Friday, February 12, 2021

Via Tricycle // Beyond Tribalism


Beyond Tribalism
With Robert Wright
Now available for self-study 
Robert Wright shines a light on our tribalistic tendencies using the explanatory lens of evolutionary psychology. The result offers a clear, fresh perspective on Buddhist philosophy and practice and shows how mindfulness just might save the world.
Sign up today »

Via Daily Dharma: Build a Shelter Within

 When the winds of change reach hurricane force, our inner refuge of mindfulness, concentration, and discernment is the only thing that will keep us from getting blown away.

—Thanissaro Bhikkhu, “What We’ve Been Practicing For”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - February 10, 2021 💌


"When you are in the presence of unconditional love, that is the optimum environment for your heart to open, because you feel safe, because you realize nobody wants anything from you. The minute that heart opens, you are once again letting in the flow. And that flow is where you experience God."

- Ram Dass -

Via FB


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Via Tricycle // Groundhog Days

Groundhog Days
By Taylor Plimpton
We’re almost a full year into the pandemic, and by now every day may seem like the one that came before. Within the monotonous and the mundane, one writer finds the wisdom of “this is it.”
Read more »

Via Daily Dharma: Establish a Direct Connection

When you set your intention on chanting correctly, melodically, and as crisply and clearly as possible, you become focused. It quiets the monkey mind and establishes a direct connection to the dharma.

—Interview with Myokei Caine-Barrett by Linda Heuman, “A Right to the Dharma”


Monday, February 8, 2021

Via IMS // IMS Turns 45: Join the Party, February 14!


IMS Turns 45:
Join the Party, February 14!

Ananda said to the Blessed One, “This is half of the holy life, lord:
admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.”

“Don’t say that, Ananda. Don’t say that.
Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the WHOLE of the holy life.”
– The Buddha
(45th verse of the Samyutta Nikaya)

Friends, companions, and comrades in the Dharma:
You Are Invited
To a Celebratory Event on the 45th Anniversary of the Insight Meditation Society
Sunday, February 14, 2021
4 pm – 5:30 pm ET

Join us for a special gathering of our community…
Festivities will include:
Reflections on our past and our future;
Honoring our lineage and its teachings;
Taking Refuge and the Five Precepts together in Sangha;
Lovingkindness practice;
And more!

Special Appearances by:
IMS co-founder Sharon Salzberg
IMS co-founder Jack Kornfield
Steve Armstrong
Christina Feldman
Trudy Goodman
Devon Hase
Yong Oh
Rachel Lewis
Kamala Masters
Neesha Patel
Winnie Nazarko

And more of your beloved IMS teachers.

This event is entirely FREE and open to all.
Please come celebrate 45 Years of IMS with us and thank you for your friendship, companionship, and camaraderie in this holy life!


This event is free, but for those who want to make an anniversary donation to IMS, you may CLICK HERE

IMS is a spiritual refuge for all who seek freedom of mind and heart. We offer meditation retreats rooted in the Early Buddhist teachings of ethics, concentration and wisdom. These practices help develop awareness and compassion in ourselves, giving rise to greater peace and happiness in the world.

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Parinirvana Day, or Nirvana Day


2018 -

Parinirvana Day, or Nirvana Day is a Mahayana Buddhist holiday celebrated in East Asia. By some it is celebrated on 8th of February, but by most on 15th of February. It celebrates the day when the Buddha achieved Parinirvana, or complete Nirvana, upon the death of his physical body.

Retiro de Verão 2016 #22 | Compaixão e Ação no Mundo (8º dia, tarde)

Via Daily Dharma: Use Whatever Tool You Have

We don’t have to agonize about “How can I serve? How can I make a difference?” Instead, we can pick up whatever tool is at hand— Oh! It’s a cup! Oh! It’s a hammer! 

—Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, “Bodhisattvas Have More Fun”


Via BBC Crowd Science: Including research in meditation


click the pic or make the jump here