Thursday, May 19, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 19/05/2016

“O autoconhecimento e a meditação são instrumentos que nos ajudam a dissolver as capas de ilusão que nos fazem reagir a partir das dores do passado. Através desses instrumentos, nos libertamos da ideia de que somos uma história, um nome ou um corpo, e podemos ter a lembrança de quem somos. Todo o nosso trabalho é para que possamos nos libertar dessas dores que ainda habitam o nosso sistema, não só através do silêncio e da meditação, mas também através da liberação dos sentimentos negados que nos mantém presos às memórias negativas do passado.” 

“El auto-conocimiento y la meditación son herramientas que nos ayudan a disolver capas de ilusión que nos hacen reaccionar a partir de dolores pasados. A través de estos instrumentos, nos liberamos de la idea de que somos una historia, un nombre o un cuerpo, y podemos recordar quienes somos. Todo nuestro trabajo es para que podamos liberarnos de esos dolores que aún habitan en nuestro sistema, no sólo a través del silencio y de la meditación, sino también a través de la liberación de los sentimientos negados que nos mantienen prisionerosde las memorias negativas del pasado.” 

“Self knowledge and meditation are tools that help us dissolve the layers of illusion that cause us to react out of our pains from the past. Through these instruments, we can free ourselves from the idea that we are our story, our name and our bodies, and we may have a glimpse of who we truly are. All our work is aimed towards freeing ourselves of these pains that still live in our systems.This is not only done through silence and meditation, but also by freeing the denied feelings that keep us trapped in our negative memories of the past.”

Via Daily Dharma / May 19, 2016: The Sound of the Bell

In Buddhism, the sound of the bell is considered to be the voice of the Buddha. Stop talking. Stop thinking. Come back to your breathing. Listen with all your being.

—Thich Nhat Hanh, "Brief Teachings Spring 2016"

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Via Right Wing Watch: Donald Trump: 'Trust Me' To Overturn The 'Shocking' Gay Marriage Decision

In an interview with Pat Robertson’s television network yesterday, Donald Trump insisted that anti-gay conservatives can rest assured knowing that he is committed to overturning the Supreme Court’s landmark decision striking down state bans on same-sex marriage.

When the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody asked the GOP presidential frontrunner what he thought of the Log Cabin Republicans calling him “one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency,” Trump said he hadn’t heard the remarks and criticized the “shocking” and “massive” Obergefell ruling.

See the full article and the video at:

Via Ram Dass

May 18, 2016

I’ve learned to slow down and not move as fast through things as my mind would like me to, but to feel at home in the process. See, the process and product are so interwoven that getting there is half the fun. How you get there is as much of a part of the game as getting there is.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 18/05/2016

“Precisamos nos abrir para perceber que a espiritualidade é uma ciência que ainda não compreendemos. Chegará o dia em que não haverá mais distinção entre espiritualidade e ciência, mas ainda hoje essa dicotomia, essa separação da dimensão espiritual da vida, é o que tem alimentado tanta ignorância e gerado tanto sofrimento para o ser humano.”

“Necesitamos abrirnos para percibir que la espiritualidad es una ciencia que aún no comprendemos. Llegará el día en que no habrá más distinción entre espiritualidad y ciencia, pero aúnhoy en día esta dicotomía, esta separación de la dimensión espiritual de la vida, es lo que viene alimentando tanta ignorancia y generado tanto sufrimiento para el ser humano.”

“We need to open ourselves up to admitting that spirituality is a science that we still do not fully comprehend. A day will come when there will no longer be a distinction between spirituality and science, but today this dichotomy still exists. Our separation from the spiritual dimension of life has fueled so much ignorance and generated so much suffering for the human being.”

Via Daily Dharma / May 18, 2016: Being Tender with Our Practice

The first rule we should begin with, if we want meditation to be in our life for a long time, is: Don’t make a rigid structure and then chastise ourselves when we don’t live up to it. Better to keep a limber mind and develop a tenderness toward existence.

—Natalie Goldberg, "Rules for a Long-Term Relationship"

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 17/05/2016

“Ao aprofundar-se na prática da auto-observação, muitas vezes você percebe que a sua tensão é pelo fato de estar internamente brigando com alguém. Você está sempre defendendo algum ponto de vista e criando estratégias para ser aceito por alguém. Você está obstinadamente tentando atingir algum objetivo. O seu corpo está aqui, mas a sua mente está nesse outro lugar, onde não existe paz nem descanso. Isso é o inferno.”

“Al profundizar en la práctica de la auto-observación, muchas veces percibes que tu tensión es por el hecho de estar internamente luchando con alguien. Siempre estás defendiendo algún punto de vista y creando estrategias para ser aceptado por alguien. Estástratandoobstinadamente de alcanzar algún objetivo. Tu cuerpo está aquí, pero tu mente estáen este otro lugar, donde no existe paz ni descanso. Eso es el infierno.”

“As we deepen in our practice of self-observation, oftentimes we may perceive that our tension derives from an internal conflict with someone. We are always defending some point of view and creating strategies to be accepted by somebody. We are stubbornly trying to achieve some objective. Although our bodies are here, our minds are in another place, where there is no peace nor time for rest –this is hell.”

Via Daily Dharma / May 17, 2016: The Opposite of Guilt

Regret is the opposite of guilt. We acknowledge it, we expose to ourselves that we have done something harmful and how it came about from our ignorance, but we don’t get caught in emotions and story lines.

—Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, "Realizing Guiltlessness"

Monday, May 16, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 16/05/2016

“Uma pessoa sensível pode captar formas de pensamento que estão no ambiente. Dessa forma ela acaba absorvendo frequências de energia que podem ficar acumuladas no seu corpo. Se você sente algum tipo de tensão ou dor no corpo, mas não sabe definir o que é, isso pode significar que você está identificado com algum pensamento, com alguma história. Nesse caso, procure se desidentificar disso, o que significa purificar o sistema que ainda está contaminado pelo medo. Mas medo do quê? O medo é real ou é apenas um produto da sua imaginação? Ondevocê está?”

“Una persona sensible puede captar formas de pensamiento que están en el ambiente. De esta maneratermina absorbiendo frecuencias de energía que pueden acumularse en su cuerpo. Si sientes algún tipo de tensión o dolor en el cuerpo, pero no sabes definir qué es, esto puede significar que estás identificado con algún pensamiento, con alguna historia. En este caso, trata de desidentificarte de esto, que significa purificar el sistema que todavía está contaminado por el miedo. ¿Pero miedo de qué? ¿El miedo es real o es sólo un producto de tu imaginación? ¿Donde estás?”

“A sensitive person may capture some thoughts that are circulating in their environment. They may wind up absorbing energy frequencies that can get stuck in the body. If we feel any type of tension or pain in the body, yet are unable to define exactly what it is, this may mean that we are identified with some thought or story. In this case, we should try to de-identify with this thought or story, which means purifying our system that is still contaminated by a fear. We may ask ourselves, ‘What am I afraid of? Is this fear real or only a product of my imagination? Where am I?’ ”

Via Daily Dharma / May 16, 2016: Sitting Quietly

If you have time to walk
Sing songs and dance
If you have time to dance
Sit quietly, you Happy Lucky Idiot

—Nanao Sakaki, "Happy Lucky Idiot"

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Via Ram Dass

May 15, 2016

Often you will get caught in your desire to find patterns in life that will give you an external validation for what you’re doing and you will use the universe to do it to yourself. So just stay with your truth from moment to moment, and get the clues wherever you can.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 15/05/2016

“Quando se permite sentar por alguns minutos, alinhando o corpo, fechando os olhos e concentrando a atenção na respiração, você se coloca no aqui-agora; você se coloca presente. E somente na presença você pode observar; somente na presença a consciência pode expandir. Ao observar, é possível perceber que existe uma canção psicológica, um fluxo de pensamentos repetitivos com o qual você está identificado. Estar identificado significa que isso te dá um senso de identidade. A sua consciência está presa nesse ponto. Então, o próximo passo é dissociar-se disso. Ao observar a mente, você deixa de ser a mente. Assim a identificação começa a perder força.”

“Cuando te permites sentarte por algunos minutos, alineando el cuerpo, cerrando los ojos y concentrando la atención en la respiración, te colocas en el aquí-ahora; te colocas presente. Y solamente en presencia puedes observar; solamente en presencia la conciencia puede expandirse. Al observar, es posible percibir que existe una canción psicológica, un flujo de pensamientos repetitivos con los cuales estás identificado. Estar Identificado significa que esto te da un sentido de identidad. Tu conciencia está presa en este punto. Entonces el próximo paso es disociarte de esto. Al observar la mente, dejas de ser la mente. Así la identificación comienza a perder fuerza.”

“When we allow ourselves to sit for a few minutes, align the body, close our eyes and place our concentration and attention on our breath, we bring ourselves back to the here and now and we become present. It is only from this presence that we are able to observe, and expand our consciousness. As we continue observing, we may perceive that there is a psychological track playing in our minds: a flow of repetitive thoughts that we are identified with. Being identified with these thoughts means that they are giving us a sense of identity and our consciousness is fixated upon this identity. The next step to be taken is to de-associate ourselves from this identity. As we observe the mind, we stop being the mind. Consequently, the identification begins to lose its strength.”

Via Daily Dharma / May 15, 2016: Beyond Language

When in daily living we learn to return again and again to where we are in body, emotion, and mind, we are learning to hold our language and views lightly, to see that they are ever-evolving currents of being, that they are not only ours but belong to everyone else as well.

—Norman Fischer, "Beyond Language"

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Via JMG: European Union Denounces Anti-LGBT US Laws


From the European Union:
The recently adopted laws including in the states of Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee, which discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons in the United States contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the US is a State party, and which states that the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection.
As a consequence, cultural, traditional or religious values cannot be invoked to justify any form of discrimination, including discrimination against LGBTI persons. These laws should be reconsidered as soon as possible.
The European Union reaffirms its commitment to the equality and dignity of all human beings irrespective of their sexual orientation and gender identity. We will continue to work to end all forms of discrimination and to counter attempts to embed or enhance discrimination wherever it occurs around the world.”
 Read the original and more here

Via She's Magic & Midnight Lace: Atticuspoetry