Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

There's a story in today's New York Times about Britain's spy agency, MI6, and how a top young spy recently died under unusual circumstances. The article, "Theories and an inquest after a spy's death," is behind the pay firewall, and it seems like some awfully thinly veiled homophobia. Let me walk you through it.
The Times refers to the agents possibly "sexual misadventure" - meaning, one theory is that he died during a somewhat unusual sex act that involved stuffing him in a small duffel bag. Now here's some of the proof from the Times that the guy might have been sexual misadventurous:

1. He was a bachelor. (i.e., he was gay?).
2. He went to transvestite performances (uh, otherwise known as drag).
3. Visited sites on the Internet dedicated to bondage. (ooh, crazy).

But here's my "favorite" part of the story.

"MI6 and other spy agencies in Britain... are no strangers to scandals that have involved the sex lives of some of their greatest talent."

The article then goes on to list several men who were gay. The first, Alan Turing, was basically pushed into suicide by British intelligence simply because he was gay. How exactly is that a "sex scandal"? A bigoted homophobic witch hunt, yes. Sex scandal, uh not really.

The next example they give is just as weird. Several English spies fled to the Soviet Union in the 1950s, and a number of them, according to the Times, "had homosexual liaisons as young men."

Again, yeah - who didn't have homosexual liaisons as young men?

The entire article strikes me badly. If you dare risk one of your ten articles a month, take a look. I think it's poorly written and poorly edited. Being gay isn't a scandal, and it most certainly is not a sex scandal. And someone needs to get out more if they think going to a drag show is evidence of sexual misadventure.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Via JMG: Editorial Of The Day

From the New York Times:
North Carolina already has a law barring same-sex marriage, but the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature is not satisfied. It devised a measure to enshrine this obvious discrimination in the State Constitution and placed it on the ballot of the state’s May 8 primary election — a test of tolerance versus bigotry that ought to be watched closely nationwide. [snip] Opponents of marriage equality have never been able to show any evidence that any harm is caused to heterosexual marriages by granting all American adults the right to marry as they choose — because there is no such evidence. With little more than a week to go before the May 8 contest, and early voting already under way, North Carolinians need to consider whether they really want to inflict this gratuitous bigotry on their fellow citizens and their children.
Read the full editorial.

Reposted from Joe

JMG Quote Of The Day II- John Shore

"What immediately became a meme amongst those criticizing Dan is that those who walked out of his talk felt bullied by him. But that’s impossible. People get bullied because of who they are: how they look and act, what they say and do. Perceived as being in some critical way weak or lacking, victims of bullies are selected for persecution; they are pulled from the pack before being pointedly and repeatedly victimized. The people who walked out during Dan’s talk were not separated from their peers by anyone. They were content to do that themselves. They were not frightened or cowed. They were offended. They felt that by disparaging what amounts to their God, Dan had transgressed beyond their capacity for toleration. And they were pleased to show their intolerance of Dan’s words by protesting against them in the manner they did. Theirs was not an act born of suffering. It was a proud show of disdain." - Christian author John Shore.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: North Carolina's New Lunch Counter?

Copyranter points us to the website Every 1 Against 1, where you can download anti-Amendment One images to post on your Facebook profiles and elsewhere.
Reposted from Joe

Via ॐ Blue Buddha Quote Collective:

ॐ Blue Buddha Quote Collective shared 2012 Healing the Planet 2012's photo.

Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind.
To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.  ~ Buddha

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 30, 2012


Every Situation, An Opportunity

Spiritual practitioners thrive in unpredictable conditions, testing and refining the inner qualities of heart and mind. Every situation becomes an opportunity to abandon judgment and opinions and to simply give complete attention to what is.
- Shaila Catherine, "Equanimity in Every Bite"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Via Follower of the Buddha / Facebook:

Namo Buddhaya Namo Dharmaya Namo Sanghaya སངས་རྒྱས་ཆོས་དང་ཚོགས་ཀྱི་མཆོག་རྣམས་ ལ། Sang-gye cho-dang tsog-kyi cho-nam-la I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha 諸佛正法眾中尊 བྱང་ཆུབ་བར་དུ་བདག་ནི་སྐྱབས་སུ་མཆི། Jang-chub bar-du dag-ni kyab-su-chi Until I attain enlightenment. 直至菩提我歸依དག་གིས་སྦྱིན་སོགས་བགྱིས་པའི་བསོད་ནམས་ ཀྱིས། Dag-gi jin-sog gyi-pe so-nam-kyi By the merit I have accumulated from practising generosity and the other perfections 我以所行施等善འགྲོ་ལ་ཕན་ཕྱིར་སངས་རྒྱས་འགྲྲུབ་པར་ཤོག །། Dro-la pan-chir sang-gye drub-par-shog May I attain enlightenment, for the benefit of all migrators. 為利眾生願成佛

Via JMG:

Today's Silly Lie From NOM

This weekend NOM posted the above story to their blog and Facebook page: "Clarence and Mayme Vail just became Guinness World Record holders for the longest living married couple — 83 years and counting! So what's their secret?" Bolding is mine because Clarence and Mayme have both been dead for years. That's their secret! (Via JMG reader Robert)

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Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 29, 2012


Inexhaustible Dharma

Some people think by giving everything away, you end up with nothing. But the Dharma is an inexhaustible well. However much you give of it, you can always go back for more, because in this well the more you take from it, the higher the water will rise.
- Master Sheng Yen, "Rich Generosity"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 28, 2012

The Moving Force of Gratitude

Gratitude is a way of undercutting your ego—that is, it is a way of being Buddhist. There is an awareness that we get now and then about what we owe to others, and Shinran feels that that should become the moving force of one’s life. That awakening, that awareness, transforms your way of dealing with life, with people, and with all things.
- Rev. Dr. Alfred Bloom, "Beyond Religion"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Friday, April 27, 2012

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

I wonder how Nebraska would handle a racist football coach?

Which is fine, so long as he keeps it to himself.  But I'd like to know how someone can be hired, or kept on, as a teacher once a school, especially a state school spending taxpayer money, finds out that the teacher is a very public bigot.  And lest anyone raise the free speech canard, would the University of Nebraska really keep an avowed racist activist as a teacher, or a coach?  How about a Klansman or a neo-Nazi?  Funny how complicated free speech gets when you take the gay out of the equation.

Via JMG: LGBT Couples Are More Mixed

More number crunching from the 2010 census.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Dialy Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 27, 2012

An Investigation of the Mind

We really must verify for ourselves that whatever thought comes into our mind has never acquired any true existence: thoughts are never born, they never dwell as something truly existing, and they have nowhere to go when they disappear from our mind.
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, "An Investigation of the Mind"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Via JMG: GLAAD Challenges Romney On Boy Scouts

GLAAD today kicked the current Boy Scouts controversy into the lap of Mitt Romney, digging out the above 1994 quote. Over 155,000 people have already signed the petition asking the Boy Scouts to reinstate den mother Jennifer Tyrrell, who was booted from her volunteer position for being gay.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 26, 2012

Allowing Some Space

If we can allow some space within our awareness and rest there, we can respect our troubling thoughts and emotions, allow them to come, and let them go. Our lives may be complicated on the outside, but we remain simple, easy, and open on the inside.
- Tsoknyi Rinpoche, "Allow for Space"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via AmericaBlogGay:

Republicans defend "don't say gay" bill in Missouri

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

JMG HomoQuotable - Barney Frank

"I don’t need the president’s permission to get married. He’s doing a great thing against DOMA. I think you make a great mistake by focusing only on negative things, I think that’s a mistake politically. I think we ought to be celebrating the gains as well as pushing further. [snip] The president did an enormous thing for us when he not only said that DOMA was unconstitutional, but said that any gay and lesbian issues had to be decided with that higher standard. I’m very happy with that. I’m not going to criticize him for not going further on that." - Barney Frank, speaking to the Washington Blade.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 25, 2012

Eliminating Suffering

The practice is to make the non-arising of grasping and clinging absolute, final, and eternally void, so that no grasping and clinging can ever return. Just that is enough. There is nothing else to do.
- Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, "A Single Handful"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NEVER AGAIN: President Obama Mentions Gay Victims Of The Holocaust ia JMG: NEVER AGAIN: President Obama Mentions Gay Victims Of The Holocaust

In a speech yesterday at Washington's Holocaust Memorial, President Obama mentioned the homosexual victims of the Holocaust alongside a list of other groups targeted by the Nazi Party.
“We must tell our children about a crime unique in human history… The one and only Holocaust — six million innocent people — men, women, children, babies — sent to their deaths just for being different, just for being Jewish. We tell them, our children, about the millions of Poles and Catholics and Roma and gay people and so many others who also must never be forgotten. We must tell our children… But more than that, we must teach them. Because remembrance without resolve is a hollow gesture. Awareness without action changes nothing. In this sense, ‘never again’ is a challenge to us all — to pause and to look within.”
The number of gays who perished in the Holocaust is unknown, although as many as 100,000 homosexual men were arrested by the Nazis.

Reposted from Joe