“El niño nace amando y confiando; nace espontáneo y natural. Pero luego
aprende a sentir miedo, celos, envidia y odio, así como también aprende
a usar máscaras para agradar a los otros, para poder ser aceptado y
amado. Entonces, de a poco, se va distanciando de su esencia hasta que
llega un momento en el que sucede una división interna: se olvida
completamente de quién es y pasa a creer que es la máscara.”
“Children are born loving and trusting the world. They are born with the ability to be spontaneous and natural. But they soon learn how to feel fear, jealousy, envy and hatred, as well as how to use masks to please others so that they will be accepted and loved. Bit by bit, children get further and further away from their essence, until there comes a moment where an internal split occurs. The child completely forgets who they are, and starts to believe that they actually are their masks.”
“Children are born loving and trusting the world. They are born with the ability to be spontaneous and natural. But they soon learn how to feel fear, jealousy, envy and hatred, as well as how to use masks to please others so that they will be accepted and loved. Bit by bit, children get further and further away from their essence, until there comes a moment where an internal split occurs. The child completely forgets who they are, and starts to believe that they actually are their masks.”