A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Today's Daily Dharma: Our Devotion to Transformation
Our Devotion to Transformation
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 03/11/2015
“Ninguém quer a guerra e a miséria, mas por que ainda existe tanta
guerra e tanta miséria no mundo? Porque neste planeta, de forma geral,
ainda existe muito prazer no sofrimento. Até pouco tempo atrás, as
pessoas facilmente se matavam e vibravam ao ver o sangue derramando.
Essa memória ainda está muito presente nas nossas células. Então, para
que possamos transformar o mundo e criar uma cultura de paz, precisamos
tomar consciência desse prazer e cortar os nós do apego ao sofrimento.”
“Nadie quiere guerra y miseria, pero ¿por qué todavía existe tanta
guerra y tanta miseria en el mundo? Porque en este planeta, de forma
general, todavía existe mucho placer en el sufrimiento. Hasta hace poco,
las personas fácilmente se mataban y vibraban al ver la sangre
derramando. Esta memoria todavía está muy presente en nuestras células.
Entonces, para que podamos transformar el mundo y crear una cultura de
paz, necesitamos tomar consciencia de este placer y cortar los nudos de
apego al sufrimiento.”
"No one wants war or misery, but why is there still so much of both in the world? They exist because people still feel so much pleasure in suffering. Not that long ago, people would all too easily kill one another, and even cheer over bloodshed. This memory is still present in our cells. In order for us to transform the world and create a culture of peace, we must become aware of this pleasure and cut away our knots of attachment to suffering."
Satsang completo:
"No one wants war or misery, but why is there still so much of both in the world? They exist because people still feel so much pleasure in suffering. Not that long ago, people would all too easily kill one another, and even cheer over bloodshed. This memory is still present in our cells. In order for us to transform the world and create a culture of peace, we must become aware of this pleasure and cut away our knots of attachment to suffering."
Satsang completo:
Monday, November 2, 2015
Via Fantástico: Pesquisa inédita traça o perfil do jovem brasileiro da Geração Y
Pesquisa inédita traça o perfil do jovem brasileiro da Geração Y
Jovens, que nasceram cercados por internet e conectados o tempo inteiro, cresceram. Eles têm entre 18 e 34 anos e são o futuro do Brasil.
Click aqui ara ver o video
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 02/11/2015
“Quando toma consciência do prazer que sustenta uma situação negativa
que se repete em sua vida, você começa a ver que existe um pacto de
vingança por trás dela. E como desfazer esse pacto com o mal? Conhecendo
o contrato e admitindo que o assinou.Enquanto não fizer isso e não
tiver coragem de rasgar o contrato, você estará à mercê dessas forças
negativas que sabotam sua felicidade. E quando você decide rasgar o
contrato, a outra parte reclama, pois
ela se alimentava do seu pagamento - sua energia vital, alegria e
liberdade. Nessa hora é preciso ter bons advogados e seguranças, ou
seja, firmeza na oração e na prática espiritual diária.”
“Cuando tomas consciencia del placer que sustenta una situación
negativa que se repite en tu vida, comienzas a ver que existe un pacto
de venganza detrás de ella. ¿Y cómo deshacer este pacto con el mal?
Conociendo el contrato y admitiendo que lo firmaste. Mientras no hagas
esto y no tengas el coraje de romper el contrato, estarás a merced de
esas fuerzas negativas que sabotean tu felicidad. Y cuando decides
romper el contrato, la otra parte te reclama, porque ella se alimentaba
de tu pago –tu energía vital, alegría y libertad-. En ese momento es
necesario tener buenos abogados y seguridad, o sea, firmeza en la
oración y en la práctica espiritual diaria.”
"When we become aware of the pleasure that sustains a repeating negative situation in our lives, we begin to see that it is fueled by a pact of revenge. And how can we undo a pact with evil? We begin by acknowledging it and admitting that we were the ones who signed the contract. Until we have the courage to tear up the contract, we will be at the mercy of these negative forces that sabotage our happiness. When we finally decide to tear up that contract, the other party complains because they were feeding off of our installment plan,payments in the form of our own vital energy, joy and freedom. At this time, it would be wise to have good'lawyers' and 'bodyguards,' which come through steadfast prayer and our daily spiritual practice."
"When we become aware of the pleasure that sustains a repeating negative situation in our lives, we begin to see that it is fueled by a pact of revenge. And how can we undo a pact with evil? We begin by acknowledging it and admitting that we were the ones who signed the contract. Until we have the courage to tear up the contract, we will be at the mercy of these negative forces that sabotage our happiness. When we finally decide to tear up that contract, the other party complains because they were feeding off of our installment plan,payments in the form of our own vital energy, joy and freedom. At this time, it would be wise to have good'lawyers' and 'bodyguards,' which come through steadfast prayer and our daily spiritual practice."
Today's Daily Dharma: Gently Bowing
Gently Bowing
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 30/10/2015
“Quando eu olho para uma pessoa não vejo se é homem ou mulher, muito
menos penso sobre qual é o seu partido político ou a sua religião. O que
eu vejo são almas. E observo se estão receptivas para receber as
sementes de amor. Tenho tentado plantar semente de amor em todos,
inclusive nos políticos, não importa de qual partido. Eu não me preocupo
com partidos, me preocupo em encontrar caminhos para melhorar a vida
das pessoas. Meu intento é acordar os
valores necessários em todos os seres humanos. Pessoas boas hoje, podem
se tornar más amanhã; e pessoas más hoje, podem se tornar boas amanhã.”
"Cuando miro a una persona no veo si es hombre o mujer, mucho menos
pienso sobre cuál es su partido político o su religión. Lo que veo son
almas. Y observo si están receptivas para recibir las semillas del amor.
Intento plantar semillas de amor en todos, incluso en los políticos,
no importa de que partido político. No me preocupo de los partidos, me
preocupo por encontrar caminos para mejorar la vida de las personas. Mi
intención es despertar los valores necesarios en todos los seres
humanos. Personas buenas hoy, pueden serlo aún más mañana, y las
personas malas hoy, pueden volverse buenas mañana."
“When I look at a person, I don’t judge whether they are a man or a woman, much less think about what political party or religion they are affiliated with. What I see is their soul. I observe whether or not they are receptive to receiving seeds of love. I have tried to plant seeds of love in everyone, including politicians, regardless of which party they are in. I do not care about political parties; I care about finding ways to improve people's lives. My intent is to awaken the values that are called for in all human beings. ‘Good’ people today can become ‘bad’ tomorrow; and people who are ‘bad’ today can become ‘good’ tomorrow. ”
Link para o Satsang completo:
“When I look at a person, I don’t judge whether they are a man or a woman, much less think about what political party or religion they are affiliated with. What I see is their soul. I observe whether or not they are receptive to receiving seeds of love. I have tried to plant seeds of love in everyone, including politicians, regardless of which party they are in. I do not care about political parties; I care about finding ways to improve people's lives. My intent is to awaken the values that are called for in all human beings. ‘Good’ people today can become ‘bad’ tomorrow; and people who are ‘bad’ today can become ‘good’ tomorrow. ”
Link para o Satsang completo:
Today's Daily Dharma: Overcoming Our Fear of Death
Overcoming Our Fear of Death
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Today's Daily Dharma: The Fundamental Aim
The Fundamental Aim
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Today's Daily Dharma: The Fruits of Solitude
The Fruits of Solitude
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 28/10/2015
“A água nos oferece muitos ensinamentos. Se você observá-la, verá que
ela jamais impõe a sua cor a nada ou a ninguém. Ela está sempre
recebendo todas as cores. Assim ela nos ensina sobre a aceitação e a
humildade; sobre a liberdade de fluir sem se apegar a nada. Ela nos
mostra caminhos para atravessarmos os grandes desafios dessa tão
desafiadora etapa da nossa jornada evolutiva.
“El agua nos ofrece muchas enseñanzas. Si la observas, verás que ella jamás impone su color a nada o a nadie. Está siempre recibiendo todos los colores. Así nos enseña sobre la aceptación y la humildad, sobre la libertad de fluir sin apegarse a nada. Nos muestra caminos para atravesar los grandes desafíos de esta tan desafiante etapa de nuestro camino evolutivo.”
“El agua nos ofrece muchas enseñanzas. Si la observas, verás que ella jamás impone su color a nada o a nadie. Está siempre recibiendo todos los colores. Así nos enseña sobre la aceptación y la humildad, sobre la libertad de fluir sin apegarse a nada. Nos muestra caminos para atravesar los grandes desafíos de esta tan desafiante etapa de nuestro camino evolutivo.”
"Water offers us many lessons. If you observe water, you’ll see that it
never imposes its color on anything or anyone. Water is always
receiving the colors of the world. It teaches us about acceptance and
humility; about the freedom of flowing without clinging to anything. It
shows us ways to cross the great challenges that come in this extremely
difficult stage of our evolutionary journey.”
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Today's Daily Dharma: We Must Act Now
We Must Act Now
Monday, October 26, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 26/10/2015
“A maior parte dos chamados ‘seres humanos’ ainda está transitando do
animal para o homem. O que caracteriza o estado de consciência animal é a
luta pela sobrevivência. Só é possível ancorar a consciência humana
quando deixamos de simplesmente buscar pela sobrevivência através da
satisfação de necessidades básicas e começamos a manifestar valores
humanos: cooperação, respeito, amor, verdade e assim por diante. E
somente quando consolidamos esses valores e ancoramos a consciência humana poderemos nos mover em direção à consciência divina.”
“La mayor parte de los llamados ‘seres humanos’ aún está transitando
del animal al hombre. Lo que caracteriza el estado de consciencia animal
es la lucha por la supervivencia. Solo es posible anclar la consciencia
humana cuando dejamos de simplemente buscar la supervivencia a través
de la satisfacción de necesidades básicas y comenzamos a manifestar
valores humanos: cooperación, respeto, amor, verdad y así en adelante. Y
solamente cuando consolidamos estos valores y anclamos la consciencia
humana podremos movernos en dirección a la consciencia divina.”
“At the deepest level, most of whom we refer to as 'human beings' are still transitioning from an animalistic consciousness to a truly human one. What characterizes the animal state of consciousness is the struggle for survival. We can only anchor human consciousness when we stop focusing exclusively on our own survival, needing to satisfy our most basic needs, and instead begin to manifest human values such as cooperation, respect, love, truth and so forth. Only when we unite these values and anchor human consciousness can we move toward divine consciousness."
“At the deepest level, most of whom we refer to as 'human beings' are still transitioning from an animalistic consciousness to a truly human one. What characterizes the animal state of consciousness is the struggle for survival. We can only anchor human consciousness when we stop focusing exclusively on our own survival, needing to satisfy our most basic needs, and instead begin to manifest human values such as cooperation, respect, love, truth and so forth. Only when we unite these values and anchor human consciousness can we move toward divine consciousness."
Today's Daily Dharma: Exchange Self and Other
Exchange Self and Other
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