A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Mindfulness and Concentration: Establishing Mindfulness of Mind and Abiding in the Third Jhāna
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Via Daily Dharma: The Fifth Precept
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Via Esther Perel // A Translation
Tenha o cuidado em separar as pessoas das políticas de seus governos. Tenha o cuidado de separar as pessoas das ações dos terroristas que vivem entre elas.
Tenha cuidado para não reduzir a história e o contexto a uma interpretação restrita. Tenha cuidado para não evitar a complexidade e as nuances em prol da memeificação.
Tenha o cuidado em reconhecer que a dor de um lado não significa ódio ao outro lado. Tenha o cuidado em compreender que o apoio a um lado não significa ódio ao outro lado.
Tenha cuidado com a manipulação em nível de massa: desinformação e a negação da perda. Tenha cuidado para não descartar a dor excruciante e real dos outros.
Não torne as coisas piores. Tenha cuidado para não dizer coisas online que você não diria para alguém na vida real. Tenha cuidado para não adicionar ódio ao ódio, pois estamos todos sendo esmagados sob o seu peso crescente.
Tenha cuidado para não perder a empatia por aqueles de quem você discorda. Tenha cuidado para não desumanizar os outros, pois fazer isso desumaniza você.
Não perca o contato com as suas partes que você mais precisa: Sua compaixão. Sua humanidade. Seu cuidado.
Via [GBF] Opening the Heart to Joy & Sorrow - with Danadasa
A new dharma talk has been added to our website and podcast:
Via Listen to this week’s podcasts from the Be Here Now Network
Thank you for listening to our podcasts every week! We truly appreciate your support. Here are the episodes that went out this week. Listen now to our most recent episodes! View this email in your web browser. Raghu Markus – Mindrolling – Ep. 513 – Practicing Paramitas with Tenzin Palmo October 20, 2023 “During our daily life, we have so much opportunity to practice. To practice being generous, to practice being patient in the face of other...
Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Effort: Developing Unarisen Healthy States
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Via Daily Dharma: Each Moment is Enough
Via FB //
Via White Crane Institute //
FAYGELE BENMIRIAM, was born on this day (d:2000) . A Seattle civil-service worker who made news in 1972 when he lost his job because he was gay, but who in 1978 convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to vacate the firing, wore his beliefs proudly. An ardent crusader for gay, racial and religious rights, he organized national men's meetings and took part in the 1987 Lesbian and Gay March on Washington, D.C.
He helped found Seattle's Gay Community Social Services, which opened the Gay Community Center and produced the first gay country-music album, "Lavender Country."
In 1971, with then-partner Paul Barwick, he was part of the first King County couple to apply for - and be denied - a license to marry someone of the same sex.
"Faygele never looked at things from a standardized viewpoint," said friend Duane West, who in the 1970s marched with benMiriam at an anti-gay-harassment rally at the home of Seattle police Chief George Tielsch. "From the early days he and others did a lot of work, and now police march in gay-pride parades."
Born John Singer in New York, Mr. benMiriam in 1973 changed his first name to Faygele — Yiddish for "little bird" and "gay person." He changed his surname to benMiriam — "son of Miriam."
Even in childhood he was an activist. He refused to pray with the rest of his class at public school in the 1950s. He attended several colleges, served as a Vista volunteer for civil-rights causes in the mid-1960s, applied for conscientious-objector status and served as an Army medic in Germany.
In 1970 he earned a liberal arts degree at City College of New York. He worked in a San Francisco bank before moving to Seattle. He got a job as a clerk-typist with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 1971, openly declaring his homosexuality. He got excellent work reviews but wore capes and dresses to work and was fired a year later. The American Civil Liberties Union took his case and they pursued it up to the Supreme Court.
The high court vacated his firing and ordered the Civil Rights Commission to reconsider in light of new federal civil-service regulations of 1975. Those regulations require that people not be disqualified from federal employment solely on the basis of sexual preference.
Mr. benMiriam got back pay but chose to work for the U.S. Department of Labor, from which he retired in 1995. He served on the National Board of the New Jewish Agenda, worked with the International Jewish Peace Union and was active in Kadima of Seattle. He loved baking and knitting gifts for others.
Faygele benMiriam died of lung cancer.
|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8 Gay Wisdom for Daily Living from White Crane Institute "With the increasing commodification of gay news, views, and culture by powerful corporate interests, having a strong independent voice in our community is all the more important. White Crane is one of the last brave standouts in this bland new world... a triumph over the looming mediocrity of the mainstream Gay world." - Mark Thompson Exploring Gay Wisdom & Culture since 1989! |8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8|O|8 |
Friday, October 20, 2023
IQBC - What it Means to Me | International Queer Buddhist Conference
International Queer Buddhist Conference October 27th, 2023 at 9:00am ET Online Lama Rod will offer the keynote on Real Change in Times of Apocalypse at the 3rd annual IQBC, founded by Dr. Jampa Wurst with the mission to create a safe space for all 2SLGBTQIA+ people. The virtual conference also includes music, film, art/drawing, social gatherings, and more. |