“La paz es un fruto maduro del árbol de la consciencia. Y este árbol
necesita ser plantado y cultivado. Puedo transmitir instrumentos para
este cultivo, como el silencio y la repetición de mantras, pero la
experiencia de la paz, que es saborear la fruta, no es posible de
controlar. La mente humana no controla esta experiencia, es un
florecimiento. Tú preparas el campo, plantas las semillas y sigues
cultivando, pero no sabes cuándo va a dar frutos el árbol.”
“Peace is the ripened fruit of the tree of consciousness. This tree needs to be planted and cultivated, and I can provide the tools for this planting such as silence and the repetition of mantras. However, the experience of peace, which is when we actually taste this fruit, cannot be predetermined. The human mind does not control when this experience will happen: it is a blossoming. We prepare the field, plant the seeds, and continue farming, but we don’t know when the tree will bear fruit.”
“Peace is the ripened fruit of the tree of consciousness. This tree needs to be planted and cultivated, and I can provide the tools for this planting such as silence and the repetition of mantras. However, the experience of peace, which is when we actually taste this fruit, cannot be predetermined. The human mind does not control when this experience will happen: it is a blossoming. We prepare the field, plant the seeds, and continue farming, but we don’t know when the tree will bear fruit.”