Monday, December 7, 2015

Via Andy Grammer / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 07/12/2015

“As distorções dos princípios vitais feminino e masculino, que se manifestam como agressividade e submissão, nascem da necessidade de retirar energia do outro. Energia significa amor – essa é a energia que alimenta o universo. O desamor é o que gera as distorções. Assim, a entidade humana, movida pelo desamor, passa a vida tentando conquistar o amor, mas tudo o que ela consegue é gerar mais desamor. O submisso gera mais ódio no agressivo porque ativa nele a violência do masculino distorcido; e o agressivo ativa ainda mais a submissão do feminino distorcido. Esse é o núcleo da guerra neste planeta.”

“Las distorsiones de los principios vitales femenino y masculino, que se manifiestan como agresividad y sumisión, nacen de la necesidad de retirar energía del otro. Energía significa amor - esta es la energía que alimenta al universo. El desamor es lo que genera distorsiones. Así, la entidad humana, movida por el desamor, se pasa la vida tratando de conquistar el amor, pero todo lo que consigue es generar más desamor. El sumiso genera más odio en el agresivo, porque activa en él la violencia del masculino distorsionado; y el agresivo activa aun más la sumisión del femenino distorsionado. Este es el núcleo de la guerra en este planeta.”

"The distorted masculine and feminine principles manifest as aggression and submission, and are born from the need to take energy from the other. Energy is love, and this energy feeds the Universe. A lack of love is what creates distortions. Thus, human beings moved by the lack of love spend their lives trying to get that love, but all they generate is more absence of love. A submissive person generates more hatred in an aggressive person because they activate the violence of the distorted masculine.In turn, an aggressive person activates even more submission of the distorted feminine. This is the nucleus of warfare on our planet."

Today's Daily Dharma: All There Is

All There Is
Wherever there is the death of one state of mind there is the birth of another, and linking the two there is bardo. The past has gone and the future has not yet come: we cannot catch that in-between moment, yet it is really all there is.
—Francesca Fremantle, "The Secret Life of the Street"
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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Via FB:

Coldplay Performs 'Adventure of a Lifetime'

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 06/12/2015

“A verdade é muito simples. A complexidade existe porque tentamos fugir da verdade. A mentira é muito complexa. Ela é a mais sutil e menos óbvia matriz do eu inferior. Ela se manifesta como autoengano – o autoengano da falsa ideia de eu. O sofrimento está sentado em cima da mentira, enquanto a verdade é a base para a alegria.”

“La verdad es muy simple. La complejidad existe porque intentamos huir de la verdad. La mentira es muy compleja. Es la más sutil y menos obvia matriz del yo inferior. Se manifiesta como autoengaño - el auto-engaño de la falsa idea de yo. El sufrimiento está sentado arriba de la mentira, mientras que la verdad es la base de la alegría.”

"The truth is very simple. Things become complicated when we try to escape the truth. Lies are very complex. Deceit is the most subtle and least obvious matrix of the lower self. Lies manifest as self-deception, which is the false idea of the self. Suffering comes from lies, whereas the truth is the foundation for joy."

Celebrate Togetherness

Home. Heart. Holiday. "The Homecoming"

Today's Daily Dharma: The Consequence of Forgetfulness

The Consequence of Forgetfulness
If we live in forgetfulness rather than in mindfulness—in a dream—we are creating violence without being aware of it. The way we live our daily lives and the way we consume creates a lot of suffering, a lot of injustice. We think it does not harm us, or others, but it can be very violent.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, "Waking Up the Nation"
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Today's Daily Dharma: Brave Enough to Be Unsure

Brave Enough to Be Unsure
Becoming intimate with the queasy feeling of being in the middle of nowhere only makes our hearts more tender. . . . By not knowing, not hoping to know, and not acting like we know what's happening, we begin to access our inner strength.
—Pema Chodron, "The In-between State"
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Friday, December 4, 2015

Bill Murray gives a surprising and meaningful answer you might not expect.

Via FreakOutNation / FB:

Via Evolver Social Movement / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day

“Liberdade significa não estar preso a absolutamente nada. Somente quando não está preso a nada é que você pode sustentar o êxtase, a alegria sem causa, o contentamento perene que não se abala com nada.”

“Libertad significa no estar atado a absolutamente nada. Solamente cuando no estás atado a nada es que puedes sustentar el éxtasis, la alegría sin causa, el contentamiento perenne que no se quiebra por nada.”

"Freedom means not being tied to absolutely anything. Only when one is no longer attached to anything can one sustain ecstasy, joy without cause and an enduring contentment that nothing can deter."

Today's Daily Dharma: Of Benefit to All

Of Benefit to All
There are a variety of skillful means and practices in Buddhism to awaken the wisdom and compassion at the core of who we really are. When our true nature is awakened, all our activities are spontaneously of benefit.
—Lama Palden, "The Gateway to Compassion"
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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Via Natural Cures Not Medicine / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día -Flower of the day 03/12/2015

“Deus está a seu favor, o universo está a seu favor, a vida está a seu favor – mesmo que, as vezes, as coisas não aconteçam do jeito que você quer, do jeito que você espera. Liberte-se de qualquer expectativa ou necessidade de segurança. Essa é a verdadeira liberdade.”

“Dios está a tu favor, el universo está a tu favor, la vida está a tu favor -incluso si, a veces, las cosas no suceden de la manera que quieres, de la manera que esperas. Libérate de cualquier expectativa o necesidad de seguridad. Esta es la verdadera libertad.”

"God is in your favor, the Universe is in your favor, and life is in your favor – even if, sometimes, things don’t happen the way you wanted or the way you expected. Free yourself of any expectations or need for security. This is true freedom."

Via FB:

Today's Daily Dharma: Our Own Beating Heart

Our Own Beating Heart
Any time we feel sorrow, any time we are touched by the suffering of another being, we reconnect with our own beating heart and the quality of lovingkindness. When empathy spontaneously arises, we sense the power of love as a blessing revealed by adversity.
—Judith L. Lief, "Welcome to the Real World"
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