“Al avanzar y profundizar en las prácticas espirituales,
inevitablemente comienzas a ver más claramente las actuaciones del yo
inferior. Es tu dedicación a la práctica espiritual lo que te da esta
visión clara. Por lo tanto, permanece atento para no caer en la trampa
de la mente que te hace creer que estás involucionando. Solo estás
pudiendo percibir cosas que antes no percibías, y la impresión es que la
sombra se está haciendo más grande, pero eso no es verdad.”
"By advancing and deepening in your spiritual practices, you inevitably begin to see the actions of the lower self more clearly. Your dedication to a spiritual practice gives you this clear vision. So be careful not to fall into the trap of the mind that makes you believe you are going backwards. You're just being able to perceive things now that you couldn’t see before. It may seem as though the shadow is getting bigger, but this is not true."
"By advancing and deepening in your spiritual practices, you inevitably begin to see the actions of the lower self more clearly. Your dedication to a spiritual practice gives you this clear vision. So be careful not to fall into the trap of the mind that makes you believe you are going backwards. You're just being able to perceive things now that you couldn’t see before. It may seem as though the shadow is getting bigger, but this is not true."