“Las técnicas y prácticas espirituales están al servicio de propiciar
serenidad mental. Pero una cosa es la técnica meditativa, y otra cosa es
la meditación. Cualquiera puede practicar técnicas, pero no todos
pueden entrar en estado de meditación. Este es un fenómeno que no se
domina, porque no está bajo la jurisdicción del ego. La técnica es una
elección del ego consciente, pero el fenómeno de ser arrebatado por lo
Divino está más allá de él. Puedes plantar semillas, pero no puedes
determinar cuando ellas brotarán.”
“Spiritual techniques and practices serve to make mental serenity possible. A meditative technique is different from meditation itself. Anyone can practice techniques, but not everyone can enter a state of meditation. This is a phenomenon that cannot be controlled, because it’s not under the jurisdiction of the ego. The technique is chosen by the conscious ego, but the phenomenon of being overtaken by the Divine happens beyond the ego. You can plant the seeds, but you cannot determine when they will sprout.”
“Spiritual techniques and practices serve to make mental serenity possible. A meditative technique is different from meditation itself. Anyone can practice techniques, but not everyone can enter a state of meditation. This is a phenomenon that cannot be controlled, because it’s not under the jurisdiction of the ego. The technique is chosen by the conscious ego, but the phenomenon of being overtaken by the Divine happens beyond the ego. You can plant the seeds, but you cannot determine when they will sprout.”