“Puedes dejar la
familia para seguir un camino monástico, creyendo estar en búsqueda de
la iluminación, pero puedes estar solo intentado huir de tu
responsabilidad. Puedes no estar haciéndote cargo del aprendizaje que es
estar en ese lugar. Porque una cosa es sentarse a meditar dentro de una
caverna o en lo alto de la montaña; y otra cosa es meditar mientras
cambias el pañal del bebé. Una cosa es practicar yoga en la hora que te
plazca, otra es tener que levantarte de madrugada con el bebé llorando.
Tal vez la mejor práctica de yoga para ti sea estar en familia, pues es
allí que tu ego será constantemente provocado y tendrás la chance de
superar tus patrones negativos, es allí que aprenderás a sustentar la
presencia y el corazón abierto delante de los desafíos de la vida y
donde podrás ejercitar de verdad la renuncia y el perdón.”
“We may leave the family in order to follow a monastic path, believing that we are in search of enlightenment, whereas we are actually attempting to escape our responsibilities. We may not be taking into consideration the valuable lessons being given to us from this life experience. It is one thing to sit and meditate in a cave or on a mountaintop, but it is another thing to meditate while we are changing a diaper. It’s one thing to practice yoga at anytime we choose; it’s another to wake up in the middle of the night with a crying baby. Perhaps the best yoga practice is to be in a family, because it is precisely in this place that our egos will be constantly provoked and we get the chance to go beyond our negative patterns. From this point we learn to sustain presence and an open heart while facing life’s challenges. From here we can truly exercise renunciation and forgiveness.”
“We may leave the family in order to follow a monastic path, believing that we are in search of enlightenment, whereas we are actually attempting to escape our responsibilities. We may not be taking into consideration the valuable lessons being given to us from this life experience. It is one thing to sit and meditate in a cave or on a mountaintop, but it is another thing to meditate while we are changing a diaper. It’s one thing to practice yoga at anytime we choose; it’s another to wake up in the middle of the night with a crying baby. Perhaps the best yoga practice is to be in a family, because it is precisely in this place that our egos will be constantly provoked and we get the chance to go beyond our negative patterns. From this point we learn to sustain presence and an open heart while facing life’s challenges. From here we can truly exercise renunciation and forgiveness.”