Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit to the Jade Buddha for Universal Peace at the Kim Quang Temple - Sacramento

Joe's Weekly Message
Dear Daniel, 

As LGBT people and straight allies observed National Coming Out Day, the so-called National Organization "for" Marriage proved that it's never too early to start celebrating Halloween. And what better way to do so than a masquerade? 

The fringe group, which is known for funneling millions of dollars into anti-LGBT ballot initiatives and anti-equality candidates, also maintains a non-profit arm, the "Ruth Institute," to conduct what passes for education work in their eyes (for the truth about LGBT people and our families, visit our website). 

Under section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code, non-profit groups have the privilege of not paying taxes and allowing their donors to deduct their contributions on their individual tax returns. However, in exchange for this privileged tax-exempt status, they cannot endorse or oppose candidates for elected office and must stick to a charitable mission (or, in the Ruth Institute's case, misinformation campaigns). 

As it turns out, the non-profit arm of our favorite falsehood machine is a political entity masquerading as a charitable group. The Ruth Institute is dedicating staff and resources to political campaigns, including:
  • Campaigning to defeat Iowa Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of marriage equality;
  • Campaigning for Carly Fiorina, the anti-LGBT candidate running for Barbara Boxer's U.S. senate seat, including the Institute's president appearing at pro-Fiorina rallies;
  • Participating in California judicial elections.
All of these actions violate federal law. 

Working with the Courage Campaign, we are breaking up their costume party. This week, HRC and the Courage Campaign filed a complaint with the IRS, urging them to investigate the Ruth Institute's illegal political campaign activity, revoke its tax-exempt status and issue an injunction to prevent the Ruth Institute or the NOM Education Fund from committing violations in the future. You can read our release and the full complaint here.
It seems that once again, the National Organization "for" (against our) Marriage prefers politics to education. This year they ought to take a lesson from all of the brave LGBT Americans who live open and honest lives in spite of the lies that groups like NOM throw at us.

Thanks so much.

Joe Solmonese
Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign

Via JMG: Feds: You Can Buy Health Insurance For Your Poodle, But Not For Your Partner

All my listservs are blowing up this afternoon with the news that while LGBT federal employees may not purchase health insurance for their partners (thanks to DOMA), they can buy health insurance for their pets. Members of the Federal Employees Health Benefits plan received the below ad today.HRC's Joe Solmonese goes off via press release:
"Current law puts federal workers' parrots ahead of their partners," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "It is time for Congress to act to put people first and extend health care benefits equally to all of their employees." [snip] In fact, 57% of Fortune 500 companies offer domestic partner benefits to their employees. HRC is not aware of any statistics regarding pet insurance offerings by the Fortune 500. The President has instructed federal agencies to "conduct a thorough review of the benefits they provide and to identify any that could be extended to LGBT employees and their partners and families" and some limited benefits have been extended. But because of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Congress must pass the Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act to extend critical health care benefits. The President has called on Congress to pass DPBO (S.1102 and H.R.2517) which has been passed in House and Senate committees but awaits floor action.

reposted from Joe

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

DADT Plaintiff Alexander Nicholson Speaks To Keith Olbermann

Joel Burns tells gay teens ' it gets better'

Via JMG: Washington Post Publishes Editorial From Mother Of Dead Bullied Gay Child

In response to widespread criticism for publishing an anti-gay editorial from Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, the Washington Post has posted a response from the mother of 11 year-old Carl Walker-Hoover, who took his life last year after relentless homophobic bullying. An excerpt:
I am a single mother and a devout Christian who had never been involved in advocacy work or politics. After my son died, and GLSEN reached out to me, some of my friends and family members expressed concern about the organization's work to address anti-gay bullying in school. They voiced religious opposition to GLSEN. Thanks to Tony Perkins' On Faith piece published yesterday, I don't have to repeat the arguments. Perkins' lays them all out practically word for word. And they're all wrong. [snip]

If schools perceive addressing anti-gay bullying as a controversial issue, then they'll continue the status quo of putting their heads in the sand and hoping the issue takes care of itself. It won't. And we need to be clear on one thing - addressing anti-gay bullying is not a controversial issue. If you move through the smoke screen organizations like Family Research Council try to create, you realize addressing anti-gay bullying is simply the right thing to do if we care about all of our young people.
Read the entire essay.

reposted from Joe

Perez Hilton Pledges to Be Kind on Ellen (2010-10-13)

Via JMG: Broadway Company of CHICAGO - It Gets Better

Via JMG: Another Bizarre Lie From Sarah Palin

Speaking to an quivering teabagger audience in Montgomery, Alabama, Sarah Palin said this:
"I tell Bristol, I am texting her and say 'Bristol'...and I wasn't kidding, I thought that this was a practical thing to do...'How about if Todd and I we load up all the kids in our motorhome and drive down, park on Rodeo Drive and we come to see you.' And I honestly didn't think that it was an unusual thing to suggest, that's what you do, a road trip. (...) But anyway, that's what we did, though, we parked a little bit further away from Rodeo Drive, and we got to watch Bristol."
Palingates did some fact-checking, noting that the 3375-mile drive from Wasilla to Los Angeles would take forever. And unless the Palin motorhome has a jet engine, there's no way she could have been in Los Angeles a mere two days after being photographed at her home in Alaska. Aaaand there's the pesky little fact of being seen on an Alaska Airlines flight to from Portland to Los Angeles on the day before the show. Oops!

Palingates makes the obvious conclusion: "The 'road trip' only existed in Sarah Palin's crazy mind - she shamelessly used this made-up story to impress her audience in Montgomery."

reposted from Joe

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rachel Maddow- Culture war shows GOPs true face

Via JMG: BREAKING: Federal Judge Orders Military To Suspend Enforcement Of DADT

This just in via Daily Kos: "U.S. district judge Virginia A. Phillips orders the Defense Department to 'immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding.'" Phillips' ruling regards the case brought by the Log Cabin Republicans.

Here's the text of the order:
1) DECLARES that the act known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" infringes the fundamental rights of United States servicemembers and prospective servicemembers and violates (a) the substantive due process rights guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and (b) the rights to freedom of speech and to petition the Government for redress of grievances guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

(2) PERMANENTLY ENJOINS Defendants United States of America and the Secretary of Defense, their agents, servants, officers, employees, and attorneys, and all persons acting in participation or concert with them or under their direction or command, from enforcing or applying the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Act and implementing regulations, against any person under their jurisdiction or command;

(3) ORDERS Defendants United States of America and the Secretary of Defense immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding, that may have been commenced under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Act, or pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 654 or its implementing regulations, on or prior to the date of this Judgment.

(4) GRANTS Plaintiff Log Cabin Republicans' request to apply for attorneys' fees pursuant to the Equal Access to Justice Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2412; and

(5) GRANTS Plaintiff Log Cabin Republicans' request to file a motion for costs of suit, to the extent allowed by law.
The Advocate notes:
In her order Phillips did not specify when the injunction would become effective. Justice Department attorneys have objected in court to the immediate halt of DADT enforcement and may appeal the injunction to the U.S. court of appeals for the ninth circuit.
Servicemembers United reacts via press release:
"This order from Judge Phillips is another historic and courageous step in the right direction, a step that Congress has been noticeably slow in taking," said Alexander Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemembers United and the sole named veteran plaintiff in the case along with the Log Cabin Republicans. "While this is certainly news to be celebrated, we would also advise caution in advance of a potential stay from the Ninth Circuit. If the appellate court wishes to put itself on the right side of history, however, it will allow this sound and long-over due decision to remain in effect."

The case that won the injunction, Log Cabin Republicans vs. United States of America, was originally filed in 2004. Just last month, and after a two-week trial in July, Judge Phillips issued her final ruling in the case, finding that the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law was unconstitutional on first and fifth amendment grounds. She also indicated her intent to issue an injunction barring further discharges in light of that finding. A copy of the injunction can be found at

reposted from Joe

Via Truthout: Federal Judge Bars Enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Igor Volsky, Think Progress: "Earlier today, Judge Virginia Phillip - the California federal judge who ruled that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell violated the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment and freedom of speech under the First Amendment - granted the Log Cabin Republican’s request for a broad injunction against further discharges."

Read the Article