Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Via JMG: Enormous Consequences

The Palm Center has launched Enormous Consequences, a website created in reaction to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' recent statement about the overturn of DADT.
Above is a clock with the running total of hours during which gays have been allowed to serve openly, as well as a chart with the number of reported consequences of the new policy. The Palm Center has submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for documentation on all negative consequences that result from the new policy.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG; Military Recruiters Told To Accept Gays

The Pentagon today told armed services recruiters to begin accepting openly gay men and women into the military.
Spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said Tuesday that top-level guidance has been issued to recruiting commands informing them that the military's "don't ask, don't tell" rule has been suspended for now. Recruiters also have been told to inform potential recruits that the moratorium could be reversed at any point.
Groups like Servicemembers United have cautioned those already serving not to come out until the DOJ's appeal is (hopefully) resolved in their favor.

reposted from Joe

Meet NOM

Via JMG: "Hang Them": Uganda Paper Publishes Names And Photos Of "Top 100 Homos"

CBS News today picked up on the story of a Uganda newspaper publishing the names and photos of the country's so-called "top 100 homos." The yellow banner under the headline reads "Hang Them!"
In the days since it was published, at least four gay Ugandans on the list have been attacked and many others are in hiding, according to rights activist Julian Onziema. One person named in the story had stones thrown at his house by neighbors. A lawmaker in this conservative African country introduced a bill a year ago that would have imposed the death penalty for some homosexual acts and life in prison for others. An international uproar ensued, and the bill was quietly shelved. But gays in Uganda say they have faced a year of harassment and attacks since the bill's introduction. The legislation was drawn up following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy they say allows gays to become heterosexual. "Before the introduction of the bill in parliament most people did not mind about our activities. But since then, we are harassed by many people who hate homosexuality," said Patrick Ndede, 27. "The publicity the bill got made many people come to know about us and they started mistreating us."
Box Turtle Bulletin, the leading U.S.-based blog for LGBT issues in Uganda, has been all over this story since it first broke on October 4th. BTB's Jim Burroway reports that many of the published photos were harvested from Gaydar and Facebook profiles. Last week BTB noted that Rolling Stone (unrelated to the U.S. music title) had been shut down by the government for reasons that may or may not be related to the "top 100 homos" issue.

reposted from Joe

Secretary Clinton: "Tomorrow Will Be Better"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ty - It Gets Better Project

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Jonathan Capehart

"Now, truth be told, with a stroke of a pen, Obama could end don't ask don't tell through a back-door maneuver such as a 'stop loss' order. Meaning all troops who come out or are revealed to be gay or lesbian would not be discharged. The rationale could be that because the nation is at war it needs every ready, willing and able servicemember. And it would be the single-most irresponsible action the president could take.

"Leave aside the antagonism it would create between the commander in chief and the armed forces. Think of the jeopardy Obama would put gay troops in if he did sign an executive order. Once such an order is signed, gay troops would be right to want to come out of the closet to finally live their lives honestly. Here's the problem: if Obama is defeated in 2012 or is succeeded by a Republican in 2016, the new president could rescind the order.

"If the ban, which is an act of Congress, has not been repealed by Congress by then, all those gay and lesbian troops who have come out would then be in violation of the law banning them from serving openly in the military. To please a base constituency in the short term Obama will have endangered the careers of gay troops in the long term." - Jonathan Capehart, writing for the Washington Post.

reposted from Joe

It Gets Better - A Message From The Sisters

On Dag Øistein Endsjø and Buddhist nuns...

My Dutch/Kiwi colleague, Sonja was kind to share the work of Dag Øistein Endsjø .  In looking at his work I came across the following quote: 

Few things cause more involvement, passion and zeal within a religious context than sex. While the Catholic Church in Spain generally remained perfectly calm during almost forty years of Franco’s systematic oppression of most of the most basic human rights, it immediately initiated demonstrations with hundreds of thousands of believers the very moment a democratically elected government suggested legalization of same-sex marriages. -Dag Øistein Endsjø

During the sitting last nite my mind wondered to the anger place (briefly... sigh) and before I brought myself back, I thought I should rewrite the above, so this morning, I rewrote it to say:

Few things cause more involvement, passion and zeal within a religious context than sex. While the Bahá’ís throughout the world remained silent during almost a half century of systematic oppression of most basic human rights in Latin America and other developing countries, it is now expelling it’s GLBT members, supports reparative therapy, and anti-gay legislation in Africa and South America; all this at the very moment that numerous democratically elected governments are suggesting legalization of same-sex marriages.

Last nite at SBMGArinna Weisman an absolutely amazing Buddhist nun led the sitting and gave the dharma talk.  She began by talking about privilege… she grew up in apartheid S. Africa. She talked about how automatically if you are white, Christian heterosexual, educated… it comes with free assumptions... vs  people of color, non-Christian, GLBT…  it was astonishing… as she talked to us about being a queer Buddhist nun… and the inequities found within the  Buddhist community.  

I cannot imagine any Bahá’í public figure talking so candidly about the inequities and about their  life in such a way.  It was respectful, it was refreshing and it was very honest.

One of my hurdles I am crossing related to organized religion is the thought of priests and ministers and teachers... last nite gave me chills, she was astonishing... reminding me of some sort of an oracle... questions, a pause... a profound answer... these people are smart, respectful and honor differences and science and law and ecology...  and are able to link it all to spiritual practice... she went on to talk about ridding ourselves of our anger towards those who repress us ( I still need time on this one).

I left feeling grateful for the dysfunctional homophobic Bahá’í Faith, for if it had not thrown me out, I would never had entered on this new deeply meaningful and liberating path. I am beginning to feel that 30 years of trying to work with the Bahá’ís has left me spiritually damaged, and very, very alone. Tho I have no intention of being a queer Buddhist nun ;-)  She left us thinking about how Buddhism is transforming itself once again because of its contact with the Americas… I cannot wait to see what it is like in Brasil.

Via JMG: Robert Gibbs On Obama's Process Of Ending DADT

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It Gets Better - Chris Kelly

Quote of the Day

Few things cause more involvement, passion and zeal within a religious context than sex. While the Catholic Church in Spain generally remained perfectly calm during almost forty years of Franco’s systematic oppression of most of the most basic human rights, it immediately initiated demonstrations with hundreds of thousands of believers the very moment a democratically elected government suggested legalization of same-sex marriages.

-Dag Øistein Endsjø

Sex and Religion - From Purity Balls to Sacred Homosexuality

Endsjø, Dag Øistein: Sex og religion
  Religion prohibits and orders sex, condemns and blesses, punishes and rewards. The gender of your sex partner, your marital status, the colour of your skin, your religion or caste are all factors that can lead you to redemption or perdition. Welcome to the sexual universe of religion.

While Christian teenage girls go to balls where they promise God that they will relinquish sex until they are married, Buddhist monks call attention to gay sex as a holy mystery. There is no simple key to the relation between sex and religion. While the sexual religious debate in Norway is centred on gay people’s place in church, others ask whether there should be death penalty for hetero sex, whether promiscuity leads to hurricanes and nuclear war, whether God condemns marriage between black and white and why some religious sex rules are emphasized while others are forgotten.

In SEX AND RELIGION, the author takes a closer look at the different religions’ attitude towards straight sex and gay sex, sex racism and daemon sex, duty sex and abstinence, oral sex, anal sex, divorce and bigamy. The book also covers what the religions say about the consequences of different types of sex, how sex is used ritually and notions of sex beyond the human existence.

Click here to download a translated excerpt
First published: 2009, Universitetsforlaget
Dag Øistein Endsjø: Biography and Bibliography

Upside down Teapartys and such

The Worker’s Party Candidate for President in Brasil, Dilma, just reversed her stand on GLBT rights (marriage) and abortion to please the Evangelicals / Catholics… the 3rd  runner up (with 25% of the vote) was a wacky Sarah Palinesque evangelical the PT threw out for her homophobia) its causing all hell to break out on blogs and lists in Brasil. The PT has been at the forefront of GLBT rights in Brasil, and now the more moderate candidate is the progressive one?

The other Candidate Serra (Democratic Socialist) has promised to sign a gay marriage bill…

It’s like an upside down teaparty in Brasil.  They really are modern now, it seems they have learned to play the GLBT and evangelical cards. I keep telling folks… the world does not need another USA.

After Prop 8 here, I have a deep distrust (if not prejudice, the Buddhist are helping me sand off the hatred) towards Baha’is, Mormons, Evangelicals and the Catholic Church (individual members not so much, but institutions yes). The Buddhist meditation is working, but I have a lot of work to go to develop a sense of compassion for these bigots…

The world is indeed very, very odd these days.

Via HimalayaCrafts:

On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.
(सिद्धार्थ गौतम)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Via HimalayaCrafts:

All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.
(सिद्धार्थ गौतम)

Via Bil Browning / Belirico: Just when you thought the gay agenda was complicated

Do you ever get frustrated with the seeming lack of planning around LGBT issues? Tired of the gay agenda looking more like a kindergarten drawing than a roadmap for success? 0439358078.jpgWeary of trying to decipher what the hell is really going on and how it all relates?
Author J.K. Rowling charts out the plots for all of her Harry Potter books and a page of the graph for her fifth book, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix, has been leaked to the public. After taking a peek at this (and trying to decipher her handwriting), you'll realize that the gay agenda has a lot of work to do to be as organized as a children's book about magic.
Maybe what our movement needs is a good Scourgify spell casting.
The chart is after the jump. You can clickety to embiggen.

It Gets Better

Via JMG: Feds Denounce Pet Insurance Story

In reference to the post several below this one, the Office Of Personnel Management has issued this statement:
"Stories claiming that the federal government offers pet insurance to federal employees, and juxtaposing that benefit with the fact that the federal government cannot under current law provide health insurance benefits to federal employees' domestic partners are grossly inaccurate. While Aetna is a participating carrier in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the pet insurance product offered by Aetna is not a federal benefit, nor has it been listed as a benefit in any OPM prepared or reviewed materials. Aetna, on its own initiative, offers a variety of discount products to its members, including gym memberships, weight loss programs, eyewear, vitamins, etc. Pet insurance is one of these products.

"Aetna has apologized for using the reference to FEHBP in its communication on this discount program. OPM regrets that Aetna's error is being cited by some as evidence that same-sex domestic partner health insurance benefits for federal employees are not a priority by OPM and the Administration. Nothing could be further from the truth.

"The Obama Administration believes in granting equal rights and benefits to gay and lesbian federal employees as demonstrated by the President's strong support of the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which will provide full benefits to same-sex partners of federal workers. The Director of OPM has testified in both the Senate and the House in favor of its passage."
(Via - Steve Rothaus @ Miami Herald)
reposted from Joe