Sunday, May 27, 2012

Via Facebook:

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

Colin Powell says yes to same-sex marriage

He's been a tad behind the curve.  But it does help to have a prominent African-American get with the program, so this is still good news.  Even if he has his own personal demons to deal with.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 27, 2012

Shoulder to Shoulder, Hand to Hand

In a sense, all of Buddhist practice takes place here, in this most intimate realm: here, in the family, shoulder to shoulder with fellow workers, beside each other on the cushion. We meet each other face to face, and so have all our teachers and ancestors met each other. In this way have all the Buddhas taught. Hand to sweating hand.

     - Sallie Tisdale, "Washing Out Emptiness"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Friday, May 25, 2012

Via JMG: Updated Electoral Projections

I'm going to try and remember to post one of these every Friday until November. The interactive version with the latest polling data can be found at Huffington Post.

Via AmericaBlogGay:

President Obama takes on Black America's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy

Aisha C. Moodie-Mills from the Center for American Progress raises a fascinating notion: That President Obama's embrace of marriage equality has fueled in the black community a much-needed discussion about gay civil rights.  Great piece in the Atlantic, here are a few grafs: The most profound impact of Obama's "evolution" on same-sex marriage could come in the form of dismantling...

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

On marriage, leadership mattered - and it paid off

Mike Signorile:And there's a lesson here for all progressives -- and for the Obama campaign. We were told by the Democratic strategists and the campaign pollsters, the Democratic establishment, that coming out for marriage equality would be harmful to the president. The establishment pundits, gay and straight, were defending the White House, giving the president a pass, as were the establishment...

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

Huge shift in black support for marriage in Maryland following Obama endorsement

These numbers are almost too good to be true.  But they come from PPP, one of the most respected polling firms. 57% of Maryland voters say they’re likely to vote for the new [same-sex] marriage law this fall, compared to only 37% who are opposed. That 20 point margin of passage represents a 12 point shift from an identical PPP survey in early March, which found it ahead by a closer 52/44...

Obama Campaign Launches New Site And Video In Praise Of LGBT Rights Advances

Obama Campaign Launches New Site And Video In Praise Of LGBT Rights Advances

Updated site: LGBT Americans For Obama.

Reposted from Joe

Trent Arrives Home on the USS Carl Vinson 5/23/12

JMG Editorial Of The Day

The New York Times yesterday posted an editorial about Dr. Robert Spitzer's recanting of his infamous "ex-gay" research and its conclusions.
Dr. Spitzer, who just turned 80, has acknowledged that his survey was deeply flawed. In a letter to the editor of the Archives of Sexual Behavior, which had published his study, he said he had no way of knowing whether the patients who said they had changed were deceiving themselves, lying or reporting accurately. He apologized for making “unproven claims” about reparative therapy and for any harm he may have caused to anyone who “wasted time and energy” undergoing the therapy. Critics have noted that the people interviewed were nominated by centers that were performing the therapy and that there was no control group and no clear definition of what counted as therapy. There is also some evidence that reparative therapy can lead to depression or suicidal thoughts and behavior. It is absurd, potentially harmful, pseudopsychiatry. It should have been rejected long ago.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 25, 2012

To Give Without Bargaining

The body breaks, things change, life ends. Only when impermanence is fully apprehended do we really have the chance to serve, to give without bargaining.
- Bonnie Myotai Treace, Sensei, "The Sword Disappears in the Water"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Via GOComics: Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau

Via AmericaBlog Gay

ExxonMobil against consider proposal to bar anti- gay, trans discrimination

ExxonMobil has turned this proposal down before. Nasty company. Big Oil. Enough said. From Chris Johnson at the Blade:All eyes will be on one of the nation's largest publicly traded companies next week when shareholders will vote on whether the company should make LGBT protections part of its formal non-discrimination policy. At a meeting set for May 30 in Dallas, shareholders for the...

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 24, 2012

Our Full Expression

When we are fully expressed from moment to moment, we are transparent.

- Sensei Nancy Mujo Baker, "On Not Being Stingy"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why The New ‘Obama Gay Marriage Support Is A Wash’ Meme Is Wrong | The New Civil Rights Movement

The New Civil Rights Movement shared a link.
A new poll claims Obama’s support for gay marriage hasn’t had any affect on his polling numbers. Here’s why that meme is wrong.

JMG Headline Of The Day

Blame it on Obama!

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Brown Vs Savage: Duel Update

Dan Savage has set the time and place for the one-on-one debate that NOM's Brian Brown challenged him to earlier this month. Per this week's Savage Love podcast, Dan has invited Brown and his wife to a dinner at his Seattle home with Dan and his husband, where New York Times columnist Mark Oppenheimer, who has previously interviewed both parties, has agreed to moderate the discussion. I've just spoken to Dan by phone and he tells me that the event will be filmed with the tentative plan to upload the debate to YouTube "in its entirety and without edits." The exact date is not yet known, but Savage suggested some time in June. Stand by for Brian Brown's reaction to the invitation.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Photo Of The Day

JMG reader Aaron Heier writes: "It's happening. The street sign is up & ready for the unveiling just outside of the San Diego LGBT Community Center today at 5PM. It's the first Harvey Milk Street ever."

Reposted from Joe

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau