Monday, April 27, 2015

More Brokenhearted Bahá'is: LGBTs Rejected by Their Faith

The official never-before-published-in-a-major-media-outlet letter (this letter was NOT originally sent to Sean) 


9 May 2014

Transmitted by email: ...


Dear Bahá'í Friend,

Your email letter dated 11 January 2014 has been received by the Universal House of Justice. We have been asked to convey to you the following.

You express concern about the challenge Bahá'ís encounter in understanding and upholding the Teachings in the face of powerful social forces influencing public attitudes towards homosexuality. In this connection, you observe that some Bahá'ís are susceptible to the argument that the Faith must change to keep up with what are perceived to be progressive social values, while some others, despite their firm adherence to the Teachings, are unable to resolve the incongruity between the Bahá'í perspective and attitudes prevailing in the wider society. Your thoughtful analysis of the issues you raise is warmly appreciated.

The contemporary discussion surrounding homosexuality, which began in the West and is increasingly promoted in other parts of the world, generally takes the form of a false dichotomy, which compels one to choose between a position that is either affirming or rejecting. It is understandable that Bahá'ís would be sensitive to acts of prejudice or oppression in any form and to the needs of those who suffer as a result. But to align with either side in the public debate is to accept the premises on which it is based. Moreover, this debate occurs within the context of a rising tide of materialism and consequent reorientation of society, over more than a century, which has among its outcomes a destructive emphasis on sexuality. Various philosophies and theories have eroded precepts of right and wrong that govern personal behavior. For some, relativism reigns and individuals are to determine their own moral preferences; others dismiss the very conception of personal morality, maintaining that any standard that restrains what is considered a natural impulse is harmful to the individual and ultimately to society. Self- indulgence, in the guise of expressing one's true nature, becomes the norm, even the touchstone of healthy living. Consequently, sexuality has become a preoccupation, pervading commerce, media, the arts, and popular culture, influencing disciplines such as medicine, psychology, and education and reducing the human being to an object. It is no longer merely a part of life, but becomes the defining element of a person's identity. At its most extreme, the doctrine aggressively propagated in some societies is that it is abnormal for adolescents to restrain their sexual impulses, unreasonable for young adults to marry without first having had sexual relations, and impossible for a married couple to remain monogamous. The unbounded expression of sexuality in almost any form is thought to be natural and is accepted as a matter of course, the only limitation being to cause no harm to others, while any notion to the contrary is deemed narrow-minded or retrogressive. The question of same-sex marriage arises not simply as an appeal for fairness within a framework of existing values but as another step, presumed to be inevitable, in clearing away the vestiges of what is regarded to be a repressive traditional morality.

The perspective presented in the Bahá'í writings departs sharply from the pattern of thought achieving ascendancy in many societies. Bahá'u'lláh states that the knowledge of God is revealed through His Manifestation, Who has an innate awareness of the human condition and the social order, and Whose purpose is to set forth such precepts as will effect a profound transformation in both the inner life and external conditions of humankind. "No man, however acute his perception," He affirms, "can ever hope to reach the heights which the wisdom and understanding of the Divine Physician have attained." 'Abdu'l-Bahá explains that the human being has two natures, the spiritual or higher nature and the material or lower nature, and that the purpose of life is to gain mastery over the limitations and promptings of one's material nature and to cultivate spiritual qualities and virtues-the attributes of the soul which constitute one's true and abiding identity. Worldly desire is not the essence of a human being, but a veil that obscures it. Adherence to the Teachings of the Divine Educator refines the character and develops the potentialities with which each person is endowed; it liberates the individual and society from lower inclinations that give rise to the ills that afflict humanity.

'Abdu'l-Bahá highlights the distinction between the two worldviews outlined above by contrasting "the political freedom of Europeans, which leaves the individual free to do whatsoever he desires as long as his action does not harm his neighbor" with the freedom "born of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Almighty." "In the religion of God, there is no freedom of action outside the law of God," 'Abdu'l-Bahá concludes. "Man may not transgress this law, even though no harm is inflicted on one's neighbor. This is because the purpose of Divine law is the education of all--others as well as oneself--and, in the sight of God, the harm done to one individual or to his neighbor is the same and is reprehensible in both cases." Thus, for Bahá'ís, just as the development of a strong and healthy body requires adherence to sound physical practices and disciplines, so too, the refinement of character requires effort to act within the framework of moral principles delineated by the Manifestation of God.

While Bahá'ís hold specific beliefs about human identity, sexuality, personal morality, and individual and social transformation, they also believe that individuals must be free to investigate truth and should not be coerced. They are, therefore, enjoined to be tolerant of those whose views differ from their own, not to judge others according to their own standards, and not to attempt to impose these standards on society. To regard a person who has a homosexual orientation with prejudice or disdain is entirely against the spirit of the Faith. And where occasion demands, it would be appropriate to speak out or act against unjust or oppressive measures directed towards homosexuals.

The House of Justice feels it would be ill-advised to engage in discussions intended to convince those who do not accept the station of Bahá'u'lláh that their views are erroneous; such an effort would ultimately prove fruitless. Shoghi Effendi counseled the friends "to have neither concern for, nor involvement in, the controversies of politicians, the wranglings of theologians or any of the ailing social theories current amongst men." The response of the Bahá'í community to the challenges facing humanity lies not in combating specific issues one by one but rather in making efforts to uplift the vision of their compatriots and to work with them for the betterment of the world. In their involvement in society at all levels, the friends should distinguish between those discourses associated with forces of disintegration, such as those which overemphasize sexuality, where involvement would be unproductive, and those associated with forces of integration, whose aim is unity and the collaborative resolution of social ills, to which they can constructively contribute. They should be mindful that the divisive issues of the day, diametrically opposed to the Teachings but often presented in the guise of truth or progress, exert themselves upon the Bahá'í community and can at times result in those "severe mental tests" that the writings state would "inevitably sweep over His loved ones of the West--tests that would purge, purify and prepare them for their noble mission in life."

Just as Bahá'ís do not impose their views on others, they cannot relinquish their principles because of changing trends in popular thought. The pattern of life to which they aspire, Shoghi Effendi writes, "can tolerate no compromise with the theories, the standards, the habits, and the excesses of a decadent age." Bahá'u'lláh counsels not to weigh "the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men," and "in this most perfect Balance whatsoever the peoples and kindreds of the earth possess must be weighed...."

To accept Bahá'u'lláh is to accept His Teachings, including those that pertain to personal morality, even if one must struggle to live up to His standard. It would be a profound contradiction for someone to profess to be a Bahá'í, yet reject, disregard, or contend with aspects of belief or practice He ordained.
In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Bahá'u'lláh describes the twin duties "prescribed by God for His servants" to be recognition of the Manifestation and acceptance of all His ordinances. "These twin duties are inseparable," He asserts. "Neither is acceptable without the other." Bahá'ís consciously choose to abide by Bahá'u'lláh's exhortations out of love for Him and assurance in the efficacy of His guidance, not out of blind obedience. "Think not that We have revealed unto you a mere code of laws," Bahá'u'lláh states. "Nay, rather, We have unsealed the choice Wine with the fingers of might and power." His Teachings are a safeguard for one's true nature and purpose. 'Abdu'l-Bahá writes, "It is essential that children be reared in the Bahá'í way, that they may find happiness both in this world and the next. If not, they shall be beset by sorrows and troubles, for human happiness is founded upon spiritual behavior."

You are, of course, well aware of the explicit Bahá'í standard. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and sexual relations are only permissible between husband and wife. These points are laid down in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi and are not subject to change by the Universal House of Justice. Bahá'u'lláh also prohibits certain sexual acts, including homosexual relations; if such statements are considered by some to be unclear, the unambiguous interpretations provided by Shoghi Effendi constitute a binding exposition of His intent. The Guardian's interpretations, made in his role as the authoritative expounder, clarify the true meaning of the Text and are not derived from the scientific knowledge of the time.

Bahá'ís must also be on their guard lest condemnatory attitudes stemming from the public debate take root in their communities. Backbiting and gossip, prejudice and estrangement, have no place.
All recognize the need to transform themselves in accordance with Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings, all struggle in different ways to live a Bahá'í life, and there is no reason that the challenge of being attracted to persons of the same sex should be singled out and treated differently from other challenges. The Guardian made it clear that Bahá'ís with a homosexual orientation should not withdraw from the community and should receive its support and encouragement. The House of Justice sympathizes deeply with those individuals, and their families, who strive in this respect to understand and hold fast to the Teachings while buffeted by the controversy unfolding within their societies.

Enclosed for your study are copies of two letters that touch on related themes. Rest assured of the supplications of the House of Justice at the Sacred Threshold that you may be guided and confirmed by the blessings of the Almighty.

With loving Bahá'í greetings,
Department of the Secretariat

International Teaching Centre (with enclosures)
Board of Counsellors in the Americas (with enclosures)
National Assembly of the United States (with enclosures)
And there you have it, some truly breaking news! Please share this post widely to hold this faith accountable, and inspire them to get on the right side of history. And kudos to Sean for his bold, brave, heartfelt and at times heart-wrenching interview.


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Via #lgbt / FB:

Via The Human Rights Campaign

TOMORROW: oral arguments will begin in the landmark marriage equality case Obergefell v. Hodges — the Supreme Court case that could bring marriage equality to all 50 states.

Take action: say ‪#‎LoveCantWait‬ for nationwide marriage equality at

Stay posted: Stay up to date on all breaking news around marriage equality at

Get alerts: text "MARRIAGE" to 30644 for critical marriage equality updates from HRC (SMS & data rates may apply).

Rubio just told 63% of Americans they are "ridiculous and absurd"...

In 2010, for the first time ever, CNN found the majority of Americans (52%) believed same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Not just support same-sex couples who want to marry, but have a constitutional right. 

Those results have been confirmed in poll after poll since. In February, that number jumped to 63 percent.

This weekend, Tea Party Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio told those 63 percent of Americans – 201.6 million Americans, based on recent census numbers – that their beliefs are "ridiculous and absurd."

Make the jump here to read the full article

Via The Master Shift / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 27/04/2015

“A jornada da alma se assemelha ao rio que corre na direção do mar. O destino do rio é se tornar o mar. Mas, até que o rio chegue ao seu destino final, ele passa por muitos desafios: sobe montanhas, desce vales, passa por desertos, florestas, e às vezes até evapora e volta na forma de chuva. Mas, em algum momento ele deixa de ser rio e se torna o oceano. Assim é a jornada da alma: em algum momento ela se torna o Absoluto.”
Para ler o Satsang Completo, acesse:

“El camino del alma se asemeja al río que corre en dirección al mar. El destino del río es volverse mar. Pero hasta que el río llegue a su destino final, pasa por muchos desafíos: sube montañas, baja por valles, pasa por desiertos, selvas, y a veces hasta se evapora y vuelve en forma de lluvia. Pero en algún momento éste deja de ser río y se vuelve océano. Así es el camino del alma: en algún momento se convierte en el Absoluto.” 

"The journey of the soul is like a river flowing towards the ocean. The fate of the river is to eventually become the sea. However, until the river reaches its final destination, it goes through many challenges. It goes up mountains, descends through valleys, passes through deserts, forests, and sometimes even evaporates back into rain. But, at some point, it stops being the river and becomes the ocean. This is also the soul’s journey: at a given moment, it becomes the Absolute."

Via Daily Dharma

Sorrows No Greater Than Yours | April 27, 2015

You seem to be you
and I seem to be me.
My sorrows are no greater
than your sorrows.
Thou art beautiful,
o my loves,
as tears are.

- Terrance Keenan, "A Sweetness Appears and Prevails"

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Via Desmond Tutu / FB: Time to Boogie!

It's Time for the Freedom to Marry

Via JMG: Dozens Line Up Outside Supreme Court

Equality Case Files reports that dozens are lined up outside the Supreme Court this morning. The line actually began some time on Friday and it rained on them last night. See the Twitter feed for many more photos.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: President Obama Cracks Gay Jokes At White House Correspondents' Dinner

Starnes is probably referring to this line: "I tease Joe sometimes, but he has been at my side for seven years, I love that man. He's not just a great vice president, he is a great friend. We've gotten so close in some places in Indiana, they won't serve us pizza anymore." Or maybe this one: "Rick Santorum announced that he would not attend the same-sex wedding of a friend or a loved one, to which gays and lesbians across the country responded, 'That's not gonna be a problem.'" The president's full speech is below.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Hillary Clinton's keynote address at the 2015 Women in the World Summit

Namaskar Nepal!

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 26/04/2015

“A principal prática espiritual para esse momento da humanidade é aprender a se relacionar sem se machucar e sem machucar o outro. Isso significa viver a espiritualidade nas nossas relações. E mais do que falar de conceitos espirituais, aplicá-los, integrando a espiritualidade à vida prática.”
Para ler o Satsang Completo, acesse:

“La principal práctica espiritual para este momento de la humanidad es aprender a relacionarse sin lastimarse a uno mismo y sin lastimar al otro. Esto significa vivir la espiritualidad en nuestras relaciones. Y más que hablar de conceptos espirituales, aplicarlos, integrando la espiritualidad en la vida práctica.”

"The main spiritual practice for humanity at this moment in time is to learn how to relate without getting hurt and without hurting the other. This is what it means to embody spirituality in our relationships. More than just talking about spiritual concepts, we need to apply them, integrating spirituality into our daily lives."

Via Daily Dharma

Devotion and Compassion | April 26, 2015

We need devotion to enlightened beings and compassion to those who are not. Possessing these two, the main training is maintaining nondistraction. When we forget mind essence we get carried away. But with devotion and compassion, the practice of recognizing mind essence will automatically progress.

- Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, "The Great Experiment"

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Via FB:

Via JMG: Today in "This is How its Done":

GEORGIA: Print Shop Refuses To Print Wedding Invitations For Lesbian Couple

Citing his religious beliefs, the owner of an AlphaGraphics print shop franchise in suburban Atlanta has refused to print wedding invitations for a lesbian couple. Via Atlanta's NBC affiliate:
Paige Beckwith says throughout her wedding planning process she has been open with vendors that there would be two brides on the wedding day. She says none of the vendors seemed to care, but him. Beckwith says she contacted the company after being referred by a friend. They were trying to go with a train theme. Their engagement photos, taken by Snap Shots By Allie, were on railroad tracks. Their reception would be at an old train depot in Lawrenceville. They wanted the invitations to look like a train ticket, so she needed a company that could design and print them. "The owner called me back and let me know that he's not going to print our invitations because he does not support same sex marriage," said Beckwith. "I kept asking him how, why, how he could do this? He just basically stood on his religious beliefs, referenced the Bible, called it a sin, and I was basically in tears saying how could you treat me this way?," she recalled.
The AlphaGraphics main office has denounced its franchisee and promised to print the invitations at no charge. They have also issued a statement:
We do not condone discrimination of any kind, and wish to make clear that customers of any race, religion, nationality, ethnicity or sexual orientation are welcome at our franchisees' locations nationwide. We also wish to apologize to the customers who were impacted by the actions of this franchisee, and hope that our response conveys the level of commitment we feel toward upholding our company's standards of inclusion, and that all members of the Suwanee community continue to feel welcome at AlphaGraphics.
Georgia does not protect LGBT residents from business discrimination. (Tipped by JMG reader Todd)

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 25/04/2015

“Nós não somos a matéria. A matéria é somente o nosso veículo. Nós somos o espírito que habita a matéria. Quando identificados com o corpo, estamos suscetíveis às leis da matéria, mas quando nos identificamos com o espírito, podemos exercer domínio sobre a matéria, compreendendo que ela é feita de terra, fogo, água, ar e éter. Com isso, podemos curar doenças, materializar objetos e até retardar o envelhecimento. Esse é o mistério daquilo que muitos chamam de “milagres.”
Para ler o Satsang completo, acesse:

“Nosotros no somos la materia. La materia es solamente nuestro vehículo. Nosotros somos el espíritu que habita la materia. Cuando estamos identificados con el cuerpo, estamos suceptibles a las leyes de la materia, pero cuando nos identificamos con el espíritu, podemos ejercer dominio sobre la materia, comprendiendo que está hecha de tierra, fuego, agua, aire y éter. Con esto podemos curar enfermedades, materializar objetos y hasta retardar el envejecimiento. Este es el misterio de aquello que muchos llaman “milagros”.

"We are not that which is material. Matter is only our vehicle. We are the spirit that inhabits this matter. When we get identified with the body, we are susceptible to the laws of matter. When we identify with the spirit, we can exercise dominion over matter, and we realize that matter is simply made from earth, fire, water, air and ether. With this understanding, we can cure diseases, materialize objects, and even slow down aging. This is the mystery of what many call miracles.”

Via Daily Dharma

To Be Called a Buddha | April 25, 2015

When you refrain from unwholesome actions, are not attached to birth and death, and are compassionate toward all sentient beings, respectful to seniors and kind to juniors, not excluding or desiring anything, with no designing thoughts or worries, you will be called a buddha. Do not seek anything else.

- Eihei Dogen, "Birth and Death"