Sunday, July 19, 2015

Via Daily Kos: Hilarious Letter To The Editor

This appeared in todays Forum in Fargo, ND, reprinted from the Wishek ND Star and Ashley ND Tribune, about several items from the recent news:
Letter: High court goes gay; GOP frets.

Here are a couple of quotes. But really you should click on the link above to read the whole thing. I think it's very funny and well-written.
Bobby Jindal, one of 666 Republicans seeking the nomination for president, said, “If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court.” Presumably after conservatives dump the EPA, IRS and other troublesome letters of the alphabet. Ted Cruz called it, “the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history.” The. Darkest. Day. Ever. Worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, JFK’s assassination, or the day the Baha Men released “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
I don’t blame Republicans for being upset. If Americans no longer have the freedom to discriminate on the basis of their personal beliefs, well, what is this world coming to? It’s not like this is a Woolworth’s lunch counter in 1960. Still, I see a silver lining in the apocalyptic cloud. With American ingenuity and the entrepreneurial spirit, we can turn lemons into ... Mike’s Hard Lemonade and get really plastered. No! No! That’s not it, although that’s not a bad idea.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 18/07/2015

“Máscaras são mecanismos de defesa criados para nos proteger da dor dos traumas da infância, e que podem ser identificados através de sintomas como ansiedade, depressão, angústia, vergonha, além de compulsões e vícios. Quando começamos a bater na porta da verdade, as estruturas das máscaras começam a se romper. Esse não é um processo fácil porque tudo que conhecíamos até então estava atrelada a isso. Nós começamos a perder as referências e a entrar em contato com aspectos da natureza inferior que desconhecíamos. Inicia-se uma séria mas bendita crise, pois é através dela que a transformação é possível.”

“ Las máscaras son mecanismos de defensa creados para protegernos del dolor de los traumas de la infancia, y que pueden ser identificados a través de síntomas como ansiedad, depresión, angustia, vergüenza, además de compulsiones y vicios. Cuando empezamos a golpear en la puerta de la verdad, las estructuras de las máscaras comienzan a romperse. Este no es un proceso fácil, porque todo lo que conocíamos hasta entonces estaba ligado a esto. Empezamos a perder las referencias y a entrar en contacto con aspectos de la naturaleza inferior que desconocíamos. Se inicia una seria pero bendita crisis, ya que es a través de ella que la transformación es posible.”

“Masks are the defense mechanisms we created in order to protect ourselves from the pain of childhood traumas. Anxiety, depression, anguish, shame, compulsions, and addictions are the symptoms we can observe to help us identify our masks. When we begin to knock on the door of the truth, the structures of our masks begin to fall apart. This is not an easy process because, up until this moment, everything we knew was dependent on these masks. We start to lose our reference points and we get in touch with unknown aspects of our lower nature. A serious yet blessed crisis begins to unfold, as this crisis is what allows for transformation to occur.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Facing Impermanence

Facing Impermanence
Change is continuous in spite of our efforts to resist it. We begin to realize that we do not have any way to stop it or to slow it down. The more we try, the more we suffer. But there is a way to let go, to break this cycle of suffering. We can slow down and have a closer look at our experience of it. When we have a look, we begin to realize what we have been doing, and the whole enterprise begins to feel more and more dubious. It becomes more difficult to hide from what in our hearts we know to be true?the fact of impermanence.
Judy Lief, "Letting Go"

Favor vota Não! / Please vote no! Uma violenta campanha homofóbica!Favor entrar no site abaixo e votar sobre a definição de familia.

Assunto: Uma violenta campanha homofóbica!

Amigos e amigas

Está correndo na internet esta mensagem:

A Câmara dos Deputados está promovendo uma enquete querendo saber se:

"Você concorda com a definição de família como núcleo formado a partir da união entre homem e mulher, prevista no projeto que cria o Estatuto da Família?" Vote sim. E divulgue o máximo que puder

Vote urgente no sim - em menos de 1 minuto.REPASSE para seus CONTATOS.Podemos votar pelo celular!!Não deixe de votar para preservar o conceito de família.

Às pessoas que me mandaram esta mensagem devolvi o seguinte:

Devagar com o andor que o santo é de barro, amigos e amigas. A definição de família é uma questão muito complexa. A proposta de que se vote "sim" é simplista e não leva a sério as inúmeras facetas da realidade humana e das questões de gênero. Está sendo propugnada por grupos homofóbicos que não têm a menor consideração para com os sentimentos e valores das pessoas homossexuais, como se estas fossem incapazes de demonstrar amor e de educar as crianças que vierem a adotar como seus filhos. Na realidade - a família existente hoje, composta de um homem e uma mulher - tem se revelado um verdadeiro fracasso no amar e no educar seus filhos. Quem é capaz de negar isso? Então uma coisa nada tem a ver com a outra.

Não se deixem condicionar pela campanha homofóbica que se esboça no Brasil hoje. Não deixem que alguém lhes diga como deve votar. Votem com consciência e especialmente com amor para com todas as pessoas - LGBT inclusive - e com consideração para com seus sentimentos. Imagine se você fosse uma destas pessoas e se visse impedida de formar uma família? Não julguemos as pessoas de acordo com as pressuposições e preconceitos de nossa hipócrita sociedade.

Repasso a vocês pedindo-lhes que, ao contrário dos que recomendam os homofóbicos - que estão votando no sim de forma maciça - entrem no link acima e votem no espírito de amor e inclusão que caracteriza a fé cristã mais genuína. Eu já votei NÃO!

Sérgio Marcus Pinto Lopes

(assinatura automática)

Prof. Dr. Sérgio Marcus Pinto Lopes
Tradutor e Intérprete

The Baha'i Faith Continues to be Homophobic

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma:More than Bare Attention

More than Bare Attention
When mindfulness is equated with bare attention, it can easily lead to the misconception that the cultivation of mindfulness has nothing to do with ethics or with the cultivation of wholesome states of mind and the attenuation of unwholesome states. Nothing could be further from the truth.
B. Alan Wallace, "A Mindful Balance"

Friday, July 17, 2015

Via JMG: EEOC Rules That Anti-Gay Workplace Discrimination Is Barred By Existing Law

Chris Geidner reports at Buzzfeed:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that existing civil rights law bars sexual orientation-based employment discrimination — a groundbreaking decision to advance legal protections for gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers. “[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex,” the commission concluded in a decision dated July 15.
The independent commission addressed the question of whether the ban on sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars anti-LGB discrimination in a complaint brought by a Florida-based air traffic control specialist against Transportation Sec. Anthony Foxx.
The ruling — approved by a 3-2 vote of the five-person commission — applies to federal employees’ claims directly, but it also applies to the entire EEOC, which includes its offices across the nation that take and investigate claims of discrimination in private employment. While only the Supreme Court could issue a definitive ruling on the interpretation, EEOC decisions are given significant deference by federal courts.
The Human Rights Campaign reacts:
"Discrimination has no place in America, plain and simple," said HRC President Chad Griffin. "This historic ruling by the EEOC makes clear they agree workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, much like gender identity, is illegal. While an important step, it also highlights the need for a comprehensive federal law permanently and clearly banning LGBT discrimination beyond employment to all areas of American life. Such a law would send a clear and permanent signal that discrimination against LGBT people will not be tolerated under any circumstances in this country, and we remain fully committed to making that happen."
In a 2012 decision in Macy v. Holder, the EEOC determined that discrimination based on an individual's gender identity is sex discrimination and thus constitutes a violation of the Civil Rights Act. EEOC rulings are not binding on federal courts, however they are persuasive. This new decision continues an important trend in the development of case law. The Supreme Court has not yet ruled on this issue. HRC continues to advocate for permanent and explicit, legislated non-discrimination protections at all levels of government for LGBT people.
Lambda Legal reacts:
“This landmark opinion from the EEOC confirms what we have long argued in our cases: discriminating against gay, lesbian and bisexual employees violates federal law. This ruling is likely to have enormous positive effects because EEOC interpretations of Title VII are highly persuasive to the courts—they tend to be predictive. Given the clarity and logic of this opinion, most courts are likely to stop simply referring to old, illogical rulings about Title VII coverage. A few may disagree, but most probably will be guided by the Commission’s straightforward approach,” said Greg Nevins, Counsel and Employment Fairness Strategist for Lambda Legal. Lambda Legal has been working for years on cases showing why Title VII, when properly understood, protects LGBT employees. This EEOC decision cites some of Lambda Legal’s recent work on this issue and it will be immensely significant in this continuing work.
While this will likely end up before the Supreme Court, it seems like today's ruling could ultimately mean a win in the decades-long battle for Congress to pass ENDA.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Today's Daily Dharma: Light Gives Forth Light

Light Gives Forth Light
When we share our light with others, we do not diminish our own light. Rather, we increase the amount of light available to all. Therefore, when others light our candle, we issue forth light. When out of gratitude we use our candle to light other people’s candles, the whole room gets brighter.
Master Sheng Yen, "Rich Generosity"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Via Wickedgay Blog:

Via JMG: Marriage Arrives In Puerto Rico

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Siri: Call Her Caitlyn Jenner

Apple has given Siri new instructions:
Siri is as witty as she is intelligent. The voice that lives inside your iPhone will now subtly correct your improper use of "Bruce" when you ask about Caitlyn Jenner. Apple's virtual assistant has been updated to make sure it won't misuse Jenner's correct name and gender when asked for more information on the athlete and reality star. Jenner, who unveiled her transition officially in Vanity Fair's July issue, no longer goes by the name "Bruce," and Siri is going to make sure you're well aware of that.
The update came via a company called Wolfram Alpha.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Justice Anthony Kennedy Compares Marriage Uproar To Flag Burning Ruling

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy yesterday compared to the right wing uproar to his Obergefell opinion to the public outcry which followed the court's ruling that flag burning is a form of free speech. 
Kennedy, who was the deciding vote in both cases, described how the reaction decades ago was critical at first but changed over time. His remarks at the 9th Circuit Judicial Conference were his first public comments since he wrote the decision last month that put an end to same-sex marriage bans in 14 states. Kennedy drew the comparison in response to a moderator's question about how justices weather reaction to closely watched rulings. "Eighty senators went to the floor of the Senate to denounce the court," he said of the 1989 ruling. "President Bush took the week off and visited flag factories, but I noticed that after two or three months people began thinking about the issues."
Kennedy believes that controversial rulings such as Obergefell "draw down on a capital of trust" which the court replenishes with less controversial rulings.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Homofóbicos podem receber multa de até R$ 60 mil no RJ

Diversos casais foram agredidos no Rio de Janeiro nos últimos meses

Na prática, homofóbicos podem receber multa de até R$ 60 mil caso pratiquem discriminação. O texto define como discriminação impedir o acesso ou permanência de homossexuais em determinados locais, impor tratamento diferenciado ou cobrar tarifa extra, recusar ou dificultar o ingresso de aluno em estabelecimento de ensino público ou privado, negar oportunidades de trabalho, impedir acesso ao transporte público e induzir ou incitar pelos meios de comunicação social a discriminação, preconceito ou prática de atos de violência ou coação contra qualquer pessoa em virtude de preconceito de sexo e de orientação sexual.

A lei visa proteger gays, lésbicas e bissexuais, mas não cita transexuais. A medida também não se aplica a instituições religiosas. Leia a reportagem completa no G1.

Caitlyn Jenner Takes ESPYs By Storm: 'Trans People Deserve Something Vital. They Deserve Your Respect'

In her first public appearance since announcing her decision to transition, Caitlyn Jenner mesmerized the crowd at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles on Wednesday as she accepted the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the 2015 ESPY Awards.

Homosexuality: It's Time We Reconcile Our Beliefs with Scientific Evidence and 21st Century Values

The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage here in the United States has caused a stir not just among conservatives and religious fanatics here but in many parts of the Muslim world as well. 
It is a good thing we are discussing a topic rarely brought up in Muslim communities. 

Many with same-sex preferences in our communities are forced into heterosexual relationships or treated as outcasts and sometimes even driven to suicide, because we have trouble accepting homosexuality.

Make the jump here to read the full article

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 16/07/2015

“A vida humana neste planeta é como um jogo, um jogo divino. Cada um, enquanto indivíduo, está em uma casa do jogo, mas também enquanto humanidade nos encontramos em determinada posição. O ponto de partida é o estado de total ignorância a respeito da nossa verdadeira identidade e das consequências disso em nossas vidas. Vamos passando por diversas casas que oferecem diferentes oportunidades de aprendizado, até que chegamos ao fim do jogo, quando finalmente temos a lembrança de quem somos e do que viemos fazer aqui.”

“Human life on this planet is like a divine game. As individuals, each of us occupies one spot on the board game, while humanity as a whole also occupies a certain position on the board. The game’s starting point is the state of total ignorance of our true identity and the consequences it has for our lives. We move from one spot to the next in the game, with each square providing us different opportunities for learning. Ultimately, we reach the end of the game, which is when we finally remember who we are and what we have come here to do.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Effective Practice

Effective Practice
We have two faces: our intrinsic nature and our reactive patterns—the bad habits of the psyche. Effective practice mirrors both, gradually revealing our nature, while at the same time, clarifying what obstructs it.
Anne Klein, "Across the Expanse"

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Via JMG: God Vs Scott Walker

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 15/07/2015

“A mentira é o aspecto mais sutil do eu inferior. No núcleo central da mentira está a ideia da vítima, pois ela faz a entidade acreditar estar sozinha e isolada. Essa camada do véu de ilusão produz a ideia de eu e meu. E a partir daí nasce a carência, com todos os seus incontáveis desdobramentos.”

“La mentira es el aspecto más sutil del yo inferior. En el núcleo central de la mentira está la idea de víctima, porque ésta hace a la entidad creer estar sola y aislada. Esta capa del velo de ilusión produce la idea de yo y mío. Y a partir de ahí nace la carencia, con todos sus incontables desdoblamientos.”

“Deceit is the most subtle aspect of the lower self. At the center of deceit is the idea of the victim, which makes human beings believe that they are alone and isolated. This layer of the veil produces the idea of ‘me’ and ‘mine’. From here, neediness is born, along with all its other countless unfoldings.”