Para ler o Satsang completo, acesse:
“Hoy en día la espiritualidad necesita ser práctica y sustentable.
Práctica porque no es necesario estar dentro de un templo, un monasterio
o una iglesia, sino dentro de tu propia casa, en tu trabajo, con tus
amigos. Y sustentable, porque es preciso estar en armonía con la
materia, con el dinero. Tanto en la necesidad de acumular dinero, como
en la negación del mismo, son extremos de la misma moneda - son
reacciones que nacen del miedo. Huir de la vida material a través de la
espiritualidad no es más que otra forma de materialismo.”
“These days spirituality has to be practical and sustainable. It is practical because it’s no longer confined to a temple, a monastery, or a church, but can be in your own home, at work, or with your friends. Spirituality must be sustainable as well by being in harmony with things of the material world, such as money. The need to accumulate money and the denial of money are both sides of the same coin: they are reactions that stem from fear. Running away from the material world through spirituality is just another form of materialism.”
“These days spirituality has to be practical and sustainable. It is practical because it’s no longer confined to a temple, a monastery, or a church, but can be in your own home, at work, or with your friends. Spirituality must be sustainable as well by being in harmony with things of the material world, such as money. The need to accumulate money and the denial of money are both sides of the same coin: they are reactions that stem from fear. Running away from the material world through spirituality is just another form of materialism.”