“El arte es una forma de oración. En general, el arte tiene el
potencial de señalarnos caminos, porque trabaja con el hemisferio
derecho del cerebro. El arte evoca la intuición que es la voz del
silencio, la forma en que el universo se comunica con nosotros. La
intuición también puede ser un agente alquímico que permite transformar
el veneno en néctar, pero esto dependerá de la intención y de la
conciencia involucrada en el proceso. Corresponde al artista aprender a
escuchar su intuición y dejarse guiar por ella.”
“Art is a form of prayer. It has the potential to show us the way on our path, because art is produced through the brain’s right hemisphere. Art evokes intuition, which is the voice of silence. This is how the Universe communicates with us. Intuition can also be an alchemical agent that transforms poison into nectar, but this depends on the intention and consciousness that were involved in the process. It’s up to the artist to learn how to listen to her own intuition and to allow herself to be guided by it.”
“Art is a form of prayer. It has the potential to show us the way on our path, because art is produced through the brain’s right hemisphere. Art evokes intuition, which is the voice of silence. This is how the Universe communicates with us. Intuition can also be an alchemical agent that transforms poison into nectar, but this depends on the intention and consciousness that were involved in the process. It’s up to the artist to learn how to listen to her own intuition and to allow herself to be guided by it.”