Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 17, 2013

The Time is Now

Awareness practice is like any other skill-building activity. It is not meant to be casual, or occasional, or reserved for only when convenient.
- Les Kaye, "The Time is Now"
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

JMG Quote Of THe Day - Wayne Besen

"There was never going to be an actual ‘Ex-gay Pride Month’ because ex-gays are as rare as the Dodo bird. They simply could not find real ‘ex-gays’ to participate and had to cancel to save face. This was nothing but a desperate publicity stunt intended to revive a failing industry that has repeatedly embarrassed anti-gay organizations.  We challenge [Christopher] Doyle to come forward and release the names of LGBT activists and organizations that have allegedly jeopardized his organization’s security.  Until concrete allegations are made, we can only assume Dole is making an excuse for his organization’s abject failure to produce a viable Ex-Gay Pride Month event." - Truth Wins Out founder Wayne Besen, "laughing" at the yesterday's cancellation.

Reposted from Joe

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 13, 2013

Get Yourself Out of the Way

The more we can get the self out of the way, the more clearly we can see the effect of our thoughts, words, and action upon ourselves and others.
- Andrew Olendzki, “Moral Health”
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Friday, July 12, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 12, 2013

Not Self-Help

Buddhism asks us to go beyond the self, not to perfect the self.
- Dharmavidya David Brazier, “Living Buddhism”
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Baha'i words, deeds differ

Baha'i words, deeds differ

Dr. Gary Wright

The official worldwide and local Baha’i position on gay rights is all in favor of glib generalities against generic “prejudice,” but when it comes to taking one baby step to actually help lift our oppression, they will not take it. They will not do one concrete thing that might make an actual difference.
A letter written on behalf of their highest body, the House of Justice, to a gay asking for guidance states their true policy: “...this practice, which like other sexual vices, is so abhorrent to the Creator of all mankind....”
Current ordinances do not equate oppressed LGBTs with other victimized or belittled groups.
People, do not be fooled by Janet Haworth’s muddled opinion piece. (“Baha’is support eliminating prejudice,” July 6)

Make the jump here to read the online text

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 11, 2013

The In-between State

Anxiety, heartbreak, and tenderness mark the in-between state. It's the kind of place we usually want to avoid. The challenge is to stay in the middle rather than buy into struggle and complaint. The challenge is to let it soften us rather than make us more rigid and afraid.
- Pema Chodron, “The In-between State”
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Via JMG: ENDA Passes Senate Committee

Andrew Cray has details at Think Progress:
This morning, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee voted 15-7 to advance the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) with support from Republican Sens. Mark Kirk (IL), Orrin Hatch (UT), and Lisa Murkowski (AK). The bill, now headed for the Senate floor, is considered instrumental in preventing workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and mending the “broken bargain” of unequal treatment of LGBT workers under the law.
UPDATE: The ACLU cheers via press release:
Coming on the heels of the landmark Supreme Court marriage rulings, today's strong, bipartisan vote in favor of expanding workplace non-discrimination protections to include those who are LGBT is yet another sign that the tide has turned," said Ian Thompson, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative. "Advocates have been working for nearly 40 years to pass these basic protections to ensure that all American workers, who stand side-by-side in the workplace and contribute with equal measure in their jobs, will stand on the same equal footing under the law. In 2013, it is completely unacceptable to force individuals to hide who they are out of fear of losing their livelihood.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 10, 2013

No Return

The solution does not lie in ‘returning to nature.’ We cannot return to nature, because we have never left it.
- David Loy, “Healing Ecology”
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Via Gay Politics Report: Civil Unions aren't Marriages

Civil unions aren't marriages, federal government says
Federal workers in domestic partnerships or civil unions won't get the same spousal and family benefits as those who are legally married in states that allow same-sex couples to wed, according to new guidance from the Office of Personnel Management. Memos detailing newly available benefits were released after the Supreme Court's recent ruling overturning a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act. The Washington Post (tiered subscription model)/Federal Eye blog (7/8)

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 9, 2013

Giving Up Getting

We need to give up something. We can’t have it all. We can’t try to layer wisdom on top of confusion. The spiritual path is about what we give up, not what we get.
- Tim Olmsted, “The Great Experiment”
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Via JMG: NOM Board Member Heats Up

The Wrap takes note of the campaign to boycott Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game:
The sci-fi action movie “Ender’s Game” isn’t out until Nov. 1, but it’s already the target of an organized boycott. The group Geeks Out has launched an online protest and is asking people to “Skip Ender’s Game” because of anti-gay marriage comments made by Orson Scott Card, author of the 1985 book upon which the Lionsgate film is based.  "Do not buy a ticket at the theater, do not purchase the DVD, do not watch it on-demand. Ignore all merchandise and toys," the site implores. “By pledging to Skip Ender’s Game, we can send a clear and serious message to Card and those that do business with his brand of anti-gay activism -- whatever he’s selling, we’re not buying."
The boycott and petition site is here. (Tipped by JMG reader Neil)
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Orson Scott Card calls for Christians to overthrow the government over same-sex marriage.  Petition launched for DC Comics to fire Card, who had been hired to write an issue of Superman. Brian Brown gets outraged over threats to boycott DC Comics.  Illustrator pulls out of Superman issue over Card's hiring.

Via JMG: Archie Comics Joins It Gets Better Project

It Gets Better notes that tomorrow is Kevin Keller Day.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 8, 2013

Using Technology Wisely

Technology’s value is the value we give it as a society and as individuals, in millions of large and small decisions that are made every day. It reshapes our world into something that can seem unfamiliar and even strange. But we are still in human territory—territory we can navigate with human wisdom and insight, should we choose to do so.
- Richard Eskow, "My Technology, My Self"
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 7, 2013

Distinguishing Genuine Dharma

We reassure ourselves that the changes we’ve made in Buddhism are all for the best—that Buddhism has always adapted itself to every culture it enters, and we can trust it to adapt wisely to the West. But this treats Buddhism as if it were a conscious agent—a wise amoebic force that knows how to adapt to its environment in order to survive. Actually, Buddhism isn’t an agent, and it doesn’t adapt. It gets adapted—sometimes by people who know what they’re doing, sometimes by people who don’t. Just because a particular adaptation survives and prevails doesn’t mean that it’s genuine dharma. It may simply appeal to the desires and fears of its target audience.
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu, “Lost in Quotation”
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Saturday, July 6, 2013

JMG STUDY: Sex Keeps You Younger Looking

According to a British study:
“My message is that lovemaking is good,” Dr. David Weeks told the British Psychological Society. Former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Weeks said he spent a decade prying into the private lives of thousands of men and women of all ages. Weeks found that sexual pleasure is a “crucial factor” in preserving youth.
How? Lovemaking releases the human growth hormone, which helps keep the skin elastic and thus less likely to wrinkle, he said. Sex also released endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemicals and natural painkillers that ease anxiety and make it easier to sleep, Weeks added. Nookie boosts blood circulation, which is good for that heart and gives skin that healthy glow, the good doctor said. Finally, sex burns fat and releases other chemicals that bolster the immune system, he said.
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Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Henry Rollins On DOMA

"Bad News for the Haters Dept.: You realize that all those obnoxious 16-year-olds you see everywhere, texting their friends who are standing next to them, will be able to vote in the 2016 elections. Do you think you will be able to sell them on your anti-gay/anti-woman/anti-brown/black platform? Do you think they want to end up like you? I bet they don't. Gov. Bobby Jindal said that you all have to stop being the stupid party. I don't think you can do it. How did equality become political? Because you can't handle science, change or the truth. America is on the move, you are not." - Henry Rollins, writing for LA Weekly.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 6, 2013

The Power of Presence

Presence has no measurable product except positive feelings, feelings of support, intimacy, and happiness. When we stop being busy and productive and switch to just being still and aware, we ourselves will also feel support, intimacy, and happiness, even if no one else is around.
- Jan Chozen Bays, “The Gift of Waiting”
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Friday, July 5, 2013

Via Gay Politics Report:

Marriage efforts launch across the U.S.

Hundreds of Florida couples this week signed up to challenge the state's constitutional ban on marriage equality, and in New Mexico several legal groups joined to ask the state Supreme Court to decide if same-sex couples are entitled to marriage licenses. Advocates are planning ballot campaigns to reverse marriage bans in Ohio, Arizona, Oregon and Nevada. In Arkansas, 11 couples filed lawsuits this week to strike down the state's ban on same-sex marriages.  

BuzzFeed (7/3), WTVJ-TV (Miami) (7/2), Metro Weekly (Washington, D.C.)/Poliglot blog (7/3), LGBTQ Nation/The Associated Press (7/2)

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