Saturday, May 12, 2012

Via Facebook:

Gay Marriage- Obama Comes Out for Love. Do You?

The Top 8 Ways To Be 'Traditionally Married' According To The Bible

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 12, 2012

Revolutionary Practice

True dharma practice is a revolutionary activity, and you can't do it in a comfortable way. You really have to challenge the whole identity of your life.
- Jack Kornfield, "The Sure Heart's Release"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via Facebook:

Via AmericaBlogGay:

The story of Obama's evolution, starting with a blogger named Joe 

I have to give Peter Wallsten and Scott Wilson credit at the Washington Post for crediting our own Joe Sudbay with being the person who got President Obama to say he's evolving on gay marriage.  A lot of reporters fail to mention who hit was who got the ball rolling on this issue.

Via AmericaBlogGay: More Romney Bullying

Top Romney aide gleefully outed transgender woman, ending her political career 

Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom Eric Fehrnstrom is called Mitt Romney's "most trusted" adviser. Well it seems that Mr. Romney's most trusted adviser is alleged to have "glee"-fully outed a transgender women, ending her career in politics.  This from GQ: Fehrnstrom saved his cheap shots for smaller-time Massachusetts pols. 


Via AmericaBlogGay:

Romney defends traditional marriage, which in his family's case means polygamy 

 The Daily Dish has a video of Mitt Romney talking about defending the traditional definition of marriage that's existed for 3,000 years.  In the case of Romney's family, that traditional definition involved polygamy. As the Daily Dish notes, Romney's family even abandoned the United States for Mexico, after the US government clamped down on polygamists over a century ago.Romney says that...

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

Romney flip-flops today on gay adoption, now against 

Romney seems to have decided that the only way can win the general election against President Obama is to swing even further to the far-right than he did during the primaries (I know the primaries aren't over, but they really are).  This is actually quite surprising.  He's going to turn off independents if he keeps pandering to the far right. From CBS News: Republican presidential...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Via Facebook:

Via Freedom to Marry / Facebook

Beautiful: The New Yorker Magazine cover celebrating President Obama's support for the freedom to marry.

Via Formidable Republican Opposition/ Facebook

Numbers unconfirmed, but a powerful statement on elections, their consequences, and the perils of voter apathy. Put yourself in these shoes.

There are over 6 million registered voters in NC and only 20% (1.2million) voted in yesterdays election. We allowed about 750,000 people or 12% of the registered voters to decide that Amendment One is going to be written into the NC state Constitution.

NC Registered voters:
2.7 million Democrat
1.9 million Republican
1.5 million Unaffiliated
Great find by Davey Wavey Fan Page!

Via Inked Buddha

If we look at each other superficially, we see differences - and as we place emphasis only on those differences, we grow more distant. But if we look at each other as our our kind, as human beings just like ourselves, we find that we are not that dissimilar.

We are the same human flesh - we all want happiness. From mutual recognition, we can build respect. From respect, we can build trust. From trust, we can build harmony, cooperation, and peace. And from there, we can stop many problems.

Reach out to someone today, that you might otherwise see as "different".

Thank you for being here with me today.... — at I took this photo near Hanoi, Vietnam.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 11, 2012

The Path of Optimism

Buddhism is a path of supreme optimism, for one of its basic tenets is that no human life or experience is to be wasted or forgotten, but all should be transformed into a source of wisdom and compassionate living.

Today's Facebook Find: