Sunday, November 11, 2012

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 11, 2012

A Life Informed by Death

If we really faced our fear of death, our lives would ultimately be lighter and more joyful. I don't propose death awareness to depress us. It enhances our ability to live more fully.
- Larry Rosenberg, "Only the Practice of Dharma Can Help Us at the Time of Death"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection through November 13th, 2012
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Saturday, November 10, 2012


Play MP3 sampleThich Nhat Hanh. In this period of reflection on the fall of Saigon in 1975, Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hahn.


Via JMG: Pat Boone Has The Sadz

"For over 200 years, we were the most successful, admired and envied nation in world history. Unashamedly, we declared ourselves to be a Christian nation, granting security and protection to all faiths, creeds and ethnicities. Our laws demanded obedience to the laws of God – because they had proven to be the best ever conceived for creating and maintaining a healthy, productive and fair society. Friend, our people have rejected the very same God and His way, and clamored after a king who has promised to provide, protect and lead them into a Promised Land where 'everybody has everything.' So that same God must take His hand off those who have rejected Him and allow them to reap the consequences." - Pat Boone, writing for World Net Daily.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 10, 2012

The Reverence of Attention

You come to learn, you’re asking to be taught, and what you give is your attention. That can include asking skeptical questions, intellectual questions, any kind of questions. Devotion and reverence don’t necessarily depend on bows and accolades.
- Lama Surya Das, "Old Wine, New Bottles"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection through November 12th, 2012
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Via Gay Politics Report:

  • “Breathtaking leap forward” for LGBT equality
    Elections in the U.S. this week delivered unprecedented victories for the nation’s LGBT community, including a clean sweep of marriage-related ballot initiatives, the first openly gay U.S. senator and at least three new out members of the U.S. House of Representatives. "This wasn’t incremental progress. This was a breathtaking leap forward,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, describing Election Day outcomes. Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin agreed, calling 2012 “a milestone year” for LGBT political causes. The Atlantic online (11/8), CNN (11/7), BuzzFeed (11/7), The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (11/7)
  • 7 states gain their first LGBT state legislators: Openly LGBT candidates made history in state legislative races across the country this year, winning seats in states where they will be the first or only out lawmakers, including Florida, West Virginia, North Dakota and Pennsylvania. The wins leave just 10 states with no out lawmakers in their legislatures. In New Hampshire, Stacie Laughton became the first openly transgender candidate elected to a state legislature in the U.S. Metro Weekly (Washington, D.C.)/Poliglot (11/8), Washington Blade (Washington, D.C.)
  • Gay, lesbian lawmakers set to take charge in Colo., Ore.: Openly gay Colorado State Rep. Mark Ferrandino was nominated by his peers to become the next speaker of the state’s House of Representatives after Democrats took control of the chamber in Tuesday’s elections. Meanwhile, the Democratic takeover of the Oregon House means Rep. Tina Kotek is expected to become the first openly lesbian speaker of a state house in U.S. history. The California and Rhode Island legislatures are currently served by openly gay house speakers. The Denver Post (11/9), The Oregonian (Portland)

Via Sick of the Slant - A Fair Look at the News of the Day / FB:

Via Via OccupyMarines / FB:

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 9, 2012

The Meaning of Dharma

First, one must get to know oneself. Then, having become familiar with oneself, one can live one’s life more deeply. Living one’s life more deeply is the meaning of dharma.
- Ogyen Trinley Dorje, "Intelligence & Investigation"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection through November 12th, 2012
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

JMG Photo Of The Day

Matt Stopera reports at Buzzfeed: "Keesha Patterson of Ft. Washington, Maryland, proposed to her girlfriend, Rowan Ha, during the election night victory rally at President Barack Obama's headquarters in Chicago. Maryland voted in favor of gay marriage last night." The best part is the onlookers.  (Via Zack Ford @Think Progress)

Reposted from Joe

Via Buddhism on Beliefnet / FB:

Daily Buddhist Wisdom

If the perfection of generosity Were the alleviation of the world's poverty, Then since beings are still starving now In what manner did the previous Buddhas perfect it? The perfection of generosity is said to be The thought to give all beings everything, Together with the fruit of such a thought. Hence it is simply a state of mind.
- Santideva, "Bodhicaryavatara"

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"Before I say anything else—before I say what I dragged myself out of bed to say—let me say this: we did this. LGBT people came out, fought back, and changed the world. There's a fuck of a lot left to do—repealing DOMA, passing ENDA, completing the repeal of DADT (trans people are still barred from serving in the military), fighting for the rights of queers around the world—but LGBT people have come so far since Stonewall due to our own efforts and sacrifice. It has gotten better for us because we fought to make it better. We demanded better.

"Now here's what I want to say: I know so many straight people in Seattle who worked unbelievably hard to approve R-74. They gave money, they volunteered their time, they reached out to friends and relatives and coworkers, all in an effort to make it possible for same-sex couples to marry. Gays and lesbians are a tiny percentage of the population. We couldn't do this on our own. A majority of the legislators who voted for same-sex marriage? Straight. The governor who signed the law making same-sex marriage legal in Washington state? Straight. The majority of the folks manning the phone banks for R-74? Straight. The overwhelming majority of people who voted to approve R-74? Straight. The president who took a huge political risk and came out for marriage equality before his reelection campaign? Straight. It has gotten better for us—better, not perfect—but it hasn't gotten better for us in a vacuum. It's gotten better for us because straight people have gotten better about us." - Dan Savage, writing for Slog.

Reposted from Joe


Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 8, 2012

Radiant Equanimity

Equanimity, one of the most sublime emotions of Buddhist practice, is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love. While some may think of equanimity as dry neutrality or cool aloofness, mature equanimity produces a radiance and warmth of being.
- Gil Fronsdal, "A Perfect Balance"
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama's Complete Victory Speech: Obama Wins the 2012 Election

Via JMG: The Castro Celebrates

Photo by Steve Heist.

Reposted from Joe

JMG Quote Of The Day - Chris Kluwe

"I would like to thank every single person that helped defeat the same-sex marriage ban in Minnesota, as well as every person who contributed to passing marriage-equality legislation in Maryland and Maine and (likely) Washington. Together, we made a statement that America is tired of division. America is tired of discrimination, of exclusion, and of unthinking oppression—the belief that people have to live their lives according to someone else's views rather than their own free will.

"Together, we made sure that the world our children will grow up in is one step closer to tolerance, love, and equality; a world where our children can make their own choices instead of being shackled to dusty hate from the past. Together, we showed this nation that a polity functions best when it includes all of its citizens, when it celebrates their differences as part of one glorious whole, when it synthesizes a wide assortment of cultures and beliefs under the guiding principles of freedom and happiness for everyone.

"Together, we can approach the work still at hand. We can face the continuous fight for equality that every society must wage each generation. We may not know the specifics until they’re upon us, but the underlying foundation is always the same—living your own life vs. someone else making your choices for you.

"Together, we can promote free will over oppression. We can treat others the way we want to be treated, with dignity and respect. We can work together to find common ground, despite our differences, and build a stable, nurturing society. There is work yet to be done, but we passed an important milestone today. Ten, 15, 20 years from now, when our children ask us, 'What did you do when it came time to fight for someone else?,' we can tell them about Minnesota and Maryland and Maine, states where people finally said: Enough.

"Enough with the hate. Enough with the bigotry. Enough with the discrimination. We are all Americans, and we are all in this together. Without each other, we have nothing." - Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, writing for Slate.

Reposted from Joe

Via Buddhism on Beliefnet / FB:

Today in buddhism

15 Quotes that Motivate and Inspire
Get motivated and inspired by these quotes!

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Via O Bosque de Berkana / FB:

Não acredite em algo simplesmente porque ouviu. Não acredite em algo simplesmente porque todos falam a respeito. Não acredite em algo simplesmente porque esta escrito em seus livros religiosos. Não acredite em algo só porque seus professores e mestres dizem que é verdade. Não acredite em tradições só porque foram passadas de geração em geração. Mas depois de muita análise e observação, se você vê que algo concorda com a razão, e que conduz ao bem e beneficio de todos, aceite-o e viva-o."

Siddhartha Gautam Buddha

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 7, 2012

Simply Listening

'Simply listening' seems to be better for whomever I’m talking with. They feel fully heard without being judged. Better connections tend to flow naturally. The irony is, when we don’t need things to be better than they are, they tend to end up that way.
- Marshall Glickman, "Talk Like a Buddha"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection through November 9th, 2012
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