seres humanos, incluso con tanta miseria y sufrimiento, continuamos
insistiendo en creer que todo se resume en dinero. Pero necesitamos
tener coraje para admitir que el paradigma materialista cayó. El
crecimiento económico no puede ser más el indicador para medir nuestro
desarrollo. El PBI no puede ser más el factor determinante de nuestro
éxito. El dinero es apenas uno de los aspectos de la vida. Es bueno
tener dinero, mientras que éste no cueste la destrucción del planeta.
Hoy no existe otra manera de salvar el planeta a no sea un cambio de
paradigma. Llegó el momento de ampliar nuestra visión, sin miedo de
hacer algo diferente, sin miedo de ser espirituales.”
"Us human beings, even with all our misery and suffering, continue to believe that everything boils down to money. However, we must have the courage to admit that the materialistic paradigm has collapsed. Economic growth can no longer be the index with which we measure our development. Gross National Product can no longer be the determining factor of our success. Money is only one aspect of life. It is good to have money, but not at the cost of destroying our planet. At this point in time, there is no other way to save the planet without a paradigm shift. It is time to broaden our vision and without being afraid to do things differently or to be spiritual."
"Us human beings, even with all our misery and suffering, continue to believe that everything boils down to money. However, we must have the courage to admit that the materialistic paradigm has collapsed. Economic growth can no longer be the index with which we measure our development. Gross National Product can no longer be the determining factor of our success. Money is only one aspect of life. It is good to have money, but not at the cost of destroying our planet. At this point in time, there is no other way to save the planet without a paradigm shift. It is time to broaden our vision and without being afraid to do things differently or to be spiritual."