“Cuando a través de la auto-observación conseguimos tan solo atestiguar
el flujo compulsivo de pensamientos, podemos interrumpir el mecanismo
de proyección, a través del cual reaccionamos a todo con base en
nuestras experiencias del pasado. Así como reaccionamos a los
pensamientos que pasan por nosotros, de la misma manera reaccionamos
delante a situaciones de la vida. Al profundizar en esta práctica,
percibimos que la mayoría de nuestras acciones son, en verdad, el
resultado de una proyección.”
“When we are able to simply witness our compulsive flow of thoughts by using self-observation, we can put an end to our projection mechanisms. Our projections cause us to react to everything based upon the past experiences we have had. Just as we react to our own thoughts that pass through us, we also react to the situations we encounter in life. As we deepen in this practice of self-observation, we begin to perceive that the majority of our actions are, in truth, the result of a projection.”
“When we are able to simply witness our compulsive flow of thoughts by using self-observation, we can put an end to our projection mechanisms. Our projections cause us to react to everything based upon the past experiences we have had. Just as we react to our own thoughts that pass through us, we also react to the situations we encounter in life. As we deepen in this practice of self-observation, we begin to perceive that the majority of our actions are, in truth, the result of a projection.”