Thursday, January 28, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Compassion Reverberates

 Whether we know it or not, every act of compassion, real or simulated, may have a positive significance far beyond our powers of imagination.

—Taitetsu Unno, “Three Grapefruits”


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Via Love Serve Remember Foundation // Join Jack Kornfield for a New Masterclass on Interactive Guided Meditation

Greetings and Happy Wednesday,

Many of you know Jack Kornfield as one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West, but he's also been a dear friend of Ram Dass for many decades, and one of our beloved retreat teachers for many years.

Jack brings a lifetime of practice and rich experience into his offerings, so we're thrilled to announce that Jack's new “Masterclass in Interactive Guided Meditation” is now available for therapists, healers, meditation teachers, and dedicated students.

This self-guided 10-hour, 8-part masterclass includes powerful, transformative practices to facilitate healing, deep opening and new understanding. Work at your own pace; revisit the course as many times as you like.

This training is not about ordinary guided meditations, but a compelling hands-on, interactive course with ample theory, lively demonstrations, rich case studies and clear practices.

When taking Masterclass in Interactive Guided Meditation*, you will learn:
  • How to use breath to create a powerful connection between yourself and others;
  • Immediate tools for bringing transformative healing to body, heart and mind;
  • Practices for resolving and releasing difficulties and conflicts in family, work and beyond;
  • Guidance and practice to open to wisdom and love beyond the limited sense of self.
*Closed Captioning for Deaf practitioners is available.

We'd also like to invite you to a free Mystics Summit hosted by the Shift Network, taking place Feb. 1-5th, featuring many teachers from the LSRF community, board and beyond:

Mystics across time have written some of the world’s greatest poetry and scripture during episodes of war, plague, and social upheaval… and they call to us now to reclaim our soul’s longing and commune with the sacred heart of existence — even in the midst of turmoil.

Some of the most influential cultural firebrands throughout history have undergone terrific “dark nights of the soul” and come out the other side brimming with renewed vision and impassioned wisdom.

Throughout the Mystics Summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from the ancient mystics, but also poetry, music, and practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion… born of a direct revelation of “the Beloved.”

You’ll come away knowing that mysticism isn’t reserved just for those on the pedestals of religious history. It’s everyone's birthright!

Explore with more than 40 scholars, teachers, contemporary mystics — including Krishna Das, Mirabai Starr, Matthew Fox, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Imam Jamal Rahman, Richard Rohr, Rameshwar Das, Mirabai Bush, Trevor Hall, and many others — as they lead you through the lives and times of ancient mystics, their “ordinary heroism,” and lessons you can apply in these tumultuous times.

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Via Sean Rayshel // #HolocaustRemembranceDay



Today we honor all those who we lost in the Holocaust for #HolocaustRemembranceDay

All the millions of Jews, Disabled, Gays, Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, Freemasons, Artists, Socialists, Clergy, and freethinkers. Time and time again we repeat the mistakes of our past, ripping children out of their parents arms and writing a number on their arms in a Sharpie marker, and putting them in “holding pins” to me is no different from what happened to ancestors, and to the gay communities throughout Germany and Nazi occupied Europe.

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - January 27, 2021 💌



"Faith is not a belief. Faith is what is left when your beliefs have all been blown to hell. Faith is in the heart, while beliefs are in the head. Experiences, even spiritual experiences, come and go. As long as you base your faith on experience, your faith is going to be constantly flickering, because your experiences keep changing."

- Ram Dass -

Excerpt from Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart

Via Daily Dharma: Arranging a Life You Want

Make the things you want to do easy, and the things you don’t want to do difficult. 

—Gregg Krech, “Meditating Every Day and What to Do When You Don’t”


A Gentle Reminder via FB


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness - A Secular Perspective

Tricycle Talks: Buddhist Magic and Why We Shouldn’t Cast It Aside


Tricycle Talks: Buddhist Magic and Why We Shouldn’t Cast It Aside
With Sam van Schaik 
Divination, enchantment, and healing rituals have a long history in Buddhism—one that’s been largely dismissed and ignored. On the latest episode of Tricycle Talks, historian Sam van Schaik considers what we might learn by reexamining Buddhism’s supernatural heritage. 
Listen now »

Via Daily Dharma: Learn Who You Are

Learning to really notice what goes on in us and sensing who we are at a deeper level brings more space and possibility into our lives.

—David Rome, “Focusing” 


Via Daily Dharma: The Importance of Joy

Joy creates a spaciousness in the mind that allows us to hold the suffering we experience inside us and around us without becoming overwhelmed, without collapsing into helplessness or despair.

—James Baraz, “Lighten Up!” 


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Via Daily Dharma: Understand Your Mind

 Just understand your mind: how it works, how attachment and desire arise, how ignorance arises, where emotions come from. It is sufficient to know the nature of all that; just that gives so much happiness and peace.

—Lama Thubten Yeshe, “Chocolate Cake”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - January 24, 2021 💌



I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn't create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people.

- Ram Dass -