. That individual freedom is radically more important than community well-being."

Via Christians Tired of Being Misrepresented // The Christian Left:

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 5, 2012

Living with the World

We are not called upon as Buddhists to deny the world, and certainly not to escape from it. We are called to live with it, and to make our peace with all that is. The world of worries we wish to escape from in the beginning of Buddhist practice is found to be enlightenment itself in the end.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 4, 2012

Cooling Emotional Fires

Anger, annoyance, and impatience deplete energy. Patient effort strengthens our resources. We need to practice cooling emotional fires and alleviating fierce disruptions from our lives. The benefits of developing greater patience will be felt in all our relationships: intimate, casual, professional, as well as that all-important relationship, the one we have with ourselves.
- Allan Lokos, "Cooling Emotional Fires"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Friday, February 3, 2012

Via JMG: JC Penney: We Stand With Ellen

The American Family Association's campaign against JC Penney and Ellen DeGeneres has earned the AFA scornful media attention from around the world. For their part, JC Penney says they are proudly "standing behind our partnership with Ellen DeGeneres." Here's how E! covered the story last night.

RELATED: GLAAD is wisely capitalizing on the situation to point out that LGBT people can be fired just for being who they are in 29 states across the nation. ENDA!

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: On Husbands

About seven years ago  JMG wrote this:
When gay marriage finally becomes widespread, how quickly (if at all) will we act to correct each other when we identify someone's significant other?

"There goes David and his husband."

"Oh, they aren't married, just living together."

Will we do that? Will we give those who choose not to marry a verbal downgrade to "just living together", to "just boyfriends"? Gay people have traditionally operated fast and loose with the rules of defining and naming our relationships.

Will there be a sense of relief then, as we convert to straight society's hierarchy of relationships and start identifying couples as: dating, living together, or married? I think that the implied legitimacy of a legal marriage will tempt many of our people to begin resorting relationships into those separate categories. And I don't know how I feel about that.
It took almost seven years, but this very thing happened to me last night as I was rather archly informed that the couple I'd referred to as "husbands" were not married. They've just lived together for 22 years.

F%$k that, they are husbands.

Reposted from Joe

Via Gay Politics Report: Washington state Senate OKs marriage equality

  • Washington state Senate OKs marriage equality
  • The Washington state Senate voted 28-21 in favor of a marriage equality bill Wednesday night, sending the legislation to the House of Representatives, where it's broadly supported. The bipartisan vote came after a speech by openly gay state Sen. Ed Murray, who promised to invite his colleagues -- including those who oppose the bill -- when he weds his partner of 20 years. "Those of us who support this legislation are not, and we should not be accused of, undermining family life or religious freedom. ... Marriage is how society says you are a family," Murray said. House passage of the bill is expected soon, and Gov. Christine Gregoire has vowed to sign it into law.
  • (2/1), The Seattle Times (2/2), Towleroad (2/2) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 3, 2012

Finding Sense in Sensation

Whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, gross or subtle, every sensation shares the same characteristic: it arises and passes away, arises and passes away. It is this arising and passing that we have to experience through practice, not just accept as truth because Buddha said so, not just accept because intellectually it seems logical enough to us. We must experience sensation’s nature, understand its flux, and learn not to react to it.
- S. N. Goenka, "Finding Sense in Sensation"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via AmericaBlogGay: Rediscovering a Forgotten Hero

MLK ally Bayard Rustin at 100
Media Contact:
Nicholas Glenn | Communications Coordinator |312- 799-2161 glenn@chicagohistory.or
Bayard Rustin at 100

Rediscovering a Forgotten Hero

Known as the "invisible man" of the civil rights movement, Bayard Rustin was a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Artfully bringing Gandhi's techniques of nonviolence from India to America; Rustin organized the 1963 march on Washington D.C., the largest demonstration to date in American history. Rustin set the stage for a movement that captured the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. Yet despite his pivotal contributions, Rustin was expunged from history largely for being openly gay.

Beginning its 9th year, the Out at CHM series explores the contributions LGBT communities have made to Chicago and the nation. On Thursday, February 9, 2012, Chicago Urban League President Andrea L. Zopp moderates a discussion on Rustin’s enduring legacy with filmmaker Bennett Singer, co-director of the acclaimed documentary Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin, and Rustin's surviving life partner Walter Naegle.

The evening will also explore how Rustin is being rediscovered by a new generation of Americans committed to social and economic justice. During the conversation, film clips from Brother Outsider will be shown to add context to the life of this unknown hero. For more information please visit

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Via ACLU: Target of LGBT Bullying in Ohio School Tells His Story

Via JMG: GLAAD: Stand Up For Ellen

Citing yesterday's JMG post about the AFA's attack on Ellen DeGeneres, GLAAD has launched a campaign to thank JC Penney for selecting a popular openly gay spokesperson. Hit the link for a petition and for JC Penney contact details.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: LAUNCHED: Coalition To Repeal DOMA

Freedom To Marry and the Human Rights Campaign have launched a board coalition of organizations who are uniting in the battle to repeal DOMA. Here's the list so far.
Alliance for Justice, American Civil Liberties Union, American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of Musicians, American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, American Federation of Teachers, Americans for Democratic Action, Anti-Defamation League, Association of Flight Attendants, Center for American Progress, Coalition of Labor Union Women, COLAGE, Courage Campaign, Communications Workers of America, Family Equality Council, Feminist Majority, Freedom to Marry, GLAD, Gay & Lesbian Medical Association, Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Human Rights Campaign, Immigration Equality, Interfaith Alliance, International Union, UAW, Lambda Legal, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Log Cabin Republicans, MALDEF, National Black Justice Coalition, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Council of Jewish Women, National Education Association, National Fair Housing Alliance, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Organization for Women, National Partnership for Women and Families, National Women’s Law Center, People for the American Way, PFLAG, Pride at Work, AFL-CIO, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Service Employees International Union, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, Stonewall Democrats, Third Way, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, and USAction.
Last fall the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a repeal of DOMA, but the bill was not advanced to the full chamber because it would not pass there. A House version of a DOMA repeal bill would likely not survive its committee. However there is some hope that Democrats may improve their position in Congress this fall.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: SPLC Sues To Overturn DOMA

The Southern Poverty Law Center is suing the federal government on behalf of a disabled lesbian veteran and her partner.
Tracey Cooper-Harris served her country for 12 years in the U.S. Army. She received more than two dozen medals and commendations. She was honorably discharged in 2003. In 2010, Cooper-Harris was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a disabling disease that attacks the brain and central nervous system. The Department of Veterans Affairs denied Cooper-Harris’ request for benefits for her partner, even though their same-sex marriage was recognized by California. The Southern Poverty Law Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of Cooper-Harris and her partner, charging that the Department of Veterans Affairs discriminated against them by denying these benefits but granting them to spouses in heterosexual marriages. It also charges the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional because it bans federal agencies from recognizing such same-sex marriages, denying these couples benefits available to couples in heterosexual marriages

posted by Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma February 2, 2012

The Refuge of Sitting

It is important to sit with the clear intention to be present. At the same time, we need to let go of expectations. In a very real sense, what happens when we sit is none of our business. The practice is to accept whatever arises instead of trying to control our experience. What we can control is our wise effort to be present with what is.
- Narayan Liebenson Grady, "The Refuge of Sitting"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via AmericaBlogGay:

Marriage bill passes Washington state Senate 

The marriage equality bill just passed in Washington state. It now goes to the state House where it is expected to pass, and then to governor who has said she'll sign it. The religious right has already said they'll launch a referendum to repeal it since the only way they can win is by appealing to the bigotry of the masses.

JMG UPDATE: Washington State Senate Passes Marriage Equality Bill 28-21!!!

UPDATE: Under the leadership of openly gay Sen. Ed Murray and with the critical support of several Republican Senators, the bill has passed after failed attempts to attach nasty amendments. One of the failed GOP amendments would have made it legal for any business to discriminate against gay couples. Another would have immediately placed the issue on the November ballot. That will likely happen anyway via a public petition drive, but the Democrats swatted it down. Onward to the Washington House, where passage is guaranteed.

Congratulations Washington!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Via JMG: Amazon Supports Gay Marriage!

Online behemoth Amazon has publicly stated their support for the marriage equality bill about to be voted on by the legislature of their home state. Wahoo!
"Amazon is joining other Pacific Northwest companies, including Microsoft, Starbucks and Nike, in support of Washington state's marriage equality bills," Amazon said in a statement released by spokeswoman Mary Osako. "The spirit of these bills is consistent with our longstanding employment practices." Gay marriage supporters believe they have enough votes to pass the measure out of both houses, and Gov. Chris Gregoire has said she'll sign it into law.
Do I hear another boycott call? Squeee!

reposted from Joe


Diary of a Madly in Love Gay Couple