“Toda la vida se mueve en dirección a la unión, por eso el aislamiento
es un estado extremadamente nocivo. Este genera una serie de disturbios y
perturbaciones que hacen de ti un prisionero del laberinto de la mente.
Si tu espíritu se mueve en dirección a la unión, pero tu mente
condicionada, creyendo que la sociedad es enemiga, hace que te aísles y
crees barreras para la unión, esto genera una contradicción interna: son
dos fuerzas moviéndose en direcciones opuestas dentro tuyo. Y
dependiendo de la intensidad de esas fuerzas, puedes ser descuartizado y
sentirte completamente impotente.”
“All of life moves towards union; for this reason, isolation is harmful. Isolation creates a series of disturbances and disorders that make us a prisoner of the labyrinth of the mind. If our spirit wants to move towards union, but our conditioned mind believes society is the enemy and makes us isolate ourselves and create barriers against union, then we suffer an internal conflict. These two forces move in completely opposite directions within us. Depending on the intensity of these forces, we may find ourselves utterly divided and feeling completely helpless.”
“All of life moves towards union; for this reason, isolation is harmful. Isolation creates a series of disturbances and disorders that make us a prisoner of the labyrinth of the mind. If our spirit wants to move towards union, but our conditioned mind believes society is the enemy and makes us isolate ourselves and create barriers against union, then we suffer an internal conflict. These two forces move in completely opposite directions within us. Depending on the intensity of these forces, we may find ourselves utterly divided and feeling completely helpless.”