Saturday, January 3, 2015

Via JMG: On Highsexuality

Dr. Marcie Bianco writes at
Does getting high make you a little gay? If so, you may just be a "highsexual." The term, ensconced in Urban Dictionary since 2009, made its way onto two Reddit forums in recent weeks as a way to describe the alleged phenomenon of participating in sex with someone of the same gender or having same-sex fantasies when getting incredibly high. But while perhaps not common parlance, these two threads — "Can LSD make you temporarily gay?" and "Weed makes me temporarily gay. Anyone else?" — are example of a phenomenon that's been around for awhile. It seems straight guys have wondered about "highsexuality" for a few years, given the plethora of online evidence. Are drugs the key to sexual fluidity in men? Responses in both Reddit threads exhibited an awareness of "highsexuality," as well as the fact that getting high makes you horny and just might lead to a more unconventional sexual encounter. But they also were encouraging in their acceptance of sexual fluidity.
Hit the link for examples from the Reddit threads.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Out & Proud Veterans of America / FB:

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 03/01/2015

“Para evoluirmos enquanto humanidade precisamos aperfeiçoar nossa capacidade de nos relacionar, ou seja, precisamos aprender a nos relacionar com o outro sem machucar. Esse é o nosso maior desafio. Nesse “outro” está inclusa a natureza, a nossa casa. Precisamos aprender a conviver em harmonia, preservando, não destruindo. Destruir é muito fácil. Cortar o tronco de uma árvore é simples, mas não é possível colocá-lo de volta. Estamos agora colhendo os frutos do que plantamos, ou melhor, do que não plantamos (destruímos). Estamos sendo convidados a rever nossas ações, nossos hábitos e condicionamentos, pois a forma como vivemos até agora não tem funcionado.”

“Para evolucionar como humanidad necesitamos perfeccionar nuestra capacidad de relacionarnos, es decir, precisamos aprender a relacionarnos con el otro sin lastimar. Este es nuestro mayor desafío. En este "otro" está incluida la naturaleza, nuestra casa. Precisamos aprender a convivir en armonía, preservando, no destruyendo. Destruir es muy fácil. Cortar el tronco de un árbol es simple, pero no es posible colocarlo de vuelta. Ahora estamos cosechando los frutos de lo que plantamos, o mejor dicho, de lo que no plantamos (destruimos). Estamos siendo invitados a revisar nuestras acciones, nuestros hábitos y condicionamientos, pues la forma como vivimos hasta ahora no viene funcionando.”

“In order for humanity to evolve, we need to improve our capacity to relate to others. We need to learn how to relate to others without hurting anyone. This is our greatest challenge. This ‘other’ also includes nature, which is our home. We need to learn to live with one another in harmony, by preserving and not destroying. It is very easy to destroy something: it’s simple to cut a tree trunk, but impossible to put it back together. We are now harvesting the fruit of what we planted - or rather of what we did not plant, but destroyed. We are being invited to reflect on our actions, our habits and conditioning, because the way we’ve been living until now hasn’t been working.”

Via Daily Dharma

Help Buddhism Evolve | January 3, 2015

Buddhist practice is a wonderful, very important expression of people's interest in something that goes beyond their own self-interest. It is a profound practice, a lineage practice. We actually have the capacity, and, in a sense, each of us has the responsibility—whether we know it or not or like it or not—to understand it. Study it. Practice it. Make it available to others. And in that way, this lineage can continue to be sustained and evolve and develop and be helpful.

- Myogen Steve Stücky, "To the Last Moment"

Friday, January 2, 2015

Via For Harriet / FB: Nina knew

Get "You've Got to Learn" by Nina Simone

Via Lizzy the Lezzy / FB:

Via Daily Dharma

Our Ability to Forgive | January 2, 2015

Our ability to forgive allows us to make space for our ability to meet suffering—our suffering as well as the suffering of others—with a kind heart.

- Gina Sharpe, "The Power of Forgiveness"

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 01/01/2015

“Awaken Love é um movimento que busca ancorar a consciência amorosa em todos os setores da sociedade através de seis valores: Honestidade - romper com a mentira em todas as suas manifestações; Autorresponsabilidade - ter coragem de assumir que você está onde se coloca, e dar fim ao jogo de acusações; Gentileza - sinônimo de não-violência, ou seja, não ferir o outro de maneira alguma. Dedicação - sinônimo de foco e direcionamento da força de vontade; renovar, renascer e recomeçar e cada instante; Serviço - colocar seus dons e talentos a serviço do bem comum; Beleza – uma expressão da essência amorosa que nos habita; ao manifestar esses valores você se torna belo, e passa a ser uma fonte de inspiração e reconexão para os outros.”

“Awaken Love es un movimiento que busca anclar la conciencia amorosa en todos los sectores de la sociedad a través de seis valores: Honestidad - romper con la mentira en todas sus manifestaciones; Auto-responsabilidad - tener el coraje de asumir que estás donde te colocas y poner fin al juego de acusaciones; Gentileza - sinónimo de no violencia, es decir, no herir al otro en ninguna forma; Dedicación - sinónimo de foco y dirección de la fuerza de voluntad; renovar, renacer y recomenzar a cada instante; Servicio - poner tus dones y talentos al servicio del bien común; Belleza - una expresión de la esencia amorosa que habita en nosotros; al manifestar estos valores te vuelves bello y pasas a ser una fuente de inspiración y reconexión para los demás.”

“Authentic spiritual orientation is like a compass that helps you navigate “Awaken Love is a movement that aims to anchor a loving consciousness in all sectors of society through six values. Honesty means putting an end to all kinds of lies. Self-responsibility is having the courage to accept that you are where you put yourself and to end the blaming game. Kindness is synonymous with non-violence, and avoiding to hurt others in any way. Dedication requires focus and directing your willpower; it means constantly renewing yourself, being reborn and starting over. Service implies placing your gifts and talents at the service of the common good. Beauty is an expression of the loving essence within us. When you manifest these values, you become a beautiful source of inspiration and reconnection for others.”
- Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Out with the Old, In with the New | January 1st, 2015

The real purpose of Buddhist practice is to cut down your addictions and to correct your habitual patterns and this can be achieved as a layperson or as a monk or nun. That brings us to the question of Buddhist ethics—changing habitual patterns and getting rid of the old addictions, such as attachments, and replacing them with love, compassion, generosity, and patience. 

- Gelek Rinpoche, "A Lama for All Seasons"

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Via Daily Kos: It's Finally Official - Pope Francis Demotes Highest-Ranking US Cardinal Over LGBT Issues

attribution: None Specified

It's been in the news. Now it has been confirmed. As of this past weekend, Raymond Leo Burke, America's highest-ranking cardinal at the Vatican, was officially removed from the Vatican's Supreme Court, and demoted to chaplain of the Knights of Malta, where he will reign with much less responsibility. The ultra-Conservative and anti-gay cardinal, continuously challenges the jurisdiction of Pope Francis, and the Catholic Church's new receptive stance on homosexuality. 
 How ironic it is to find the demoted cardinal is from the United States. What does that say about America - that even the Catholic Church and a pope are ahead of so many anti-LGBT lawmakers and extremists in this country.

Weeks after taking office in 2013, Pope Francis asked, 'Who am I to judge?' speaking of the LGBT community. Since then, he has had great support for his progressive views, and of course, great opposition. Raymond Burke is one of the pope's strongest opponents. The 66 year-old Burke believes homosexuality is, 'always and everywhere wrong [and] evil,' and continuously questioned the authority of Pope Francis, now 77. Burke told Buzzfeed in October:
“The pope is not free to change the church’s teachings with regard to the immorality of homosexual acts or the insolubility of marriage or any other doctrine of the faith.”
Apparently the Pope is free, at minimum, to encourage change. This is one more reason why so many free-thinkers in America, and in other countries love Pope Francis. 
 Raymond Burke is also staunchly outspoken with his anti-choice views. He once protested well-known pro-choice advocate, Sheryl Crow, for performing at a benefit concert. Burke stated:
"A Catholic institution featuring a performer who promotes moral evil gives the impression that the church is somehow inconsistent in its teaching."
Many of us love these new Catholic Church 'inconsistencies,' Burke denounces. They represent the over-due distancing of archaic religious dogma that drove many people away from the church. As a pro-choice Liberal woman, I cannot end this diary, in good conscience, without conveying my hope that Pope Francis will vocally extend his progressive efforts to defend the reproductive rights of women, as well as women's position in the church. One step at a time. Meanwhile, here's to a great pope and a great man, who continues to be a breath of fresh air for many, many people around the world.

h/t Karen Hartjen

Originally posted to Leslie Salzillo on Mon Nov 10, 2014 at 09:23 AM PST.

Also republished by Street Prophets , LGBT Kos Community, and Anglican Kossacks.

Via Daily Kos / FB:

Via George Takei / FB:

Via Daily Dharma

Willingness to Investigate | December 31, 2014

When we are willing to investigate, with loving attention, the difficult feelings that come up in relationship to others, our happiness or unhappiness is less conditioned by how others behave.

- Narayan Liebenson Grady, "Questioning the Question"

Via Robert Reich / FB:

The Republican’s problem isn’t just Representative Michael Grimm resigning Congress after pleading guilty for tax evasion, or Steve Scalise, the 3rd-ranking House Republican, giving a speech at a White Nationalist hate group. It runs deeper. The radical right that now dominates the Republican Party disdains government and has no respect for equal rights. So it’s no surprise that some of the people it recruits won’t pay the taxes they owe or will give speeches at such forums. Grimm and Scalise aren’t just two rotten apples. I fear congressional Republicans have a barrel of them.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Via JMG: STUDY: Gays Less Likely To Divorce

Via Pink News:
Same-sex couples are more likely to have stable, long-lasting relationships than straight couples, according to a new study. Statistical research conducted by the Williams Institute at the University of California looked at data on the break-up of same-sex marriages and partnerships in New Hampshire, Vermont, California, DC, New Jersey, Washington and Wisconsin. The data showed that in New Hampshire and Vermont, 5.4% and 3.6% of marriages were terminated across the first four years of marriage equality. While these numbers seems high, it corresponds to an annual relationship termination rate of 1.1% – which is just over half the comparable mixed-sex divorce rate of 2%.
The study notes that in states that had already legalized same-sex marriage, the rate of gay nuptials increased after the demise of DOMA.

UPDATE: JMG reader Chris notes that the Washington Post has an issue with the study's methodology. 
Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: FLORIDA: City Of Fort Lauderdale Plans Beach Wedding For 100 Gay Couples

Via the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel:
The Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau plans to invite at least 100 couples from around the country and around the world to marry oceanside in a common ceremony sometime this winter, said Nicki Grossman, president of the Broward County tourism group in an interview. The 100 number also will honor Broward's 100th birthday celebration now underway. "We're going to pull out all the stops, just like a proud father does when their child marries," said Grossman, calling gay travelers "a very loyal and important part of our destination." The wedding extravaganza is just the first of many gay-marriage activities planned in Broward, a pioneer in promoting gay tourism. In 2013, more than 1.3 million LGBT travelers visited Broward and spent about $1.5 billion, accounting for about 10 percent of tourism in the county, Grossman said. And that counts only those who came on LGBT tours, attended gay events, responded to gay ads or in some way, self-identified as LGBT. "We believe that there are considerably more LGBT travelers than that" in Broward, Grossman said.
A date for the event has not yet been announced.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via The Hunger Site / FB:

Baha'i A Field Guide to the Faith by MrDonut

And some day I am bitter:

Product Details

  • Paperback: 134 pages
  • Publisher:; 1st edition (November 15, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 160725526X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1607255260
  • Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 5 x 0.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces
  • Average Customer Review: 1.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (1 customer review)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #9,699,281 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
  • Editorial Reviews


    Nancy Ellen Walker's first novel manuscript was 'inadvertently destroyed" some decades back by a Baha'i reviewer who condemned it for saying the Baha'i Faith's founder was "awesome." It started her thinking about the poet-god Baha'u'llah and the metaphor he created for his life: a prisoner and an exile. Today, that metaphor is strong in the Baha'i community, and Baha'i administration itself has taken on the role of pash and sultan. It drives its members into corridors of fear and submission to denial of conscience while presenting front populated by Ph.D.s and professionals who woo government and media for respectability. Emerging from the Baha'i organization was like getting a very slow divorce. It was challenged by Baha'i administrators who employed tactics of secrecy, silence, and slander to remove her from the community. Ultimately, Ms.Walker sees g Baha'i world administration (which begins in your neighborhood) as an attempt by Western Baha'is to imitate Sharia law - even though Islam regards the Baha'i Faith as a poseur religion. The opportunities for slavish worship and for unquestioned control of the worshipper's conscience thrive in this 'religion' that forbids its members to read material of its many "enemies" - those who stand for the right to read their own history, and worship as their conscience dictates. The Baha'i Faith has evolved in less than 200 years from the musings of a a disgruntled poet-aristocrat to an organization that is ready to claim kinship and supremacy over all other world religions. Ms.Walker finds its mighty claims and aims are the result of a long Perisan family feud that has squandered its resources to build a garden park on Mount Carmel and attempt control of the writings of its central and peripheral figures. The gravity and solemnity demanded by the Baha'is towards almost anything 'Baha'i' is the target of this book. Ms.Walker exposes with wit, satire, essay and images the futility of a few people to organize mankind into a collective. Thanks to the Internet she has explored the big empty spaces in Baha'i history. She tackled the 'forbidden' texts and sorted out the history Baha'is are forbidden to examine on pain of excommunication. What she found was real men and women who, whatever they thought of God, had very human needs, fears, and desires, and made very human choices to achieve their ends. Ms.Walker shows that the Baha'is have never refused to dress their heroes in something more than a human can bear, and it is the raiment they end up worshipping. The real founder, the man Husayn Ali, his sons, his family - are quite forgotten. This book brings them down from Mt.Carmel so we can see them as people just like us. One of the Baha'i catch phrases is "We Are One." Well, we ARE one, when we see each others' humanity and divinity without distinction. At such times it is impossible to mount character attacks and excommunication proceedings against anyone. We are one. This is the message of " Baha'i - A Field Guide to the Faith" by MrDonut. And why MrDonut? MrDonut is a companion cat who lends his name to the author in the same way Baha'is lend titles to real people: for distance, for removal of ego, for affection. --MrDonut 

    About the Author

    A late-blooming Bennington girl. Believes in pounding a guitar , blowing harmonicas, and looking for new keys with the local acoustic players. Always book-crazy. Looked deeply into many places for that Self and found it while committed to making her parents' last years some of their best. Now settling comfortably into Tao, sometimes called a state of grace. Her first published book 'Bahai A Field Guide to the Faith' is big medicine for a drooping soul. Her first novel manuscript was 'inadvertently destroyed" some decades back by a Baha'i reviewerwho objected to associating the word "awesome" with "Baha'u'llah", even though Mr.Baha'u'llah referred to himself in terms not unlike it. The Zen of it started her thinking about the poet-god Baha'u'llah and the metaphor he created for his life: a prisoner and an exile. Emerging from the Baha'i organization was like getting a very slow divorce, made easier by the fact that she was both officially shunned and unofficially excommunicated. Finally she was free to read the forbidden Things! She sees the vast and far-reaching Baha'i world administration (which begins in your neighborhood) ultimately as an attempt by Western Baha'is to imitate Sharia law - even though Islam regards the Baha'i Faith as a poseur religion. She sees the Baha'i Faith as an article of genuine human evolution, from a disgruntled aristocrat's musings to an organization that is ready to claim kinship and supremacy over all other world religions. She finds its mighty claims and aims are the result of a long Perisan family feud that has squandered its resources to build a garden park on Mount Carmel and attempt to bring under its control the lovers of the writings of its central and peripheral figures. 

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 30/12/2014

“Nos dias atuais a espiritualidade precisa ser prática. Isso significa aprender a se relacionar sem machucar a si mesmo e ao outro. Essa é a principal prática espiritual, o principal desafio para o ser humano nessa fase da jornada evolutiva. A espiritualidade prática também é sustentável, ou seja, ela integra e equilibra a vida espiritual com a vida material. Mosteiros, templos e ashrams continuam sendo centros sustentação da luz, mas a espiritualidade deve ser cultivada em todos os lugares, em todos os setores: ciência, saúde, educação, economia, politica, artes... Em tudo.” 
“Hoy en día la espiritualidad necesita ser práctica. Esto significa aprender a relacionarse sin herirse a uno mismo ni al otro. Esta es la principal práctica espiritual, el principal desafío para los seres humanos en esta fase del camino evolutivo. La espiritualidad práctica también es sustentable, es decir, ella integra y equilibra la vida espiritual con la vida material. Monasterios, templos y ashrams siguen siendo centros que sustentan la luz, pero la espiritualidad debe ser cultivada en todos los lugares, en todos los sectores: ciencia, salud, educación, economía, política, artes... En todo.”

“Nowadays, spirituality needs to be practical. This means learning how to relate to others without hurting them and without hurting yourself. This is the main spiritual practice and the main challenge for humans in this phase of the evolutionary journey. Spiritual practice is also meant to be sustainable – that is, it integrates spiritual and material life and creates balance between the two. Monasteries, temples and ashrams continue to be centers that sustain light, but spirituality must be cultivated in all places, and in all sectors: from science, health and education, to economics, politics and the arts. It's in everything.” 

- Sri Prem Baba