A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Via JMG: Cindy Jacobs: My First Biblical Vision
Whackdoodle televangelist Cindy Jacobs, whom you probably best know for claiming that God killed millions of birds to show his displeasure with the repeal of DADT, relates her first biblical vision:
Around three a.m., I was awakened by a voice, "Wake up! I want to talk with you! I am Gabriel and I am here to give you a message from God.” I did not see him; nonetheless, I had no doubt that he was who he said he was. The next thing I knew, I was having a vision of mounting and riding a huge chestnut horse and my friend Julie was mounting and riding a white stallion. She was part of a vast army of women. As the Lord showed me country after country, I saw thousands of women on horseback behind me to march across the earth. In the vision, I was wearing armor and carried a sword.Gabriel told me that the women in the vision comprised a great company of women who would march across the planet, preaching the gospel, doing miracles, and transforming the nations.Jacobs says that God frequently speaks to her personally. That's when he reveals the various reasons that he routinely kills millions of people with earthquakes and tsunamis. Usually, it has to do with the gays. Gay marriage in Mexico City? Kill 50,000 Japanese! So sayeth Cindy.
Via JMG: New York Marriage Poll
The above is a new poll by ABC News/WaPo.
Democrats and Republicans react in opposite ways to the new law, each facing stark internal divisions that may present challenges to building a winning coalition in 2012. Among Democrats, the divide is between the liberal base and those with conservative or moderate stripes. Liberal Democrats view the law positively by an overwhelming 74 to 25 percent margin. A smaller 54 percent majority of moderate and conservative Democrats say the same. Among African Americans, another loyal segment of the Democratic party coalition, more than six in 10 say the law is a negative development, while roughly one in three see it positively. Republicans broadly reject the law by a 2 to 1 margin, but alignment with the tea party movement complicates political calculations concerning the issue. More than seven in 10 Republicans who support the Tea Party movement view the New York law as a negative development.(Via - Towleroad)
Via AmericaBlogGay: Judge orders Boehner’s lawyers to answer DOMA questions, calls argument "disingenous"
Last week, we wrote about the request from Edie Windsor's lawyers for an order compelling John Boehner's lawyers to answer questions. Today, the Judge issued that order, telling Paul Clement that he must answer two of the key questions. I've posted the order here.
Here's the key passage from the order:The two interrogatories pressed by the plaintiff ask "What, if anything, do you contend are the compelling justifications for section 3 of DOMA, 1 U.S.C. § 77" (Interrogatory no. 1) and "What, if anything, do you assert are the legitimate government interests rationally advanced by section 3 of DOMA, 1 U.S.C. § 7?" (Interrogatory no. 3). BLAG objects to both on the ground that, to the extent they are construed as contention interrogatories, they are premature. That argument is disingenuous; at the time BLAG responded, the discovery deadline was three days away, and it is now closed. (emphasis added)
BLAG also objects to Interrogatory no. 1 because "it assumes the legal conclusion that Congress required a compelling justification to enact Section 3 of DOMA." In fact, the interrogatory assumes only that, if the Court finds st ct scrutiny to be the appropriate standard of review, BLAG may wish to proffer compelling justifications for DOMA. The plaintiff is entitled to know what those justifications are, and BLAG is there directed to answer Interrogatory 1.
In response to Interrogatory no. 3, BLAG sets forth authority for the proposition that under rational basis analysis, there is no need to demonstrate the basis on which the legislature actually chose to create classifications. That may be an accurate summary of the law, but it misses the point. BLAG will presumably suggest to the Court potentially rational grounds for the enactment of DOMA, and it must disclose those to the plaintiff in response to a proper contention interrogatory. Accordingly, BLAG shall answer Interrogatory no. 3 as well.
So, Boehner and Clement must answer those two very important questions.
Yes, the court called BLAG's argument "disingenuous." Yikes. That's very strong language for a judge to use. It's accurate, but that has to sting Mr. Paul Clement.
Anyway, we're keeping a close eye on this case. It's the first one where we've seen Boehner's legal team in action. And, they're not doing so well.
Disingenuous, indeed.
Here's the key passage from the order:The two interrogatories pressed by the plaintiff ask "What, if anything, do you contend are the compelling justifications for section 3 of DOMA, 1 U.S.C. § 77" (Interrogatory no. 1) and "What, if anything, do you assert are the legitimate government interests rationally advanced by section 3 of DOMA, 1 U.S.C. § 7?" (Interrogatory no. 3). BLAG objects to both on the ground that, to the extent they are construed as contention interrogatories, they are premature. That argument is disingenuous; at the time BLAG responded, the discovery deadline was three days away, and it is now closed. (emphasis added)
BLAG also objects to Interrogatory no. 1 because "it assumes the legal conclusion that Congress required a compelling justification to enact Section 3 of DOMA." In fact, the interrogatory assumes only that, if the Court finds st ct scrutiny to be the appropriate standard of review, BLAG may wish to proffer compelling justifications for DOMA. The plaintiff is entitled to know what those justifications are, and BLAG is there directed to answer Interrogatory 1.
In response to Interrogatory no. 3, BLAG sets forth authority for the proposition that under rational basis analysis, there is no need to demonstrate the basis on which the legislature actually chose to create classifications. That may be an accurate summary of the law, but it misses the point. BLAG will presumably suggest to the Court potentially rational grounds for the enactment of DOMA, and it must disclose those to the plaintiff in response to a proper contention interrogatory. Accordingly, BLAG shall answer Interrogatory no. 3 as well.
So, Boehner and Clement must answer those two very important questions.
Yes, the court called BLAG's argument "disingenuous." Yikes. That's very strong language for a judge to use. It's accurate, but that has to sting Mr. Paul Clement.
Anyway, we're keeping a close eye on this case. It's the first one where we've seen Boehner's legal team in action. And, they're not doing so well.
Disingenuous, indeed.
Via AmericaBlogGay: To defend Scott Brown, Senate GOP campaign committee attacks Dan Savage - while Brown pals around with known hate group
Ben Smith has the details. Basically, to deflect criticism from Scott Brown for not appearing in the Massachusetts' delegation "It Gets Better" video, the NRSC's spokesperson, Brian Walsh, attacked Dan Savage. Here's an excerpt:
It’s truly reached a new level of desperation in their efforts to tear down Scott Brown, but we look forward to hearing whether state and national Democrat leaders agree with Dan Savage’s long history of lewd, violent and anti-Christian rhetoric. Given their press conference call today, one has to presume at this point that they do.
That's pretty darn sanctimonious coming from the NRSC, which includes David Vitter (who was caught frequenting numerous prostitutes (a crime) while married) as a member. It's also pretty hypocritical of Brown, who had no problem associating himself with a known hate group last year.
Has anyone at the NRSC googled "Santorum" lately?
Ben also has an email response from Dan, which reads, in part: It is interesting, though, that not a single GOP elected official can bring himself or herself to make a video, or participate in the creation of one. No GOP elected can risk being seen letting bullied LGBT kids know that life isn't high school and that it will get better for them. it doesn't require signing off on the entire gay agenda (the president made a video, and he doesn't support gay marriage). No GOP elected can back the seemingly radical notion that LGBT kids shouldn't kill themselves, that they should have hope for their futures.
No GOP elected official can do even that -- David Cameron, meanwhile, made a video months ago.
Which tells us a lot about the noisiest part of the GOP's base -- lewd (have you seen their websites?) hate groups like focus on the family and Americans for truth about homosexuality -- and how feared they are by even "moderate" senators like Scott Brown.
Seriously, the "It Gets Better" videos are about saving kids. Clearly, that's not a GOP priority.
Seriously, the "It Gets Better" videos are about saving kids. Clearly, that's not a GOP priority.
Maybe Dan should just redefine Republican, or at least Scott Brown.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Via JMG: GOP Denounces Dan Savage
Following the release of an It Gets Better video made by (almost) the entire Massachusetts delegation to Congress, Sen. Scott Brown has come under fire for not participating. Today the National Republican Senatorial Committee today issued this statement in response:
If, as the old saying goes, you’re known by the company you keep, than the voters of Massachusetts deserve to know who Democrat party operatives are teaming up with to spread outrageous attacks on Scott Brown’s character. It’s truly reached a new level of desperation in their efforts to tear down Scott Brown, but we look forward to hearing whether state and national Democrat leaders agree with Dan Savage’s long history of lewd, violent and anti-Christian rhetoric. Given their press conference call today, one has to presume at this point that they do.Savage has noted numerous times that so far not one GOP elected official has been brave enough to make an It Gets Better video denouncing the bullying, beatings, and suicides of LGBT children. Not one. Savage: "No GOP elected [official] can back the seemingly radical notion that LGBT kids shouldn't kill themselves, that they should have hope for their futures."
Labels: bullying, Dan Savage, GOP, Scott Brown
Via JMG: Crazy Eyes Dodges "Ex-Gay" Questions
Again, Bachmann refuses to answer questions about her husband's "ex-gay" torture clinic, which she co-owns.
reposted from Joe
reposted from Joe
Sutra do Diamante (Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita)
(1) Assim eu ouvi. Uma manhã, quando o Buddha estava perto de Shravasti no bosque de Jeta, Ele e Sua comunidade de mil duzentos e cinqüenta monges foram à cidade para mendigar sua refeição matinal; e depois que voltaram e terminaram a refeição, deixaram de lado seus robes e tigelas e lavaram seus pés. Então o Buddha sentou-se e os outros sentaram diante dele.
(2) Do meio da assembléia levantou-se o Venerável Subhuti. Ele descobriu seu ombro direito, ajoelhou-se sobre a perna direita, e, juntando as palmas das mãos, inclinou-se diante do Buddha. "Senhor," ele disse, "Tathagata! Honrado-por-todo-o-mundo! Que maravilhoso é que sejamos protegidos e instruídos pela Sua misericórdia! Senhor, quando homens e mulheres anunciam que desejam seguir o Caminho do Bodhisattva e nos perguntam como devem proceder, que devemos dizer-lhes?
(3) Bom Subhuti," respondeu o Buddha, "sempre que alguém anuncia, `Eu quero seguir o Caminho do Bodhisattva porque quero salvar todos os seres senescentes; e não importa se são criaturas formadas em um útero ou chocadas em ovos; se seus ciclos de vida são tão observáveis como os de minhocas, insetos e borboletas; ou se aparecem miraculosamente como cogumelos ou deuses; ou se são capazes de pensamentos profundos ou de nenhum pensamento, faço o voto de conduzir cada um dos seres ao Nirvana!' então, Subhuti, deves lembrar o que tomou os votos que mesmo que um tal incontável número de seres fosse assim libertado, na verdade nenhum ser seria libertado. Um Bodhisattva não se apega à ilusão de uma individualidade ou entidade egóica ou a uma identificação pessoal. Na verdade, não existe qualquer "eu" que liberta e nenhum "eles" que são libertados.
(4) "Além disso, Subhuti, um Bodhisattva deveria ser desapegado de todos os desejos, sejam de ver, ouvir, cheirar, tocar ou degustar qualquer coisa, ou seja o de levar multidões à iluminação. Um Bodhisattva não prova da ambição. Seu amor é infinito e não pode ser limitado por apegos ou ambições pessoais. Quando o amor é infinito seus méritos são incalculáveis.
"Diga, Subhuti, podes medir o céu oriental?"
"Não, Senhor, não posso."
"Podes medir o espaço que fica ao Sul, Oeste, Norte ou mesmo para baixo ou para cima?"
"Não, Senhor, não posso."
"Nem podes medir os méritos de um Bodhisattva que ama, trabalha e dá sem desejo ou ambição."
"Bodhisattvas deveriam prestar atenção particular a esta instrução."
(5) "Subhuti, o que achas? É possível descrever o Tathagata? Pode Ele ser reconhecido por características materiais?"
"Não, Senhor, não é possível submeter o Tathagata a diferenciações ou comparações." Então o Senhor disse, "Subhuti, na fraude do Samsara, todas as coisas são vistas como diferentes ou com diferentes atributos, mas na verdade do Nirvana nenhuma diferenciação é possível. O Tathagata não pode ser descrito."
"Quem quer que perceba que todas as qualidades não são, na verdade, qualidade determinada percebe o Tathagata."
(6) Subhuti perguntou ao Buddha, "Honrado-pelo-mundo, sempre haverá homens que compreendem este ensinamento?"
"O Senhor respondeu, "Subhuti, não duvides disso! Sempre haverá Bodhisattvas virtuosos e sábios; e, em eras por vir, estes Bodhisattvas plantarão suas raízes de mérito sob muitas árvores Bodhi. Receberão este ensinamento e responderão com serena fé porque sempre haverá Buddhas para inspirá-los. O Tathagata os verá e os reconhecerá com seu olho-Búddhico porque nestes Bodhisattvas não haverá obstruções, nem percepção de um eu individual, nenhuma percepção de um ser separado, nenhuma percepção de uma alma, nem de uma pessoa. E estes Bodhisattvas também não vão perceber as coisas como tendo qualidades próprias nem como sendo destituídas de qualidades próprias. Nem vão discriminar entre bem e mal. A discriminação entre boa e má conduta deve ser usada como se usa um barco. Depois que deixa aquele que cruzou a corrente no outro lado, deve ser abandonado."
(7) "Diga, Subhuti, O Tathagata conseguiu a Perfeita Iluminação que Transcende Comparações? Se assim é, há algo sobre ela que o Tathagata pode ensinar?"
"Subhuti respondeu, "Da maneira como entendo o ensinamento ele não pode ser ensinado e não pode ser atingido ou compreendido e nem pode ser ensinado. Por quê? Porque o Tathagata disse que a Verdade não é uma coisa que pode ser diferenciada ou contida e então a Verdade não pode ser compreendida ou expressada. A Verdade nem é e nem não é."
(8) Então o Senhor perguntou, "Se alguém enchesse três mil galáxias com os sete tesouros - ouro, prata, lápis-lazúli, cristal, ágata, pérolas vermelhas e cornalina - e desse tudo o que possuísse como esmola ou caridade, ganharia grande mérito?"
Subhuti respondeu, "Senhor, grande mérito, de fato, caberia a ele ainda que, na verdade, ele não tenha uma existência separada à qual o mérito pudesse ser associado."
Então o Buddha disse, "Suponha que alguém entendesse apenas quatro linhas do nosso Discurso mas ainda assim resolvesse se dar ao trabalho de explicar estas linhas para alguém mais; então, Subhuti, seu mérito seria maior que o do doador de esmolas. Por quê? Porque este Discurso pode produzir Buddhas! Este Discurso revela a Perfeição da Iluminação que Transcende Comparações!
(9) "Diga, Subhuti. Um discípulo que começa a cruzar a corrente diz a si mesmo, `Eu mereço as honras e recompensas de alguém que começou a cruzar a corrente'?"
"Não, Senhor. Alguém que realmente esteja entrando na corrente não pensa em si mesmo como uma ego-entidade isolada que possa merecer qualquer coisa. Apenas aquele discípulo que não vê diferença entre si mesmo e os outros, que não dá importância a nome, forma, som, odor, gosto, tato ou qualquer qualidade pode ser chamado um daqueles que entraram na corrente."
"Um adepto que esteja sujeito a apenas um renascimento mais diz a si mesmo, `Eu mereço as honras e recompensas de alguém que só renascerá uma vez mais'?"
"Não, Senhor. `Um que renascerá uma só vez mais' é apenas um nome. Não há falecimento ou volta à existência. Apenas quem compreende isto pode ser chamado um adepto."
"Um Venerável que nunca mais terá que nascer como um mortal diz a si mesmo, `Eu mereço as honras e recompensas de alguém que não mais retornará'?"
"Não, Honrado-pelo-mundo. `Alguém que não retornará' é apenas um nome. Não existem o retornar ou o não - retornar."
"Diga, Subhuti. Um Buddha diz a si mesmo, `Eu atingi a perfeita Iluminação'?"
"Não, Senhor. Não há nada como uma Iluminação Perfeita a se obter. Senhor, se um Buddha Perfeitamente Iluminado dissesse a si mesmo, `tal sou eu' ele estaria admitindo a existência de uma identidade individual, um eu e uma personalidade separadas e neste caso não seria um Buddha Perfeitamente Iluminado.
"Ó, Honrado-pelo-mundo! Havíeis declarado que eu, Subhuti, me distingui entre teus discípulos no conhecimento da bem-aventurança do samadhi, em viver perfeitamente contente e satisfeito em reclusão, e em ser livre das paixões. Ainda assim não digo a mim mesmo que o sou, pois se pensasse em mim mesmo como tal então não seria verdade que escapei da ilusão do ego. Sei que na verdade não há Subhuti e portanto Subhuti não reside em qualquer lugar, que ele não conhece e nem ignora a bem-aventurança, e que não é livre e nem escravo das paixões.
(10) O Buddha disse, "Subhuti, que pensas? No passado, quando o Tathagata estava com Dipankara, o Completamente Iluminado, Ele aprendeu algo dele?"
"Não, Senhor. Não há algo como uma doutrina a ser aprendida."
"Subhuti, saibas também que se qualquer Bodhisattva dissesse, `Eu vou criar um paraíso', ele estaria mentindo. E porquê? Porque um paraíso não pode ser construído nem destruído.
"Saibas então, Subhuti, que todo o Bodhisattva, maior ou menor, deveria experimentar a pura mente que vem depois da extinção do ego. Tal mente não discrimina e faz julgamento de som, gosto, toque, odor, ou qualquer qualidade. Um Bodhisattva deveria desenvolver uma mente que não forma qualquer apego ou aversão a qualquer coisa.
"Suponhas que um homem fosse dotado de um corpo enorme, tão grande que tivesse a presença pessoal como a de Sumero, o rei das montanhas. Sua existência pessoal seria grande?"
"Sim, Senhor. Seria grande, mas existência pessoal' é apenas um nome. Na verdade, ele nem existiria e nem não existiria."
(11) "Subhuti, se houvesse tantos rios Ganges quanto há grãos de areia no rio Ganges, o total de grãos seria grande?"
"Grande, de fato, Honrado-por-todo-o-mundo. Seria mais fácil contar todos os rios Ganges, do que contar o total combinado de grãos de areia neles todos!"
"Subhuti, vou te contar uma grande verdade. Se alguém enchesse três mil galáxias com os sete tesouros para cada grão de areia em todos esses rios Ganges e desse isso tudo como esmola ou caridade, ganharia muito mérito?"
"Muito mérito, certamente, Senhor."
Então o Buddha declarou, "No entanto, Subhuti, se alguém estudasse nosso Discurso e entende apenas quatro linhas dele mas então explica essas quatro linhas para alguém mais, o mérito conseqüente seria muito maior."
(12) "Além disso, Subhuti, onde quer que aquelas quatro linhas sejam proclamadas, aquele lugar deveria ser venerado como um Santuário do Buddha. E a veneração seria proporcional ao número de linhas explicadas!
"Qualquer um que compreenda e explique este Discurso em sua totalidade consegue a mais alta e mais maravilhosa de todas as verdades. E onde quer que esta explicação é dada, lá, naquele lugar, deverias te conduzir como se estivesses na presença do Buddha. Em tal lugar deverias te curvar e oferecer flores e incenso."
(13) Então Subhuti perguntou, "Honrado-por-todo-o-mundo, por que nome deveria este Discurso ser conhecido?"
O Buddha respondeu, "Este Discurso deveria ser conhecido como o Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita - o Lapidador da Sabedoria Transcendental - porque é o Ensinamento que é duro e afiado e corta a concepção errada e a ilusão."
(14) Neste ponto o impacto do Dharma levou Subhuti a derramar lágrimas. Então, enquanto limpava a face, ele disse, "Senhor, que precioso é que pronunciastes este profundo Discurso! Já faz muito tempo que meu olho da sabedoria foi aberto pela primeira vez; mas desde aquele dia até hoje nunca havia ouvido uma explicação tão maravilhosa da natureza da Realidade Fundamental."
"Senhor, sei que por muitos anos ainda haverá homens e mulheres que, sabendo do nosso Discurso, o receberão com fé e entendimento. Serão livres da idéia de uma entidade-ego, livres da idéia de uma alma pessoal, livres da idéia de um ser individual ou existência separada. Que realização memorável essa liberdade será!"
(15) "Subhuti, apesar de neste mundo ter havido milhões e milhões de Buddhas, e todos tendo muito mérito, o maior mérito de todos virá àquele homem ou mulher que, quando nossa Época Búddhica chegar próxima ao seu fim no período dos últimos quinhentos anos, receber este discurso, considerá-lo, tiver fé nele, e então explicá-lo a alguém mais, resgatando assim nossa Boa Doutrina do colapso final."
(16) "Senhor, como então deveríamos instruir aqueles que querem tomar o voto do Bodhisattva?"
"Diga a eles que se quiserem chegar à Perfeita Iluminação que Transcende Comparações eles devem estar decididos em suas atitudes. Devem estar determinados a libertar cada ser vivente mas devem entender que na verdade não há seres vivos individuais ou separados."
"Subhuti, para ser chamado um Bodhisattva na verdade, um Bodhisattva deve ser completamente destituído de quaisquer concepções de um si mesmo."
(17) "Diga, Subhuti, o Tathagata tem o olho humano?"
"Sim, Senhor, Ele tem."
"E o Tathagata tem o olho divino?"
"Sim, Senhor, Ele tem."
"E o Tathagata possui o olho gnóstico?"
"Sim, Honrado-por-todo-o-mundo."
"E Ele possui o olho da sabedoria transcendental?"
"Sim, Senhor."
"E o Tathagata possui o olho-Búddhico da onisciência?"
"Sim, Senhor, Ele o tem."
"Subhuti, apesar de haver incontáveis Terras Búddhicas e incontáveis seres com diferentes mentes nessas Terras Búddhicas, o Tathagata compreende a todos com sua Mente que Tudo Abarca. Quanto às suas mentes, são meramente chamadas de `mente.' Tais mentes não têm existencia real. Subhuti, é impossível reter a mente do passado, impossível reter a mente do presente, e impossível apreender a mente do futuro porque em nenhuma de suas atividades a mente tem substância ou existência."
(18) "E finalmente, Subhuti, novamente saibas que se um homem desse tudo o que tem - tesouros suficientes para encher incontáveis mundos - e outro homem ou mulher acordasse para o puro pensamento da Iluminação e tomasse apenas quatro linhas deste discurso, as recitasse, considerasse, compreendesse e então, para o benefício de outros, as distribuísse e explicasse, o mérito deste ou desta seria o maior de todos.
"Agora, como deveria ser a maneira de um Bodhisattva explicar estas linhas? Deveria ser desapegado das coisas fraudulentas do Samsara e deveria permanecer na verdade eterna da Realidade. Deveria saber que o ego é um fantasma e que tal ilusão não precisa persistir por muito tempo.
"Agora, como deveria ser a maneira de um Bodhisattva explicar estas linhas? Deveria ser desapegado das coisas fraudulentas do Samsara e deveria permanecer na verdade eterna da Realidade. Deveria saber que o ego é um fantasma e que tal ilusão não precisa persistir por muito tempo.
"E assim ele deve ver o mundo impermanente do ego - Como uma estrela cadente, ou a vaidosa Vênus ofuscada pela Aurora, Pequena bolha na água corrente, um sonho,
A chama de uma vela, que tremula e se vai."
A chama de uma vela, que tremula e se vai."
(19) Quando o Buddha terminou, o Venerável Subhuti e os outros na assembléia se encheram de alegria com o ensinamento dele; e, recebendo-o sinceramente em seus corações, tomaram seus caminhos."
Via JMG: Christianists Turn On Rick Perry
Ever since Texas Gov. Rick Perry declared that gay marriage was a matter of states' rights, Christianists from Tony Perkins to Porno Pete have issued condemnations of the likely GOP presidential candidate's position. Today the strongest words yet come from World Net Daily founder Joseph Farah.
I admit it. I've been intrigued with Texas Gov. Rick Perry as a potential GOP presidential candidate. I attended his most recent inauguration in Austin. I've been impressed with what those who know him well say about his character. I liked that he called for a prayer rally in his state with co-sponsorships from the American Family Association, Jim Dobson and Family Research Council's Tony Perkins. I knew he had made mistakes as governor, but the state is prospering while the rest of the nation sinks into an economic morass. I believed he would pose more than a formidable challenge to Barack Obama in 2012. But you can forget all that – and all the nice things I said and wrote about Rick Perry. I'm afraid I've wasted my time and your time. In fact, I was just dead wrong in all of my conclusions about the governor of Texas. I no longer want him to run and no longer believe he is a viable candidate. In fact, I will do all I can to warn the American people away from him. [snip] That's what I would have expected from a prayerful governor of Texas who is flirting with running for the Republican nomination for the presidency of the United States. Evidently I was fooled by Rick Perry. I freely admit it. I feel unclean for the nice things I have said about him to date. Forgive me.NOTE: While Perkins says Perry is wrong about states' rights, he will still appear at Perry's all-Christian prayer rally.
Labels: 2012 elections, Christianists, GOP, Joseph Farah, marriage equality, Rick Perry, Tenth Amendment
Via 365Gay: Relationship Expert: “Is my Christian son homophobic?”
I was raised Christian and have raised my two teenage boys, 15 and 17 years old, to be Christian.
I have raised them to preach the gospel and never notice color or language or anything else that God doesn’t bother about. They have done all of this.
My youngest came to me the other day and said that there were some boys teasing a boy they thought was gay.
My son asked the boys to stop the teasing - asked at least twice before they left. Then the boy who was being picked on, (he never revealed if he was gay), asked my son if he himself were gay.
My son replied, “No, I’m a Christian, I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle, but my mom always taught me never let bullies get away with it, and never let anyone stand alone. They don’t have the right to deliberately hurt someone else.”
I was raised Christian and have raised my two teenage boys, 15 and 17 years old, to be Christian.
I have raised them to preach the gospel and never notice color or language or anything else that God doesn’t bother about. They have done all of this.
My youngest came to me the other day and said that there were some boys teasing a boy they thought was gay.
My son asked the boys to stop the teasing - asked at least twice before they left. Then the boy who was being picked on, (he never revealed if he was gay), asked my son if he himself were gay.
My son replied, “No, I’m a Christian, I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle, but my mom always taught me never let bullies get away with it, and never let anyone stand alone. They don’t have the right to deliberately hurt someone else.”
Via JMG: Larry Kramer: I Do Want Gay Marriage
"We are being bought off, once again, with only a minuscule fraction of what we are entitled to as equal human beings under our country’s Bill of Rights. Believe me when I say that I very much want to get married to my partner, but only when that marriage is equal to what heterosexual marriages convey by law, the law of the United States, and not just New York State. And I do not disparage those who choose to marry under the present woefully unequal conditions. I just wish that they, and all gay people everywhere, would realize that they are accepting so little when we are pledged so much more by and in this one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." - Playwright and gadfly Larry Kramer, in an Advocate editorial.
NOTE: Kramer says that the New York Times heavily edited his quote earlier this week and gave the false impression that he opposes same-sex marriage in general.
Via JMG: Photo Blog: Kids At Hate Rallies
It’s stuff like this that gets gay people murdered. Thank you for letting your child play a part in violence against another human being. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Mark 12:31
(**photo from Izismile.com**)
More photos. (Tipped by JMG reader Jeffrey)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Via JMG: Tony Perkins: Gayness Is Not A Choice
"Journalists' 'fact-checking' services can be just as prone to bias and factual error as the politicians they're checking. PolitiFact analyzed former Gov. Tim Pawlenty's statements on the origins of homosexuality. Meet the Press host David Gregory had asked: 'Is being gay a choice?' Pawlenty began his response by saying, 'Well, the science in that regard is in dispute.' PolitiFact rated that lone sentence as 'false.' But the 'choice' question is meaningless unless you also define what you mean by 'gay.' Same-sex attraction is not a choice, but homosexual conduct and homosexual self-identification are choices." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, making what appears to be an about-face in his daily email to his followers.
NOTE: Italics are Perkins', sentence bolding is mine.
Quote of the Day (via a facebook buddy DW):
Via Faith In America: N.C. lawmakers who vote for anti-gay marriage initiative will have to answer for harm caused
Faith in America today announced a statewide campaign that will bring awareness about the harm caused to LGBT youth and families to the communities of every North Carolina legislator that votes to proceed with an anti-gay marriage amendment to state constitution.
The North Carolina General Assembly could decide as early as tomorrow on whether to proceed with a vote that would amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage, despite the fact that state law currently recognizes only marriages between two people of the opposite sex.
"Going forward with this vote signals that the North Carolina General Assembly embraces the immense harm that religion-based bigotry places on the lives of this state's gay and lesbian citizens," said Brent Childers, executive director of the organization.
Childers said recent studies, from the American Psychology Association (APA) and one by the Centers of Disease Control have documented a link between anti-gay marriage amendments and emotional and psychological harm to gay and lesbian individuals. In the 2008 APA studies, lead researcher, Sharon Scales Rostosky, Ph.D., at the University of Kentucky, said emotional and psychological harm was "a direct result of the negative images and messages associated with the ballot campaign and the passage of the amendment."
"These studies only document what common sense tells us," Childers said. "Placing a moral and religious stamp of disapproval on someone's very being causes immense and lasting harm to individuals and society. Women, African Americans, Native Americans and interracial couples have all been targets of this vile form of bigotry in the past when religious teaching was misused to justify prejudice and discrimination. Those historical precedents of religion-based bigotry all have been judged as immoral. Yet, a group of ill-intentioned lawmakers want North Carolina to embrace that same form of bigotry today.
Childers said he is hopeful lawmakers will refrain from bringing such harm to North Carolina communities. He said he believes the majority of legislators do not agree with using misguided religious teaching to cause harm to innocent people, especially LGBT youth and families.
"We hope a majority of legislators will decide in favor of human dignity and equality rather than using their vote to bring harm to others for potential political gain or favor. If they come down on the side of causing harm to LGBT youth and families, they will not do so with impunity."
Childers said the organization will conduct public awareness campaigns in the communities of every legislator who votes to proceed with the anti-gay marriage initiative.
"The constituents of every legislator who votes to proceed with the anti-gay marriage initiative are going to learn how these elected officials are promoting a social and religious climate of hostility and violence toward innocent people and children. We plan to reveal to parents, business owners, church-goers and the kids in these legislators 'hometowns the heinous and immensely harmful form of bigotry and prejudice that these legislators are embracing."
Faith in America is a N.C.-based nonprofit organization which works nationally to educate the American public about religion-based bigotry, its harm to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals and its history of oppression toward other minorities in American society. Brent Childers, who himself as an evangelical once identified with the Religious Right and embraced religion-based bigotry toward the LGBT community, serves as its executive director.
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