“La impaciencia es
una derivación de la ansiedad. Muchos buscadores espirituales inician
el camino debido al sufrimiento que la ansiedad genera, pero terminan
transfiriendo esta ansiedad al camino espiritual. Antes tenías ansiedad
en relación a la realización material, ahora te volviste impaciente y
ansioso en relación a la realización espiritual. Por lo tanto, ten
calma. A través del conocimiento y de las prácticas, estamos plantando
semillas, pero no podemos saber cuándo van a germinar. Nuestro trabajo
es cuidar las semillas, sin determinar cuándo van a brotar y dar flores o
"Impatience is a result of anxiety. Many spiritual seekers begin on this path due to the suffering that anxiety generates, but they end up transferring this anxiety onto the spiritual path. Initially, one may have had anxiety about material achievement, but one may now be impatient and anxious about spiritual realization. So, stay calm. Through knowledge and practice, we are planting seeds, but we cannot predict when they will sprout. Our job is to take care of these seeds, without determining when they will sprout or bear flowers and fruit.”
"Impatience is a result of anxiety. Many spiritual seekers begin on this path due to the suffering that anxiety generates, but they end up transferring this anxiety onto the spiritual path. Initially, one may have had anxiety about material achievement, but one may now be impatient and anxious about spiritual realization. So, stay calm. Through knowledge and practice, we are planting seeds, but we cannot predict when they will sprout. Our job is to take care of these seeds, without determining when they will sprout or bear flowers and fruit.”