Saturday, August 1, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 01/08/2015

GURU SHARANAM HARI SHARANAM SACHCHE SHARANAM PRABHU SHARANAM ~ Estou sob a guiança e a proteção do Mestre, da Verdade e de Deus ~
“Isso é entrega, isso é redenção. Para verdadeiramente entregar-se, se faz necessário muita confiança. Entregar significa se tornar livre do peso que você carrega. Você entrega e deixa que o mestre leva para você. Você entrega seus problemas e não pensa mais neles. Porque se você diz que entregou, mas continua preocupado ou não aceita a solução que lhe é oferecida, existe aí um autoengano. Significa que o ego ainda está tentando controlar o destino da embarcação, porque não confia que será levado para um lugar seguro. Mas afinal, o que é seguro? As referências do ego dizem respeito apenas a satisfação do corpo, e isso é muito limitado.”

GURU SHARANAM HARI SHARANAM SACHCHE SHARANAM PRABHU SHARANAM ~ I am under the guidance and protection of the master teacher, of truth and of God. ~
“This is surrender; this is redemption. In order to truly surrender, a lot of trust is needed. Surrendering means becoming free of the weight that we carry. We surrender when we let the master teacher take this weight from us, and surrendering our problems means that we no longer think about them. If we say we have surrendered but continue to worry and do not accept the solution our teacher has offered, then there is still some self-deception happening. This means that the ego is still trying to control the fate of its vessel, because there is still mistrust that this vessel will be led to a safe port. In the end, what is safe? The references that the ego knows only involve corporeal satisfactions, and this is a very limited perspective.”

Today's Daily Dharma: The Light Is Always There

The Light Is Always There
Drawing attention to stillness, silence, and spaciousness shifts your focus from feeding the insecurity of the ego to connecting with pure being. Anytime you identify with a sense of 'I' "'I feel something'; 'I have lost some­ thing'; 'I am lost'" you are identifying with the wrong person. You are identifying with the ego, with your pain body, not with your true nature.
- Tenzin Wangyal, "The Light Is Always There"

Via Humanity's Team / FB:

Friday, July 31, 2015

Via JMG: COLOMBIA: Top Court Considers Marriage

J. Lester Feder reports at Buzzfeed:
Colombia’s top court held a day-long hearing on Thursday on whether it should interpret its constitution as giving marriage rights to same-sex couples — framing the debate in a wider discussion about whether international standards now dictate that marriage equality is a fundamental right. The hearing comes five weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to allow marriage equality, in a move that reverberated around the world. Unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, Colombia’s Constitutional Court weighs foreign precedent and international human rights law in its decisions. To discuss the question of marriage equality in Thursday’s debate, the Court’s judges invited a broad range of international opinions, including representatives of the United Nations’ human rights office, the U.S.-based conservative legal group the Alliance Defending Freedom, and Albie Sachs, the former chief justice of South Africa’s Constitutional Court who authored a 2005 marriage equality ruling.
A decision is expected by the end of the summer.

RELATED: Elsewhere in South America same-sex marriage is legal in Argentina, Brazil, French Guiana, and Uruguay. Civil unions are legal in Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. A same-sex marriage lawsuit is pending before the Venezuelan Supreme Court. Homosexual acts remain illegal in Guyana, but nowhere else on the continent.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

JMG Quote Of The Day - Henry Rollins

"In a nation of hundreds of millions of people, there is one man born to lead. A man who stands head and shoulders above the rest. A lone alpha who burns incandescent in a vast wasteland of darkness. When asked to serve in Vietnam, he said no and took a deferment. He took a few of them, actually, because he is his own man. He got married. The merger didn’t work. She was fired. So was the next one. It’s business, not personal — like America! He has overcome adversity. Like bankruptcy. And with an almost Michelangelo-like genius, he conquered the K2 challenge of his hair. He is what America needs. A man with so much self-confidence that, if you put him in the Oval Office, some of it will no doubt trickle down to you. Who is this man who will put all other world leaders in their place? The same man who just read a cellphone number, allegedly Lindsey Graham’s private line, out loud so the world could hear. (Hey, I laughed.) This man is America. So bend over, relax and hold onto something solid, because here he comes — here comes Donald Trump 2016. And when he puts it in, you’ll know who your daddy is." - Henry Rollins, writing for LA Weekly.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 31/07/2015

“Guru não é um corpo, é um poder que se manifesta através de um corpo. É o poder de Deus que te levanta e te coloca no estágio além da mente; te tira da sombra e te coloca na luz. Guru é uma palavra pequena, mas seu significado está além das palavras.”

"Gurú no es un cuerpo, es un poder que se manifiesta a través de un cuerpo. Es el poder de Dios que te levanta y te coloca en un nivel más allá de la mente; te saca de la sombra y te coloca en la luz. Gurú es una palabra pequeña, pero su significado está más allá de las palabras"

“The guru is not a body: the guru is a power that manifests itself within a body. It is the power of God that elevates us and puts us in a state beyond the mind. This power takes us out of the darkness and places us in the light. ‘Guru’ is a small word, but its meaning is beyond any words.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Rage Can Become Compassion

Rage Can Become Compassion
Rage "whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders' insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us" is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.
- Bonnie Myotai Treace, "Rising to the Challenge: Filling the Well with Snow"

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Via WGB: In The Face Of Violent Homophobia, Jamaica Hosts Its First Pride

Jamaica is frequently cited as one of the worst places in the world to be gay: sex between men is a jailable offense, the country’s leading gay activist was murdered, and LGBT youth are forced to live in the sewers.

Just this March, a gay man was stoned to death by a mob, but some brave activists are standing up to the hate and have scheduled Jamaica’s first Pride event next week.

But there won’t be a Pride parade, due to safety and security concerns.
Full story here via NNN!

Thank you Firoozeh!

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 30/07/2015

“Os vícios funcionam como amortecedores ou anestésicos. Podem ser coisas ou emoções que são elementos simbólicos, ou seja, algo externo que representa o que está faltando dentro. Algo que acalme o furacão de sentimentos e preencha, mesmo que temporariamente, o vazio interior. Drogas, comida, sexo, internet, dinheiro... Tudo para amenizar a dor da cisão com a essência, o que gerou a ilusão de que somos seres separados do todo e que dependemos de algo externo para sermos felizes.”

“Los vicios funcionan como adormecedores o anestésicos. Pueden ser cosas o emociones que son elementos simbólicos, es decir, algo externo que representa lo que está faltando dentro. Algo que calme el huracán de sentimientos y llene, aunque sea temporariamente, el vacío interior. Drogas, comida, sexo, internet, dinero... Todo para aliviar el dolor de la ruptura con la esencia, lo que generó la ilusión de que somos seres separados del todo y que dependemos de algo externo para ser felices.”

“Addictions work like shock-absorbers or anesthetics. We can either be physically or emotionally addicted to things that symbolize what’s missing inside of us. These addictions serve to calm the whirlwind of feelings and temporarily fill the emptiness inside of us. Drugs, food, sex, Internet and money are all used to alleviate the pain of the split from our essence. This split created the illusion that we are separate from everything and rely on something external in order to be happy.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Not a Private Journey

Not a Private Journey
The way 'spirituality' is often used suggests that we exist solely as a collection of individuals, not as members of a religious community, and that religious life is merely a private journey. It is the religious expression of the ideology of free-market economics and of the radical 'disencumbered' individualism that idolizes the choice-making individual as the prime reality in the world.
- Robert Bellah, "The Future of Religion"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

The Dhammapada (Sayings of the Buddha)

Dalai Lama - How to Practice : The Way to a Meaningful Life - Full Movie [HQ]

Buddhist Prayer Chants

Have Tibetan Prayer, Will Travel (On the Buddhist Pilgrimage Path)

Where's "Gay Marriage" in the US Constitution?

From another Chat Group: Exclusion Works both Ways

"It may be time to include in workshops for Baha'is and other anti-gay religions to let them know that exclusion works both ways. Their dynamic is that if one is gay, Baha'is cannot give you full Baha'is rights. They are trying to sort that out within the religion. My message is increasingly, there is pretty much NOTHING the Baha'i Faith can do right now to ever win someone like me back. And lots of people like me. Its not that the Faith doesn't want us; rather we do not want the Faith. It is too late and too much damage has been done for the Faith to decide how tolerant it wishes to be within its administrative parameters it has set for itself. So while it is very nice that some people will come to a meeting about how to better tolerate and treat gay people, they should be clearly told many of us gay people have no wish to be tolerated by them. It is not our problem; it is their problem. It is not that they have excluded us, but in fact we have excluded them.  ... They (the Baha'i Admin Order) have a really bad discriminatory rule that has harmed lots of people and which the world increasingly is rejecting and makes them irrelevant and unwanted. People are not knocking down doors to get in to this religion. They have a serious problem. And it is not gay people. But they might use the gay issue and the poor way they have managed it to gain some insight into their irrelevance. They have excluded the very people they need. Now many of those excluded people do not want in. So perhaps include a segment ... that in reality not many gay people want into this exclusive club no matter how well they try to tolerate us." 
- Anon Amigo

Via Social Work Helper / FB: