A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Via Daily Dharma
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 09/05/2015
“Qual a diferença entre a dependência e a entrega num relacionamento? É
a mesma diferença que existe entre medo e confiança, são extremos
opostos. A dependência é um desdobramento do medo, a entrega é um
desdobramento da confiança.”
“¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la dependencia y la entrega en una relación? Es la misma diferencia que existe entre miedo y confianza, son extremos opuestos. La dependencia es un desdoblamiento del miedo, la entrega es un desdoblamiento de la confianza.”
“¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la dependencia y la entrega en una relación? Es la misma diferencia que existe entre miedo y confianza, son extremos opuestos. La dependencia es un desdoblamiento del miedo, la entrega es un desdoblamiento de la confianza.”
"What is the difference between dependence and surrender within a
relationship? It's the same as the difference between fear and trust –
they are extreme opposites. Dependence is an offshoot of fear, while
surrender is an unfolding of trust.”
Via Daily Dharma!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 08/05/2015
“Temos reproduzido na esfera coletiva as mesmas dificuldades que
vivemos nos nossos relacionamentos afetivos, na nossa família, com
nossos vizinhos, com quem está perto. Precisamos rever nossos
comportamentos, mudar a nossa relação com o outro e com a natureza. Os
sintomas da crise que estamos vivendo são desdobramentos da inabilidade
do ser humano em lidar com a própria sombra. Assim como suprimimos o
ciúme e a inveja, deixando esses
sentimentos influenciarem nossas vidas de forma indireta, temos deixado o
ódio inconsciente destruir o planeta. Na base da crise planetária está a
guerra dos sexos, a distorção do masculino e do feminino.”
“Hemos reproducido en la esfera colectiva las mismas dificultades que
vivimos en nuestras relaciones afectivas, en nuestra familia, con
nuestros vecinos, con quien está cerca. Necesitamos rever nuestros
comportamientos, cambiar nuestra relación con el otro y con la
naturaleza. Los síntomas de la crisis que estamos viviendo son
desdoblamientos de la inhabilidad del ser humano en lidiar con la propia
sombra. Así como suprimimos los celos y la envidia, dejando que estos
sentimientos influencien nuestras vidas de forma indirecta, hemos dejado
que el odio inconsciente destruya el planeta. En la base de la crisis
planetaria está la guerra de los sexos, la distorsión del masculino y
del femenino.”
"We recreate the same difficulties at the collective level that we endure within our loving relationships, with our family, neighbors or whoever we are around. It's time we take a better look at our behaviors, so as to transform our relationship with others, as well as with nature as a whole. We are experiencing a crisis, the symptoms of which stem from our inability to deal with our own shadow. In the same way that we feed jealousy or envy, allowing these feelings to indirectly influence our lives, we have also been allowing unconscious hatred to destroy the planet. At the very root of this whole global crisis lies a war between the sexes, acting through the distortion of the masculine and feminine principles."
"We recreate the same difficulties at the collective level that we endure within our loving relationships, with our family, neighbors or whoever we are around. It's time we take a better look at our behaviors, so as to transform our relationship with others, as well as with nature as a whole. We are experiencing a crisis, the symptoms of which stem from our inability to deal with our own shadow. In the same way that we feed jealousy or envy, allowing these feelings to indirectly influence our lives, we have also been allowing unconscious hatred to destroy the planet. At the very root of this whole global crisis lies a war between the sexes, acting through the distortion of the masculine and feminine principles."
Via Daily Dharma
WGB Poll: Americans more comfortable with gay presidential candidate than evangelical
Americans would feel more comfortable with an LGBTI presidential candidate than an evangelical Christian one, according to a new poll.
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked 1,000 adults last week whether they would 'be enthusiastic,' 'be comfortable with,' 'have some reservations about' or 'be very uncomfortable with' a list of qualities of a potential leader.
Some 61% said they would be either enthusiastic about or comfortable with an LGBTI candidate, while only 37% said they would have reservations or be uncomfortable and 2% were not sure.
By comparison, 52% said they'd be enthusiastic about or comfortable with an evangelical Christian running for president, while 44% expressed some degree of hesitancy about the idea and 4% were not sure. Full story here!
The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked 1,000 adults last week whether they would 'be enthusiastic,' 'be comfortable with,' 'have some reservations about' or 'be very uncomfortable with' a list of qualities of a potential leader.
Some 61% said they would be either enthusiastic about or comfortable with an LGBTI candidate, while only 37% said they would have reservations or be uncomfortable and 2% were not sure.
By comparison, 52% said they'd be enthusiastic about or comfortable with an evangelical Christian running for president, while 44% expressed some degree of hesitancy about the idea and 4% were not sure. Full story here!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 07/05/2015
“Ao longo da jornada evolutiva a entidade humana constrói máscaras para
se proteger da dor. Essas máscaras são criadas de acordo com o que ela
tem, com sua história, com o ambiente onde vive - de acordo com o karma
que ela carrega. Alguns aprendem que, para conseguirem o que querem,
precisam ser vítimas, outros aprendem que precisam ser agressivos.
Alguns entendem que precisam ser caridosos e religiosos, outros que
precisam ser criminosos. Alguns vestem a
máscara da autossuficiência, da superioridade, outros da impotência e
da fragilidade. Mas, não importa qual seja a máscara, ela não tem nada a
ver com a verdade de quem é você.”
“A lo largo del camino evolutivo la entidad humana construye máscaras
para protegerse del dolor. Estas máscaras son creadas de acuerdo con lo
que ella tiene, con su historia, con el ambiente donde vive - de acuerdo
con el karma que carga. Algunos aprenden que para conseguir lo que
quieren, tienen que ser víctimas, otros aprenden que necesitan ser
agresivos. Algunos entienden que necesitan ser caritativos y religiosos,
otros que necesitan ser criminales. Algunos visten la máscara de la
autosuficiencia, de la superioridad, otros de la impotencia y de la
fragilidad. Pero no importa cuál sea la máscara, ella no tiene nada que
ver con la verdad de quien eres.”
"Throughout the evolutionary journey, human beings create masks to protect themselves from pain. These masks are shaped through our possessions, our life’s history, our personal environment, and the karma we carry. Some people learn that they have to be a victim to get what they want, others learn that they need to be aggressive. Some people believe that they need to be charitable and religious, others believe they have to be criminals. Some people wear the mask of self-sufficiency and superiority, others wear the mask of helplessness and weakness. No matter what the mask is, it has nothing to do with the truth of who you are.”
"Throughout the evolutionary journey, human beings create masks to protect themselves from pain. These masks are shaped through our possessions, our life’s history, our personal environment, and the karma we carry. Some people learn that they have to be a victim to get what they want, others learn that they need to be aggressive. Some people believe that they need to be charitable and religious, others believe they have to be criminals. Some people wear the mask of self-sufficiency and superiority, others wear the mask of helplessness and weakness. No matter what the mask is, it has nothing to do with the truth of who you are.”
Via JMG: Porno Pete: NOM Lied About Hate March
Brian Brown told numerous outlets that attendance at last month's hate march was 15,000.
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Via JMG: ARIZONA: Rubio Headlines Fundraiser For Group That Backs "Ex-Gay" Torture
Yesterday Sen. Marco Rubio headlined a fundraiser for the vile Arizona Center For Public Policy, which advocates for "ex-gay" torture among other anti-gay positions. Chris Geidner reports at Buzzfeed:
Although there was no media inside the room at the Center for Arizona Policy fundraiser, held at Arizona Christian University, and a spokesperson from Rubio’s campaign did not respond to repeated requests Wednesday for comment about the event or what Rubio planned to say, at least two attendees did post on social media from within the event with remarks from Rubio. “Even as I’m speaking to you now, a human life is being terminated in America,” a congressional staffer attending Wednesday’s event quoted Rubio as saying. The staffer works for Rep. Trent Franks, who also was in attendance. “Without faith at the core of our society, you fall into an era of moral relativism,” the staffer quoted Rubio as saying. When Rubio was discussing marriage, the Franks staffer did not quote Rubio directly, but he tweeted, “Dangerous era in America, says @marcorubio, where if you believe in the traditional definition of marriage, you’re a bigot.”Two weeks ago Rubio declared that he believes that sexual orientation is "something people are born with." It doesn't appear that he addressed "ex-gay" therapy during his speech.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 06/05/2015
“É curioso ver que muitos não aprendem com suas desilusões e fracassos
nos relacionamentos, e seguem acreditando que obterão felicidade através
do outro. Essa fantasia se mantém por algum tempo, enquanto cada um
vive sua vida e o casal se encontra de vez em quando. Mas, quando
resolvem morar juntos, a verdade aparece. Logo a relação vira um campo
de batalha. Isso ocorre porque as pessoas não querem alguém para amar,
elas querem alguém para satisfazer suas
necessidades e caprichos. Elas querem se tornar donos do outro. E o pior
é que a grande maioria acredita que essa obsessão em possuir é amor.”
“Es curioso ver que muchos no aprenden con sus desilusiones y fracasos
en las relaciones, y siguen creyendo que obtendrán la felicidad a través
de otro. Esta fantasía se mantiene durante algún tiempo, mientras cada
uno vive su vida y la pareja se encuentra de vez en cuando. Pero cuando
resuelven vivir juntos, la verdad aparece. Pronto la relación se
convierte en un campo de batalla. Esto ocurre porque las personas no
quieren alguien a quien amar, ellas quieren alguien para satisfacer sus
necesidades y caprichos. Quieren volverse dueños del otro. Y lo peor es
que la gran mayoría cree que esta obsesión de poseer es amor.”
"It’s curious to see that many people do not learn from their deceptions and failures in relationships, and still believe that they will attain happiness through the other. This fantasy is maintained for some time, while each partner lives their own life and the couple only meets up from time to time. But when they decide to live together, the truth appears. Soon after, the relationship becomes a battlefield. This is because people do not want someone to love; they want someone to satisfy their needs and whims. They want to own the other. The worst part is that the vast majority of people believe that this obsession with possessing is love.”
"It’s curious to see that many people do not learn from their deceptions and failures in relationships, and still believe that they will attain happiness through the other. This fantasy is maintained for some time, while each partner lives their own life and the couple only meets up from time to time. But when they decide to live together, the truth appears. Soon after, the relationship becomes a battlefield. This is because people do not want someone to love; they want someone to satisfy their needs and whims. They want to own the other. The worst part is that the vast majority of people believe that this obsession with possessing is love.”
Via Daily Dharma
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Via hubpages: The Verdict is in: Guess Who's The Worst President in US History?
is much debate about who was the best or worst president in US history.
It's too important of a subject to rely on opinion polls which are
skewed by the influence of individual bias and political views. Yet It's
difficult to quantify how good or bad any president may have been in
comparison to another. However, a careful look at the facts shows one
president failed in virtually every aspect of the job to a degree
unrivaled by any other president.
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 05/05/2015
“Se você carrega dentro de si um pacto de vingança em relação a uma
pessoa, de certa forma, ela fica presa também. Se essa pessoa ainda não é
iluminada, esses sentimentos e pensamentos acabam exercendo influência
sobre ela. Mas o mesmo acontece quando você perdoa. Ao libertar-se do
ódio, você libera a outra pessoa também.”
“Si llevas dentro de ti un pacto de venganza en relación a una persona, en cierto modo, ella queda atrapada también. Si esa persona no está iluminada, estos sentimientos y pensamientos terminan ejerciendo influencia sobre ella. Pero lo mismo sucede cuando perdonas. Al liberarte del odio, liberas a la otra persona también.”
“Si llevas dentro de ti un pacto de venganza en relación a una persona, en cierto modo, ella queda atrapada también. Si esa persona no está iluminada, estos sentimientos y pensamientos terminan ejerciendo influencia sobre ella. Pero lo mismo sucede cuando perdonas. Al liberarte del odio, liberas a la otra persona también.”
"If we carry
within us a pact of revenge pact towards someone, in some way, this
person gets stuck as well. If that person is not yet enlightened, our
feelings and thoughts end up influencing them. The same thing happens
when we forgive someone: by freeing ourselves of our hatred, we also
liberate the other person.”
Via Daily Dharma
Via Daily Dharma
Via Daily Dharma
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