Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Mouse

From JMG: Dick Cheney Endorses DADT Repeal

This morning on ABC News This Week, Dick Cheney said that the time to repeal DADT has come.
I think the society has moved on. I think it’s partly a generational question. I say I’m reluctant to second-guess the military in this regard because they’re the ones who have got to make the judgment about how these policies affect the military capability of our, of our units. And that first requirement that you have to look at all the time is whether they’re still capable of achieving their mission and does the policy change i.e. putting gays in the force, affect their ability to perform their mission. When the chiefs come forward and say we think we can do it, then it strikes me that it’s time to reconsider the policy. And I think Admiral Mullen’s said that.

(Via - Think Progress)

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reposted from JMG

From JMG: Out Lesbian KD Lang Steals Show At Vancouver Olympics Opening Ceremonies

Despite the preceding three hours of high-tech spectacle, it was openly lesbian and native Canadian kd lang's simple, yet soaring take on Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah that stole the show during the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics. Watch video here. Overnight the top three searches on Google were for various punctuations of lang's name, as accolades poured out on the world's blogs and news sites. Twitter reactions here. Last night was the second time in two weeks that Cohen's classic was sung to a global audience by an openly gay performer, as Matt Morris had dueted on the track with Justin Timberlake during the Haiti telethon. It was lang's second Winter Olympics performance, 22 years ago (during her cowgirl schtick period) she performed Turn Me Around at the 1988 Calgary games.

RELATED: Openly gay Canadian fiddle player Ashley MacIsaac also took center stage during the opening ceremonies. Watch his 1995 hit single Sleepy Maggie.

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Lifted from JMG

From Bilerico

Bil Browning February 13 at 8:32am Reply
Jeff Sheng's post about Dan Choi rejoining his National Guard unit for training - with exclusive photos - had made CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC by the next morning (and that doesn't mention all the websites that picked up the story too!) After so many contributors attended NGLTF's Creating Change conference, you could feel a new excitement in the amount and quality of posts submitted this week. Check out this sampling of great posts:

Exclusive Pics: Lt. Dan Choi back in service?
Filed by: Jeff Sheng

Rep. Frank, Stop Blaming The Community
Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss

All eyes on disordered taxes
Filed by: Austen Crowder

Sarah Palin wants YOU to point fingers and shut up
Filed by: Kip Williams

Green penis veins, oral sex pregnancy, and other sex questions
Filed by: Gloria Brame Ph.D.

Sore Toes and "Angry Trannies"
Filed by: Antonia D'orsay

A Call for Inclusive Immigration Reform
Filed by: Steve Ralls

More Problems at Notre Dame: Ex-Gay Speaker Invited to Talk About "Authenticity"
Filed by: Waymon Hudson

Is "Gender Incongruence" the Cure for What Ails?
Filed by: Keri Renault

John Mayer and sexual racism
Filed by: Alex Blaze

Would the World be Better Off Without Any Trans People?
Filed by: Guest Blogger Alice Kalafarski

What's the holdup in getting ENDA through the House?
Filed by: Bil Browning

"Valentine's Day" - A Day in the Life of (Hetero) Love
Filed by: Jason Tseng

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight Eastern time.

We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Freedom is never given; it is won."
- A. Philip Randolph

That's Gay: Ac**kalypse Now

From JMG: New Poll: Civil Unions Draw Stronger Support Than Same-Sex Marriage

While a new poll shows the public support for marriage equality remains unchanged, support for civil unions is growing.
In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 47 percent say gay marriages should be legal, with 31 percent saying they feel that way "strongly." Intensity is stronger among opponents, however: overall, half say such marriages should be illegal, including 42 percent who say so strongly. Civil unions draw broader support. Two-thirds now say they favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions that would give them many of the same legal rights as married couples. That's an increase of 12 percentage points since a December 2007 poll that asked about civil unions for "homosexual couples." In the new poll, support for civil unions is at 50 percent or better across party and ideological lines. Support for such arrangements is now 15 points higher than it was a few years ago among conservatives; it's up 13 points among Republicans.

Views on gay marriage are little changed since Post-ABC polling last touched on the topic, in April 2009. Then, 49 percent said they thought it should be legal, 46 percent illegal. In that poll, a wording experiment found little difference between support for legal marriages of "gay and lesbian couples and for those among "homosexual couples." (A CBS News/New York Times survey released yesterday conducted a similar experiment and found the wording did make a difference in their results.)

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reposted from JMG

Thursday, February 11, 2010

From JMG: Buffalo: Strangers Marry After Denial Of Same-Sex Marriage License

Denied a license to marry her partner Cheryl, Buffalo, New York lesbian Kitty Lambert turned to ask if any random man would marry her. Here's how it went down.
In an act of civil-sorta-disobedience, local LGBT activist Kitty Lambert received a marriage license to a stranger named Ed at Buffalo’s City Hall today, after being denied a license to marry her same-sex partner. A small group gathered in the lobby before proceeding to the 13th floor. Entering the City Clerk’s office, Kitty and long-time partner Cheryl attempted to apply for a marriage license. Armed with the appropriate documents City employees informed them due to New York State law, they would be unable to grant them a license. As the clerk’s office employees gathered to watch, a tearful Lambert explained the benefits only available to straight couples with a marriage license. With news cameras rolling, Kitty then turned to the crowd and asked for any male who would be willing to get married to her. A gay man named Ed stepped forward and volunteered. They briefly exchanged information and presented the appropriate documents along with $40. City staff verified the information, and proceeded to give them a marriage license.

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reposted from JMG

Family Values - Help get this on TV in California right now! Click the actblue link to the right!

From JMG: DADT: "Homosexual" Vs. "Gay"

A fascinating CBS poll reveals that support for the repeal of DADT varies greatly depending on whether "homosexual" or "gay" is used in the wording of the question.
In the poll, 59 percent say they now support allowing "homosexuals" to serve in the U.S. military, including 34 percent who say they strongly favor that. Ten percent say they somewhat oppose it and 19 percent say they strongly oppose it. But the numbers differ when the question is changed to whether Americans support "gay men and lesbians" serving in the military. When the question is asked that way, 70 percent of Americans say they support gay men and lesbians serving in the military, including 19 percent who say they somewhat favor it. Seven percent somewhat oppose it, and 12 percent strongly oppose it.
John Aravois at AmericaBlog reacts:
Bottom line: Homosexual is a nasty, clinical-sounding word with nasty connotations for far too many Americans. It's what I've argued for years, and have been routinely beaten up by some in the gay community who claim I'm nuts - namely, that no one should use this offensive word and we should correct anyone who does. It now appears I'm not so nuts after all.
As longtime readers know, I tend to use "homosexual" rather frequently. I have no issue with it. It's what most of us here are. I understand that some resent its almost universal usage by our enemies, who only use "gay" in scare quotes. But when the wingnuts say "homosexual," I'm not remotely insulted, even though that's their intent. Still, this CBS poll result is very interesting.

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Reposted from JMG

Subject: Uganda


Have you heard about the brutal new anti-gay law in Uganda?

A bill in the Ugandan parliament proposes life imprisonment for anyone convicted of having same-sex relations and imposes the death penalty for "serial offenders." NGO employees working to prevent the spread of HIV could be imprisoned for up to 7 years for "promoting homosexuality." Even members of the public face up to three years in jail if they fail to report homosexual activity to the police within 24 hours!

The bill had been delayed because of some initial international criticism. But after a well-funded and vicious lobbying effort by extremists, it now looks set to be passed -- threatening widespread persecution and bloodshed.

With the decision expected in days, only an irresistible wave of worldwide pressure will be enough to save the lives of gay people in Uganda.

I just signed a new international petition to stop the gay death law. Will you join in?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Parisian Love Too

From JMG: Orlando Man To Marry Total Stranger In Protest Of Anti-Gay Marriage Laws

As a Valentine's protest against anti-gay marriage laws, heterosexual Orlando performance artist Brian Feldman announced that he would randomly marry any woman who happened to show up at the Orange County Courthouse this past Monday. Three women appeared! Therefore, having filed the paperwork and paid the license fee, Feldman will marry one Hannah Miller on this Friday. From the Facebook event page:
Is this entire project a mockery of marriage? Not at all! It’s completely within the legal rights of Brian and any other heterosexual couple with $123.50 (plus $6 for a standard marriage certificate). Sound absurd? Not nearly absurd as denying the equal right to marry for same-sex couples who truly care about each other; who’ve been in committed, productive and, most importantly, loving relationships for upwards of 20+ years. That, to Brian, and millions of Americans who believe in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality, is truly absurd - to say nothing of a civil injustice.
(Tipped by JMG reader John)

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Reposted from JMG

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quote of the day

"If I am lying by the road bleeding, I don't care if the medic coming to save me is gay. I just hope he is one of those buff gay guys who are always in the gym so he can throw me over his shoulder and get me out of there." - anon

From a post on JMG

Derek Webb's controversial song "What Matters More"

Derek Webb's controversial song "What Matters More" from his new album, Stockholm Syndrome.


You say you always treat people like you like to be
I guess you love being hated for your sexuality
You love when people put words in your mouth
'Bout what you believe, make you sound like a freak

'Cause if you really believe what you say you believe
You wouldn't be so damn reckless with the words you speak
Wouldn't silently conceal when the liars speak
Denyin' all the dyin' of the remedy

Tell me, brother, what matters more to you?
Tell me, sister, what matters more to you?

If I can tell what's in your heart by what comes out of your mouth
Then it sure looks to me like being straight is all it's about
It looks like being hated for all the wrong things
Like chasin' the wind while the pendulum swings

'Cause we can talk and debate until we're blue in the face
About the language and tradition that he's comin' to save
Meanwhile we sit just like we don't give a shit
About 50,000 people who are dyin' today

Tell me, brother, what matters more to you?
Tell me, sister, what matters more to you?

From JMG: Christian Leader: Don't Worry About Gay Marriage, Worry About Your Own Lives

Well, this is one of the more interesting items to pop up on Christian Newswire. Pastor Ken Eastburn, who leads a network of at-home worshippers in California and Colorado, says that regardless of the outcome of the Prop 8 trial, Christians should worry less about imposing their own morality on others and worry more about their own lives.
"It is a common mistake for Christians to spend time, energy and resources in advocating for a morality that is consistent with their faith," says Eastburn, "But at the end of the day our goal, the command given to us by Jesus Christ, is to make disciples. When our time and energy is spent on moralizing a secular nation, we are sacrificing our ability to obey Christ's command." Eastburn is a leader with The Well, a network of home-based churches in California and Colorado. After selling their building in 2005, members began meeting in each other's homes where there is a strong focus on discipleship. He continues, "Many Christians have their faith intertwined with their nationality and, as a result, believe that their efforts to legislate a specifically Christian morality are glorifying to God. But just the opposite is true. No matter how good America becomes, people are still separated from God by sin. The only agenda we should be spending ourselves on is the redemption offered through Jesus Christ."
Eastburn's group advocates forgoing building ostentatious churches and focusing on small group worship services in private homes. That his position on Prop 8 is being publicized by the extremely conservative Christian Newswire is rather shocking, but certainly welcome. Read more about Eastburn's philosophy at his blog, Leaving The Building.

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Reposted from JMG

Monday, February 8, 2010

From AmericaBlog: Children are victims of DADT as well

I'm a children's advocate. I can't stand to see a child suffer. From Bilerico:

[Author, Dana Rudolph's note: I first published this piece two years ago, when I had the honor of interviewing a lesbian-mom couple, one of whom is an active-duty military officer. Given the recent news about possible progress on a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, it seemed timely to repost it, to remind us all of DADT's impact on the youngest members of our society. Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the family.]

Five-year-old William and three-year-old Ryan are the children of decorated U.S. Army officer Cheryl Parker. Like other children of service members, they have dealt with cross-country moves and months without their mother while she was deployed in Iraq. Unlike the others, however, they must forgo many benefits, conveniences and support services offered to military families, or risk revealing that they have another mother, Donna Lewis. This could lead to Parker's dismissal under the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, even in LGBT-friendly Massachusetts.

In the close-knit community of an army base, there is a strong chance the young children will inadvertently out their mothers. "When I tried to put William in on-base daycare," explains Parker, "he would talk about having two moms. A lot of the daycare workers are spouses of military personnel. I don't need somebody's wife saying 'What's the deal with William Parker?'" The same applies to the other activities provided by the Army family centers, such as kiddie gym classes. "The questions start and then the lying begins, and it's just too complicated."

Reposted from AmericaBlog

sally hawkins on little britain