Sunday, April 7, 2019

Via Buddhist Cheat Sheet 2.0 (minimal edition)

Via JustaBahai: Is it better to walk away?

When a gay friend wrote:

“My energy could be better served not fighting for inclusion but by focusing on doing good works. I’m starting to see why many people just give up on God completely and decide that, dogma, worship and religious labels get in the way of working towards creating a better world. A world that doesn’t exclude or hurt people.“

I was reminded of ‘Abdul-Baha who said that if religion is not a cause of love and unity then it better not to have a religion. [footnote 1] Some have suggested to me that it is always better to walk away, that unity is most important. I don’t think Baha’u’llah nor ‘Abdul-Baha intended their teachings to be a mouthpiece for the majority. I think Baha’u’llah was serious when he said that ” [t]he best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice” [Hidden Words] but more importantly I think any community, religious or not, needs to value diversity because of the fresh inputs diverse people bring. If those from minority backgrounds are to have a voice, those from a majority perspective need to make it clear that there is ‘space’ for them in their community. In my view, it isn’t about tolerance or sympathy or looking good, but about developing a community where diversity is valued. Diversity doesn’t just happen, it needs to be worked at just as many Baha’i communities have and do work at racial diversity.

I think most Baha’is care very deeply about the importance of diversity, except, it seems, when it comes to our gay and lesbian brothers. I am often told that there is no such thing as a “LGBTQ” voice because we are all one. We are all equal. I agree with the sentiment but by ‘voice’ I mean a particular perspective on the world and society that is different to a majority voice.

I am a human being first and this means acknowledging others as equals, acknowledging that their differing perspectives are of value, however odd or ‘wrong’ they might seem to me personally.

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - April 7, 2019 💌

When you have your game all together, and there is still a yearning inside of you, and you say "I don't understand why I'm still unhappy, I've got it all." Well, that yearning is your ticket to spiritual awakening.

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Perfect Wisdom

Wisdom has to do with seeing clearly, seeing things as they are, that is, coming to terms with the way things are. “Perfect seeing” is one translation of vipassana.

—Larry Rosenberg, “Death Awareness

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Via Tumblr: Yo creo en la cura de las personas homosexuales

Yo creo en la CURA de las personas GAY. 

¿Sabes cuándo esa cura ocurre?

Cuando el padre pide que el hijo le dé un beso a su novio para sacarles una foto.

Cuando el nieto le pregunta a la abuela: “¿Que harías si trajese mi novio a tu casa?” Y ella responde: "Café”.

O cuando alguien pregunta: “¿Qué piensas de que un hombre se casa con otro hombre o si una mujer se casa con otra mujer?” Y le responden: “Que va a estar buena la pachanga”.

La cura ocurrirá por completo cuando la culpa inculcada desaparezca y el amor incondicional sea infinito.

Cuando el SER prevalezca sobre la sexualidad. Cuando la felicidad sea alcanzada sin miedo. Cuando sea posible ser feliz sin pensar en el “pecado”. Cuando prevalezca la tolerancia.

La cura vendrá cuando el peso de las críticas pueda ser finalmente retirado, cuando se acabe el sentimiento de ser un “extraño” en tu familia y en la sociedad, cuando todos amemos a todos y a todo por igual sin importar lo que son o prefieren ser, cuando no temas por ser asesinado por alguien que no entiende que tu también puedes ser libre, cuando el mundo aplique el sentido real de la palabra “RESPETO”.

De esa cura es de la que necesitamos todos.

Porque cuando aceptamos que el otro sea… simplemente sea, y lo dejamos SER de la manera que quiere SER, es el momento en el que el mundo se vuelve más fácil y más amoroso.

Así que ya sabemos la cura 😉💛💚💙🧡🧡💜

Friday, April 5, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: Building our Practice

With a strong foundation in how to practice meditation, we can begin to live in a way that enables us to respect ourselves, to be calm rather than anxious, and to offer caring attention to others instead of being held back by notions of separation.

—Sharon Salzberg, “Sticking With It

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - April 3, 2019 💌

If we’re going to be free, we’re going to be free about the preoccupation with our worldly conditions. It doesn’t mean we won’t notice them, it doesn’t mean we won’t try to optimize them. The question is: how much emotional, attached mind are we investing in optimizing them?  

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: A Greater Vision

The force needed to empower wisdom is compassion. Both wisdom and compassion shift our sense of identity away from ourselves toward the wider human, biotic, and cosmic community to which we belong.

—Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, “The Need of the Hour

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: Embrace It All

Meditation practice should always be inclusive and workable. A wholehearted, mindful embrace of everything that arises in your mind is the only path to true freedom. It is critical that all thoughts be included in meditation practice.

A prática da meditação deve ser sempre inclusiva e viável. Um abraço sincero e atento de tudo o que surge em sua mente é o único caminho para a verdadeira liberdade. É essencial que todos os pensamentos sejam incluídos na prática da meditação.

—Interview with Gavin Harrison, “When Inspiration Strikes

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - March 31, 2019 💌

The interesting question is, how do you put yourself in a position so that you can allow ‘what is’ to be. The enemy turns out to be the creation of mind. Because when you are just in the moment, doing what you are doing, there is no fear. The fear is when you stand back to think about it. The fear is not in the actions. The fear is in the thought about the actions. 

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: A Celebration of Joy

Sympathetic joy is a heartfelt gratification that accompanies the awareness of another’s well-being. It’s a joy entirely devoid of expectations. Instead, it carries one of life’s greatest pleasures: celebrating the happiness of others.

—Ellen Agler, “In the Spirit of Service

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: How To Save Ourselves

Changing ourselves involves learning how to develop those states, behaviors, and dispositions that are healthy, while allowing the unhealthy ones to atrophy from neglect… Generosity, kindness, and wisdom can save us from ourselves.

—Andrew Olendzki, “Turning the Corner

Friday, March 29, 2019


I worked on the equal marriage campaign and came across many homophobes in the process; dealing with homophobes will similarly come into account with this campaign. Thus, how do you handle bigotry? If it’s a question of psychology, you get to the facts and personal experiences (if you have them as an lgbtq individual or family/friend-of), if it’s religion you trade bible verses.
If anyone has anything to add be sure to do so in the comments.
First determine if the person is coming from a psychological or religious point of view.
History: Same-sex attraction was ORIGINALLY considered a mental illness. However, due to further scientific and psychological studies the American Psychiatric Association (APA) declared in 1973 that it NOT a mental illness. Since then, the top psychiatric institutes in the United States agree.
Can it be changed: No. Conversion therapy has not been found to work since one cannot change their sexual orientation. A person with same-sex attraction cannot turn straight any more than a straight person can become someone with same-sex attraction. This form of therapy has only been found to cause suicidal and at-risk behavior due to ingraining self-hate.
Do people choose it: Never. People with same-sex attraction are born that way. Many with same-sex attraction initially try to deny it and “pray it away” due to knowing the stigmas and lack of acceptance that it will bring to their life. Nobody chooses to lose their friends and family.
History: Right-Wing love to fall back on religion when it comes to same-sex attraction. Their favorite bible verse is “You shall not lie with a male as with women; it is an abomination” Leviticus 18 and 20.
Here’s some bible verses for you to use:
“Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3:11-13
“Let no doubt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8-10
“I grieve for you, Jonathan, my brother; you were dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.” Samuel 1:26 (yep, that’s right – the biblical story of Goliath slayer David and King Saul’s son may have purposeful same-sex attraction undertones).
Here’s a scene from ‘Shameless’ that you can use for inspiration:
In addition, the biblical phrases that the Right-Wing point to are historically unfounded. All of these lines are not about love – they’re all about historic overindulgence and over-sexualization rather than about the love that two men share. Their lines lack historical context.
For more information visit this articles:
No, there isn’t; but you might come across somebody who thinks Pete is just another piece in their mythologized “gay agenda” so let’s break it down.
Do LGBTQ people want special rights? No, we just want equal rights - it’d help to know some of the statistics concerning LGBT discrimination which can be found here:
What is this “gay agenda” - well, it’s the belief that we in the LGBTQ community want to turn everyone gay, that we’re teaching our ways in schools, and that we’re taking over the media.
If the person says we want to turn everyone gay - remind them that people are born with same-sex attraction and that people can’t be turned.
If the person says we are in charge of schools and education - remind them of the discrimination LGBTQ students still face at school - the simple act of coming out could lead to being kicked out and many can’t attend prom with their boyfriend or girlfriend.
If the person says we’re taking over the media - remind them that there is still very little LGBTQ representation in film and on TV. It was ONLY in 2018 that one of the big film studios WIDELY released a teenage gay romantic film - it’s notable because it’s the only one of its kind. There are no shows on public TV today (at least to my knowledge) with an LGBTQ protagonist. If anything, the LGBTQ community is noticeably underrepresented.
Interesting side note “the Gay Agenda” is the Right-Wing blaming the LGBTQ community for everything they do to us: Conversion therapy, kicking out and banning LGBTQ students, and an overwhelming majority of media characters are 100% straight.
In other words, this is an easy notion to combat just by asking for examples.
“One shouldn’t care what one does in their bedrooms” – saying this simply could accidentally imply that you agree with the other person’s homophobic views and you just don’t think those views are important as the person that you’re discussing with.
“Love the sinner, hate the sin” – this is a more controversial statement: many in the LGBTQ community, myself included do not like this phrase since it indicates the person still thinks we’re in the wrong rather than acting in accordance to how God made us.