“Ansiedad, angustia, depresión, vergüenza y sentimiento de desencajado
son síntomas de que hay una máscara actuando. Pero la máscara está tan
pegada a tu rostro que no puedes imaginar actuar diferente, no puedes
recordar quién está por detrás de ella. ¿Entonces, cómo remover la
máscara? El autoconocimiento es el único camino para eso. Y comienzas
ese camino identificando tus insatisfacciones y contradicciones. Por
ejemplo: Al usar la máscara de la víctima, acusas al otro por tu
infelicidad y te colocas en una posición de sumisión. Sin embargo, al
observar con profundidad verás que, en verdad, eres tú que está
manipulando al otro.”
“The feelings of not belonging, anxiety, anguish, depression, and shame are all symptoms of wearing a mask. This mask is so glued to our faces that we can’t even imagine being any different and we don’t remember who actually exists behind this mask. So how do we remove this mask? Self-knowledge is the only way. We begin walking this path by identifying the dissatisfactions and contradictions in our lives. For example,when we wear the mask of the victim, we accuse the other for our own unhappiness and we appear to put ourselves in a submissive role. However, if we observe this phenomenon more deeply, we will see that we are actually the ones manipulating the other.”
“The feelings of not belonging, anxiety, anguish, depression, and shame are all symptoms of wearing a mask. This mask is so glued to our faces that we can’t even imagine being any different and we don’t remember who actually exists behind this mask. So how do we remove this mask? Self-knowledge is the only way. We begin walking this path by identifying the dissatisfactions and contradictions in our lives. For example,when we wear the mask of the victim, we accuse the other for our own unhappiness and we appear to put ourselves in a submissive role. However, if we observe this phenomenon more deeply, we will see that we are actually the ones manipulating the other.”