20th Anniversary Daylong Celebration
This is a reminder that the SFLGBT Sangha is celebrating our 20th Anniversary of Buddhist practice in Queer community on Saturday, June 18th from 10am-5pm at the SF Buddhist Center at 37 Bartlett Street in San Francisco or virtually via Zoom. We’d love to see you!
- Please register here by Wednesday, June 15th at 11:59pm if you plan to join in-person so we can provide lunch.
- If you would like to attend virtually, please find the Zoom meeting info below.
COVID Considerations: Evidence of vaccinations will be required for in-person attendees. We will be doing our best to social distance. Wearing a KN95 or N95 mask over mouth and nose will be mandatory except during lunch. (We will provide masks if you do not have one.) Please do a rapid-test prior to arriving.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 844 085 275
Password: 948743
One tap mobile:
+16699009128, (San Francisco)
+ 844085275# US
Feel free to share the meeting ID, password, and link with anyone you know who may be interested in joining the daylong.
We hope you can join us!