“Lo que ocurre durante nuestros encuentros es un fenómeno: creamos
condiciones para que lo Divino se manifieste y proporcione el milagro de
la cura, del insight, de la apertura del corazón, del recuerdo de
quienes somos. A veces somos llevados a lugares de purificación, donde
nada parece encajarse, pero todo eso es parte del proceso de expansión
de la conciencia. Entonces, independientemente de las palabras, lo más
importante es la transmisión de energía. Esta es la esencia del juego
que llamamos satsang (encuentro con la verdad).”
"What happens during our encounters is a phenomenon: we create the conditions for the Divine to manifest and deliver the miracle of healing, insights, heart-openings, and the remembrance of who we are. Sometimes we are led to places of purification where nothing seems to fit in place, but it's all part of the process of expanding consciousness. Regardless of what words are spoken, what's truly important in these encounters is the energy transmission. This is the essence of the play we call satsang, an encounter with the truth.”
"What happens during our encounters is a phenomenon: we create the conditions for the Divine to manifest and deliver the miracle of healing, insights, heart-openings, and the remembrance of who we are. Sometimes we are led to places of purification where nothing seems to fit in place, but it's all part of the process of expanding consciousness. Regardless of what words are spoken, what's truly important in these encounters is the energy transmission. This is the essence of the play we call satsang, an encounter with the truth.”