A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Via Towleroad: Tim Cook Takes ’60 Minutes’ Inside Apple and Talks About His Own Coming Out: WATCH
Last night 60 Minutes and Charlie Rose went inside Apple and spoke with CEO Tim Cook, Jony Ive, Angela Ahrendts, Eddie Cue, and other top officials about the company’s innovation, its secrecy, its design lab, the new ‘spaceship’ campus it is building in Cupertino, encryption, taxes, and host of other issues.
Rose also spoke with Cook about his decision to come out of the closet last year.
Said Cook:
“When you’re in a minority group it gives you a sense of empathy of what it’s like to be in the minority and you begin to look at things from different point of views, and I think it was a gift for me.”
Cook added:
“Honestly, I value my privacy. I’m a very private person. But it became increasingly clear to me that if I said something that it could help other people. And I’m glad, because I think that some kid somewhere, some kid in Alabama, I think if they just for a moment stop and say ‘if it didn’t limit him, it may not limit me.’ Or, this kid that’s getting bullied. Or worse, I’ve gotten notes from people contemplating suicide. And so if I could touch just one of those, it’s worth it. And I couldn’t look myself in the mirror without doing it.”
Watch Inside Apple, in two parts, below:
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 21/12/2015
“Em um sangha ou comunidade espiritual, é comum vermos buscadores
tomados por um ‘ego espiritual’. Os mais adiantados quase não são
vistos, e aqueles que precisam de atenção, estão realmente chamando
atenção. Porém, você não deve se incomodar com isso, pois é o próprio
ego que se incomoda com o ego do outro. Estando livre disso, você não
liga para o que o outro está fazendo. Ele está na sua viagem, querendo
sentir-se especial mas você não liga,
pois sabe que é o que ele precisa viver; que é somente uma fase.
Portanto, não se preocupe com o outro – trate de olhar para si mesmo.”
“En un sangha o comunidad espiritual, es común ver a los buscadores
tomados por un "ego espiritual". Los más adelantados apenas son vistos, y
aquellos que necesitan de atención, están realmente llamando la
atención. Sin embargo, no debes incomodarte con esto, ya que es el
propio ego el que se incomoda con el ego del otro. Estando libre de
esto, no te enganchas con lo que el otro está haciendo. Él está en su
viaje, queriendo sentirse especial pero no te molesta,porque sabes que
es lo que precisa vivir; que solo es una fase. Por lo tanto, no te
preocupes con el otro - trata de mirar hacia ti mismo.”
“In a sangha or spiritual community, it is common to find seekers taken over by the ‘spiritual ego.’ Truly advanced seekers are almost invisible, while those who yearn for attention really clamor for it. But please don’t be bothered by this, for it is the ego itself that is bothered by the ego in the other. If you are free of this, you won’t even pay attention to what the other is doing. That person may be in their own trip wanting to feel special, but you don’t get affected because you know this is what that person is needing to go through, that it's just a phase. In sum, don’t worry about the other, and take a good look at yourself.”
“In a sangha or spiritual community, it is common to find seekers taken over by the ‘spiritual ego.’ Truly advanced seekers are almost invisible, while those who yearn for attention really clamor for it. But please don’t be bothered by this, for it is the ego itself that is bothered by the ego in the other. If you are free of this, you won’t even pay attention to what the other is doing. That person may be in their own trip wanting to feel special, but you don’t get affected because you know this is what that person is needing to go through, that it's just a phase. In sum, don’t worry about the other, and take a good look at yourself.”
Today's Daily Dharma: Brave Uncertainty
Brave Uncertainty
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 20/12/2015
“Você só fica satisfeito se o outro olha para você de determinada
maneira. Então você tenta fazer com que ele olhe pra você sempre desse
jeito, porque assim você se sente amado. Você força o outro a fazer do
seu jeito para poder sentir-se feliz e amado. E se o outro não faz do
jeito que você quer, você fica infeliz. Isso não é felicidade, muito
menos amor. Se a sua felicidade depende do comportamento do outro, então
você não é feliz. A verdadeira felicidade vem de dentro.”
“Solo quedas satisfecho si el otro te mira de determinada manera.
Entonces intentas hacer que te mire siempre de esta manera, porque asíte
sientes amado. Fuerzas al otro a hacerlo a tu manera para que puedas
sentirte feliz y amado. Y si el otro no lo hace de la manera que
quieres, te sientes infeliz. Esto no es felicidad, y mucho menos amor.
Si tu felicidad depende delcomportamiento del otro, entonces no eres
feliz. La verdadera felicidad viene de adentro.”
"We often feel satisfaction when the other looks at us, but only if it's done in a particular way. We eventually start subtly 'forcing' the other to always look at us in that way so we feel loved and happy. If the other does not concede, we become unhappy – but this isn't happiness at all, much less is it love. If our happiness depends on the other's behavior, then we are not really happy. True happiness comes from within."
"We often feel satisfaction when the other looks at us, but only if it's done in a particular way. We eventually start subtly 'forcing' the other to always look at us in that way so we feel loved and happy. If the other does not concede, we become unhappy – but this isn't happiness at all, much less is it love. If our happiness depends on the other's behavior, then we are not really happy. True happiness comes from within."
Today's Daily Dharma: The Two Freedoms
The Two Freedoms
Friday, December 18, 2015
Today's Daily Dharma: A Useful Mind
A Useful Mind
Thursday, December 17, 2015
End of a Surreal Year
Earthquakes, floods, landslides, political messiness...
Three very dear women taken from us... two so suddenly that it left most of us
gasping... And yet, I now have a permanent visa, we have a permanent home in a
lovely city, and as the year ends, our son is about to present us with a
I am even more confirmed that all of us are
afraid, afraid for our lives, afraid for our fragile and corrupt crumbling
environments and infrastructures, and the political and social institutions
that seem to be incapable of resolving the problems that threaten to engulf us
all. So many are afraid that we are loosing the gains that we worked so hard to
achieve. I see that.
And yet...
And yet, I see so many people rising out of
this morass... Most notably, my team in Nepal, they lost hundreds of friends,
neighbors, family members and colleagues and yet are thriving... producing
research, checking in every day or so... all of this when the political
situation there is impossible. I see my students, colleagues and family members
here in Brasil that despite the rancor, and hateful dialogue, hug you, reach
out, open the door, say hello... I am grateful to my amigos in the States who
check in and share their jokes and love. I am deeply grateful and honored to
call you all friends, family, amigos!
What these trips and living abroad have
shown us is how now more than ever, just how very fragile everything is, and
yet at the same time, this fragility gives us the opportunity to see in people
we meet, such grace, such talent, such strength, such light! I am absolutely sure that we are all one
people. That we have so much, much, much more in common than what we perceive,
as are our curious differences.
This year, more than ever, has shown us
just how fragile things are, yet it is this light, that seems to shine in each
one of us, that allows us to give our humanity a chance. It is the hundred
little simple things we can all do to fight back, to not give into the
darkness, that gives us our humanity... opening a door, picking up some liter,
greeting your neighbors, showing up on time, giving a seat to someone else on
the bus, saying hello and smiling to everyone...
This is one of the best forms of protest, and the
best way I know that keeps the darkness at bay.
Each small act can and will become a butterfly effect…
Daniel Orey, Ph.D.
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 17/12/2015
“É de grande valia ampliar a percepção para tomar consciência do que te
isola do outro. Você perceberá que por trás da separação existe
julgamento, comparação e uma série de crenças que fazem com que você se
proteja e se mantenha isolado. Vá olhando para tudo isso, mas procure ir
mais fundo: encontre o núcleo, a origem dessa crenças, pois isso é o
que te impede de se unir – ao outro e ao seu próprio coração. Quando toca esse núcleo, você tem a chance de virar uma chave e de transformar completamente a sua vida.”
“Es de gran valor ampliar la percepción para tomar conciencia de lo que
te aísladel otro. Te darás cuentade que por detrás de la separación
existe juicio, comparación y una serie de creencias que hacen que te
protejas y te mantengas aislado. Anda mirando todo esto, pero trata de
ir más profundo: encuentra el núcleo, el origen de estas creencias, ya
que esto es lo que te impide unirte, al otro y a tu propio corazón.
Cuando tocas este núcleo, tienes la oportunidad de girar una llavey de
transformar completamentetu vida.”
"It is of great value to expand our perception and become aware of what isolates us from the other. We may notice that behind the separation exists judgment, comparison and a series of beliefs that make us seek to protect ourselves and remain isolated. Continue to observe this, but try to go deeper: find the core, the origin of these beliefs, as this is what prevents us from uniting with each other and with our own hearts. When we tap into this core, we have a chance to turn the key and completely transform our lives."
"It is of great value to expand our perception and become aware of what isolates us from the other. We may notice that behind the separation exists judgment, comparison and a series of beliefs that make us seek to protect ourselves and remain isolated. Continue to observe this, but try to go deeper: find the core, the origin of these beliefs, as this is what prevents us from uniting with each other and with our own hearts. When we tap into this core, we have a chance to turn the key and completely transform our lives."
Today's Daily Dharma: Teach by Example
Teach by Example
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Via New Civil Rights: Senator Challenges Pope To Rein In Cardinal Who Keeps Calling US Ambassador A 'F****t'
Democratic Senator Dick Durbin engaged in some international diplomacy this week to defend a gay American U.S. Ambassador.
Even before stepping on Dominican Republic soil, James "Wally" Brewster has been the target of anti-gay and ugly attacks by a Dominican Catholic Cardinal. Since his appointment as U.S.
Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Brewster, who married his husband the same day he was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden, has had to deal with homophobic attacks from the Catholic Church abroad.
Earlier this month, Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez (photo) said Ambassador Brewster should focus on homemaking, because he's married to a man.
"Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man," López Rodríguez told reporters after conducting mass.
In 2013, after discussing Brewster's appointment with reporters, López Rodríguez claimed the U.S.Ambassador would attempt to establish marriage for same-sex couples in the Dominican Republic. He then mockingly said we've been "talking about faggots and lesbians."
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, has had enough.
On Tuesday he penned a letter to Pope Francis asking His Holiness to rein in his homophobic cardinal.
"Even before Ambassador Brewster’s arrival in Santo Domingo in 2013, Cardinal Rodriguez launched a personal attack against him with public statements quoted in the popular press," Sen. Durbin's letter reads.
"Since your selection as Pope, you have shared a message of compassion, tolerance, and love," the Illinois Democrat writes, then artfully reminds the Pope of his address before Congress when he told them of their "responsibility to 'defend and preserve the dignity'" of our "'fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good.'"
"I accept that challenge and I am calling on you to ask nothing less of the hierarchy of the Church," Durbin requested.
Image by PresidenciaRD via Flickr and a CC licenseHat tip: Washington Blade
Even before stepping on Dominican Republic soil, James "Wally" Brewster has been the target of anti-gay and ugly attacks by a Dominican Catholic Cardinal. Since his appointment as U.S.
Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Brewster, who married his husband the same day he was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden, has had to deal with homophobic attacks from the Catholic Church abroad.
Earlier this month, Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez (photo) said Ambassador Brewster should focus on homemaking, because he's married to a man.
"Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man," López Rodríguez told reporters after conducting mass.
In 2013, after discussing Brewster's appointment with reporters, López Rodríguez claimed the U.S.Ambassador would attempt to establish marriage for same-sex couples in the Dominican Republic. He then mockingly said we've been "talking about faggots and lesbians."
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, has had enough.
On Tuesday he penned a letter to Pope Francis asking His Holiness to rein in his homophobic cardinal.
"Even before Ambassador Brewster’s arrival in Santo Domingo in 2013, Cardinal Rodriguez launched a personal attack against him with public statements quoted in the popular press," Sen. Durbin's letter reads.
The Cardinal used the hateful slur “faggot,” which he continues to use to this day. In a recent interview Cardinal Rodriguez again described the Ambassador as a “faggot” and falsely claimed the Ambassador was setting out to promote “faggotry” in the Dominican Republic. The Cardinal described the Ambassador as a “wife” who “should stick to housework.”Calling Cardinal López Rodriguez's comments "intolerant," Durbin observes the Catholic Church’s "teachings on gay marriage are well known but the Church also teaches us to show tolerance for those with different sexual orientations."
"Since your selection as Pope, you have shared a message of compassion, tolerance, and love," the Illinois Democrat writes, then artfully reminds the Pope of his address before Congress when he told them of their "responsibility to 'defend and preserve the dignity'" of our "'fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good.'"
"I accept that challenge and I am calling on you to ask nothing less of the hierarchy of the Church," Durbin requested.
Image by PresidenciaRD via Flickr and a CC licenseHat tip: Washington Blade
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor de dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 16/12/2015
“A falsa autoconfiança se baseia no controle. A pessoa tenta controlar
tudo o que acontece pois somente assim ela pode sentir-se segura. A
autêntica autoconfiança não depende de nada externo, ela vem de dentro.
Se você confia de verdade, tudo pode estar caindo lá fora, mas você
permanece o mesmo.”
“La falsa autoconfianza se basa en el control. La persona trata de controlar todo lo que sucede pues solo así puede sentirse segura. La auténtica autoconfianza no depende de nada externo, viene de adentro. Si confías de verdad, todo puede estar cayéndose afuera, pero sigues siendo el mismo.”
“La falsa autoconfianza se basa en el control. La persona trata de controlar todo lo que sucede pues solo así puede sentirse segura. La auténtica autoconfianza no depende de nada externo, viene de adentro. Si confías de verdad, todo puede estar cayéndose afuera, pero sigues siendo el mismo.”
“False self-confidence is based on control. The person tries to control
everything that happens because it’s the only way they can feel secure.
Authentic self-trust does not rely on anything external – it comes from
within. When someone truly trusts, regardless if everything is falling
apart on the outside, they simply remain the same.”
Today's Daily Dharma: Patterns of Body, Patterns of Mind
Patterns of Body, Patterns of Mind
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Via Lions Roar: Bhante Henepola Gunaratana on Vipassana Meditation
The Dhammapada, an ancient Buddhist text, says:
“What you are now is the result of what you were. What you will be tomorrow will be the result of what you are now. The consequences of an evil mind will follow you like the cart follows the ox that pulls it. The consequences of a purified mind will follow you like your own shadow. No one can do more for you than your own purified mind—no parent, no relative, no friend, no one. A well-disciplined mind brings happiness.”
“What you are now is the result of what you were. What you will be tomorrow will be the result of what you are now. The consequences of an evil mind will follow you like the cart follows the ox that pulls it. The consequences of a purified mind will follow you like your own shadow. No one can do more for you than your own purified mind—no parent, no relative, no friend, no one. A well-disciplined mind brings happiness.”
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